
I declare war on you all!The fourth great ninja war

The next few days were quite peaceful for both Leon and Nathan.Nobody really bothered them well besides a few thugs here and there but they were quickly dealt with by leon who chucked them far away.When that happened Nathan would pull a large sign from his sweater that has a "10 out of 10" on it but he would go check if the thugs were okay as he was still worried about them.No body knew how but nathan was able to befriend the thugs and was able to convince them to change their ways.Leon was confused but he was able to remember a story that his King's brother fredrick told him.Leon remembers that one day his king and fredrick went to a weird brother place and his king put the place out of order by convincing the young maidens to work somewhere else.He also remembers that his king showed the maidens pictures of his family to the maidens.

Leon doesn't know if he should be proud for his King's self restraint and keeping his chastity or disappointed that his king was a bit too dense.Sigh it was going to be very difficult to find a good maiden for his kin-...Wait what about that young maiden at the bar?There does seem to be a connection well a one sided connection but it could develop into something more.That fair maiden is more then worthy as she knows what nathan and his family are plus she puts up with sir fredrick.Even though she knows fully well on who he really is so maybe if he could...

Unaware of Leon's thoughts Nathan ran over to him with a happy smile on his face and 30 world dollars in his hand.Nathan says "Oi Leon check it out the thugs gave me 30 world dollars since i was the first person to be so nice them.Isn't this place amazing?Now we can go get something to eat instead of having to look through trash cans though i really love the leftovers made by that bakery."Nathan licked his lips at the memory of eating the garbage from the bakery they found not too far away.Leon replied sternly "Sir I am forever grateful for your considerations towards me but I must decline.I much rather that you eat and keep your strength and i am not that hungry either."As if in que his stomach started to growls which baffled Nathan a little since Leon is an undead but he shrugged it off as that isn't the weirdest thing he has seen before.

In the shadows the two were being watched and their every move was being taken note of but they were quite confused by what was happening.They do not know if it was a ploy to lower their guard or if these two were...well they couldn't make what they were.They have seen the one called nathan eat garbage as if it was a five star dish and the one called leon always stayed by Nathan's side.Whenever they got to a fight it was leon who dealt with it as they have never seen Nathan fight plus they see him pull things out of his jacket that were way to big to fit in it.Their behavior was questionable as well since leon was cautious and very stern especially on things concerning the rules.While nathan was just a dense fool that couldn't read.They don't know if that was a trick as well since they have seen Nathan have a very hard time reading things but whenever he is out in public he seems to attract a group of ladies that would follow him.They even had to pull away the female members as they were also attracted well a few male members were also attracted as well but not too much.

Nathan was far too dense to know that the ladies were attracted to him and would indirectly turn them down but the odd part was that they would still keep trying.The organization didn't know if these two were incredible at pretending or maybe these two were just two dense idiots.The members watching grew a tad bored but were surprised by something when they felt something pulling at their legs.They looked down to see shadow hands grabbing their legs then they were pulled down without making a sound.A figure slowly rose from the shadows and it turned out to be cyman who looked exhausted.Cyman didn't kill them but knocked them unconscious,drew on their faces,stripped them then teleported them to a random area.Cyman was confused as to why nathan or leon didn't notice them but after some thinking he came up with the conclusion that they already knew but chose not to do anything as it might brand them as criminals.The people might be secret authorities so cy knocked himself on the head for being careless and stupid for not thinking things through but at the moment concern overtook him.He didn't trust nor liked the feeling he had when the people were around so he used that as a way to convince himself that what he did was in the right.In his head he has already made a mental note to not be an idiot and try to think things through more often and try to not let his emotions to cloud his judgement.He had a feeling that he might do something stupid in the future and he doesn't know if he would be able to hold himself back which was a little scary to him.

Cyman slapped the sides of his face to hype himself up then pulled out an umbrella from the shadows.He opened it up then he started to walk towards his friends who immediately noticed him.Nathan didn't know if it was the real cy so he did the secret hand signals which cy did at the same time(The same one in jojo part 4 where the crusaders are in the submarine).When it was done nathan went over to hug cyman who reluctantly accepted the hug and was blushing all over his face.Leon saw this,looked at cy's chest and thought 'I...didn't know my king likes these kinds of maidens' It turns out that Leon doesn't know that Cyman is actually a guy so he believes that Cyman is just a flat girl.

Leon wasn't going to question his King's taste in maidens but he couldn't find anything appealing to flat chested maidens...he shook his head as he knew that he shouldn't be thinking of such things.It is very rude to just thing of a maiden in such a way and besides it might be a good match.With cyman's intelligence and his King's good nature and strength they would conceive a wonderful child that might be able to pass the royal bloodline beautifully.

Leon got a little excited by this but Nathan and cyman stopped hugging as cyman told what he has been doing these past few days.It turns out the Cyman was using the money to get the deed to construct a new building,looking for land then waited for a perfect opportunity to create thw building at night when his magic is at it's strongest.The magic wasn't too big as it turns out that this world has restricted his strength and magic a bit so currently he could only build an average size building with a sign saying "entertainment center".He wasn't good at creating names so he just put it bluntly but the most that it had was gaming consoles and PCS in there.He was also able to create only one game which was naruto ultimate ninja 3 but it was far more realistic looking with good sound,gameplay and visuals.He could've made more but was far too exhausted and ran out of ideas so he came back to nathan to let him know and to rest.After the story was done cyman's stomach growled as his fangs started to show so nathan gave cy a piggyback ride.While on Nathan's back cy bit on his neck and started to drink Nathan's blood.

Nathan didn't mind as he couldn't feel anything nor any of the side effects so he looked at leon then nodded.They were ready to go so they left the area and followed cy's directions to their store which was in a slightly good area with a good amount of people.The building was very average looking as it looked like a cafe and a game stop fused together but that was only the outside.The Windows were covered by a black veil which was cool looking.Cy reached into his pocket to hand nathan the key to the store which was immediately used to open the store.As they walked in the store it was cold enough to make it comfortable but not too much to be freezing but the things is it was a bit too crowded.On one side There was tvs on the walls with different consoles plugged into them with gamer chairs close by and on the other was desks with the pcs on them anx were all plugged in.There was a counter on the far back wall that can hold at least three people with one cash register.There was even a mini fridge plugged beneath the counter but was conveniently placed so it wasn't in the way but was currently empty as they currently don't have anything right now.There was also a blackboard on the wall behind the counter that currently only has naruto under the game section as the other sections were currently empty.There was also prices to activate the game which was 30 world dollars to activate and 15 dollars per hour.The opening hours were at 7 in the morning then closed at midnight.There was rules on a smaller blackboard which was standered stuff but the eye catching things were a few of the rules which was "Maximum playing hours is 6 per day" "No fighting each other and anyone caught fighting or causing trouble will be banned." "you can choose which one you want to play but you must stay in your seat for the whole 6 hours" "You may also choose to connect into the world of the game,anime or movie you are enjoying but with games you are using your physical body not the character so while you will have your full strength(depending on the game)you can still get hurt in it.While with the anime or movie you will not be able to change the sequence of events only watch them.)To the side of the counter there was a door that led to a storage area and another room that led to an empty kitchen.

Nathan was very happy to see all of this so he patted cy on the head then he uncovered the veils.He waited at the counter for hours but saw that nobody has come in.There was a few that looked at the store but were confused by the products inside and besides there were better things to do so they decides to ignore it.Nathan sighed while leon was meditating with cy sleeping in Nathan's shadow.Nathan had a great idea so he thinks 'Hey wake up cy and come out'Cyman was immediately startled awake then he quickly got out of the shadow with a sleepy look.Nathan says "sorry cy but i got an idea on how to attract customers.You know on the beginning with madara's announcement well what if we do a little advertisement by placing speakers around and a large projection of the opening above our building?"Cy thought about it for a moment then thought that it could work so he thought it through and says "I can make a large screen above our store to show the opening and the speakers can be done already.I conveniently have mini speakers in my world ready to go so i can sneakily place them around the city."

Nathan loved the idea so he gave a thumbs up for approval so cy quickly got things done.It was 3 pm when cy was done creating everything and Nathan was excited to test out the opening as he knew that it would look and sound far more realistic then the original.Nathan went over to a pc to connect it to the tv and the speakers.He got the opening ready and excitedly pressed play.

Around the surrounding area and in times square they heard a very domineering voice say "I hearby declare war on you all!The fourth great ninja war."