
Opening an orphanage in another world

I got reincarnated and one thing lead to another, I decided to open up and protect the orphanage

muhammad_azmee · Fantasie
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472 Chs

Chapter 53: Treating others part 2

[Diana point of view]

[On the day of treatment]

"You guys are early" [Ash]

Ash said that as he greeted the four of us.

"The twelve of you can come in as well, just join us for breakfast" [Ash]

"..." [Guards]

He pointed out towards the direction of one of the twelve guards, and obviously they won't answer him

"Welcome Princess Diana" [Kara]

"Oh Kara, you are up early today" [Diana]

"That's because I know you will be here today" [Kara]

Kara hug me as usual, she's soft and cute, and her innocence smile every time we met is something that I really appreciate, and today

"Welcome Sis Qis" [Mara]

Mara hug her, and obviously Qis is startled by it, never thought I would see that kind of reaction from her

"Th.. thank you" [Qis]

"Someone confused" [Ash]

"She is" [Diana]

I get the feeling that Ash is the one asking her to do it. Don't get me wrong, neither of us can feel any sort of bad intention behind the hug, I guess Ash just wanted to remind Qis to be nice with his siblings and that's he ask Mara to do it

"How about us?" [Yefefiah]

"Yeah!" [Young healer A]

"Sure!" [Charlotte]

And there she goes, imitating her older sisters.

We then join Ash and the orphans for breakfast. Rafiah is there, as well as Alice, who come the earliest.

"..." [Qis]

"..." [Alice]

"You guys really have something going on, aren't you" [Ash]

""!!"" [Qis, Alice]

"Excuse me, is there anybody home?" [Liyana]

"Oh, it's Liyana!" [Elise]

"I'll get the door!" [Farhah]

"Let me join in as well" [Singa]

And Linda's little sister is here as well, now the two becomes more awkward. Oh god... somehow I feel little bit grateful that Linda didn't know about Qis and Alice here having good relationship with her older sister, and it's looks like she wanted Ash to teach her about magic

"Dad and Mom prohibited it, but if possible, I want to be like my older sister!" [Liyana]

""!!"" [Qis, Alice]

She said that as she reaffirms her intention about learning magic

"Sure, but sadly I will be out today, but you're free to use the training hall with them once the treatment have been done" [Ash]

"Is that so..." [Liyana]

Oww, she looks down. She must have look forward for this training

"How about I teach you after this?" [Alice]

"But you will accompany Ash for today right?" [Diana]

"I'll do it, Alice, you can just go and do your job" [Qis]

"Are you sure...? Last time you teach someone..." [Alice]

"It's fine, I'll do my best..." [Qis]

"Can we join in as well?" [Rean]

"Being teach by a royal bodyguard will be a much valuable experience!" [Zerolith]

"If you don't mind my strict teaching then sure" [Qis]

"Thank you, we will appreciate it" [Rean]

"I'll show my powerful sword technique!" [Savel]

"Me too!" [Singa]

Looks like Qis will be replacing Alice to teach them about magic. That's good. Plus, that conversation with Alice just now, I guess I'm the one that have been overthinking about it. It wasn't like it used to but it's not as bad as I think it is. I'm glad.

"Why don't we teach them some healing magic as well?" [Yefefiah]

"That will be good. We might not be as good as Ash here, but we can teach them a few things" [Young healer A]

"Can we?" [Kara]

"Sure you can! Rafiah, you will join us as well! Show those kids your talent!" [Yefefiah]

"Right... I will" [Rafiah]

"..." [Zerolith]

Is it just me? Zerolith seems not accepting Rafiah being here? Should ask Claude after this

After the long breakfast (as some adventures comes midway), Ash and Claude started to prepare the venue for us. Well, by preparing I mean just showing us the young healers work station, and those station have been prepared by Housey here.

"I see, so the training hall will be used as the treatment hall for this upcoming two days" [Samurai Jacks]

"Ram didn't tell you that?" [Ash]

"I guess the guild master would assume the adventure knowing about it already" [Alice]

"Guess it's my fault for not being more aware of this kind of thing" [Samurai Jacks]

"I should have told you that, sorry" [Syah]

Ash actually prepare quite a lot of things. For once, he alongside Farhah make most of the tables and chairs here so that the young healers as well as the citizen will sit comfortably. He also makes some beds just in case some of them needed to be treated while lying down. The final arrangements of it is then done by using Housey.

After making sure everything is prepared, Ash and Alice then went outside to start their investigation

"Take care" [Karon]

"You really want to come along didn't you" [Ash]

"..." [Karon]

Looks like Karon wanted to follow Ash to investigate the cause of the disease. No good, he will surely be exposed to the disease

"Come now Karon, let us help the other" [Diana]

"..." [Karon]

"Well, please take care of them" [Ash]

"We will" [Samurai Jacks]

Now he's sulking, can't be helped, his safety comes first

"Buy us some orange grass on your way home!" [Mara]

"Sure" [Ash]

And there they go. There are some time left before the treatment begin, so Qis uses this time to fulfill her promise to Alice just now.

She quickly draws her Rapier and taught them some fine arts of fighting while using both magic and weapon. All of us couldn't help but admire her technique. Even Jacks watch it with full concentration and listen to her explanation about the balance of honing both your skills weapon and magic skill simultaneously

"Sorry to interrupt all of you, but the peoples seeking the treatment already gather" [Claude]

"Let us get started then!" [Yefefiah]

"Alright let do this" [Young healer A]

"You want to help too?" [Rafiah]

"If you didn't mind us" [Mara]

"Of course not" [Rafiah]

"Come, we will teach you just like how your big brother taught us that day" [Yefefiah]

Among them, Elise, Kara and Mara are the one planning to help treating the patient. Charlotte is interested as well but his fine control is still lacking according to Claude and thus Claude didn't allow her to join in. Instead, she will be helping the others in the "menial" task like changing the water, providing the ORS etc. That's good then, that way the orphanage image will also goes up

As for me, I guided my citizen on the process. Where to sit and what to do when you're called. Of course Qis and others end up prohibited me on doing so, and thus here I am, just sitting here watching the entire process from the sideline alongside Liyana