
Opening an orphanage in another world

I got reincarnated and one thing lead to another, I decided to open up and protect the orphanage

muhammad_azmee · Fantasie
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472 Chs

Chapter 422: Lyrue

Leaving the interrogation of those three fake doppelgangers to Qis, Alaric and Valkyrie, we quickly move from the orphanage (leaving Serpie behind as it configurate itself with Housey and Calypso Tree), to the R&D department since our objective is to let Sachmis use the model of Achalasia to track down Simba and his fellow conspirators

With the other guests still following us around (since they needed the confirmation first hand as to what's happening, especially to Demon King, Druser), I talk to them the most likely culprit. Of course, Diana has the same idea

"The Traitorous princes of the Demon Kingdom" [Ash]

"Now, they're better known as the Meddling third party" [Diana]

I see. So they're going by that name nowadays. I think there is too much information being provided to me, that maybe it simply slipped from my mind, or maybe they overloaded me with updates after my long slumber that they just thought one of them already told me about it. Well, at least I do know their allies as well, which is strange. I know they're working together with Simba and Serial killer dwarf, but I don't even know that I didn't knew about their group names. Talk about strange

As for the reason why I suspect them behind the kidnapping, part of it has to do with the side effects of the blessing from Diana and another part of it is because

"Me?" [Farhah]

"That's right. It suddenly hit me... We have an Avery and soon to be Mermaid Queen here with us. We also have Seraph which is basically Ruler of Angel. What we still didn't have is Traveler King to represent dwarf. Human King and King of Beast. To end it all, we might have Iblis on our side, and that's all made possible with a certain someone" [Ash]

"That's Sis Rafiah?" [Zerolith]

"CORRECT!" [Ash]

The original ten heroes, alongside those seven titles that I mentioned, they fight side by side against a common enemy that's the fallen god. Whether it's coincidence or planned, I get this feeling, the ten heroes and those seven representative will rise once more for the finale with God of Life. It doesn't really matter that Farhah is an Avery while Charlotte is the soon to be Mermaid Queen, since some of the original ten heroes also bore the titles as well

"But what will Rafiah do...!!!" [Claude]

(I can tell Claude already knew the answer, at least the beginning of the answer) [Ash]

Since witches are still clouded with mystery, even in this world....

(This world?) [Ash]

Strange... Did I ever meet a witch before, on earth? Maybe Father and Mother met them? Maybe. It's like some sort of wire inside my brain just refuse to connect just yet for me to remember it all. Plus, just why did the word "this world's witches" bring me this much confusion?

Well, there's no point in thinking too hard about it right now. I don't think I can come up with the answer even if I take my brain out and squeeze it dry, so let just move on to our agenda

"Anyway, Sachmis, if you would" [Ash]

"I just need to point out a place right?" [Sachmis]

"Given how great this model of Achalasia is, I can bet my money that it will work" [Ash]

"But what if I pointed out wrong" [Sachmis]

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine. Even if you can't pinpoint out Simba's whereabouts through this model, we can still rely on your gut feeling of where your other half of soul will be" [Ash]

"A better way of doing it will be combining it both" [Flinar]

"True. Your general gut feeling plus the location where you pointed out in this map. If it matches perfectly, problem solved. Even if it doesn't, we can still do some calculations and figure out where they are" [Erinmorlin]

"If it comes to the second one, you can leave it to me" [Qudus]

After convincing her, she takes a step forward to the very, very meticulously crafted and detail model of Achalasia. Colour me impress. I am no expert, but even I can appreciate how they actually perfectly crafted this. The countries interconnected through various dungeons, and even each floors of the dungeons are detailed. Of course, you can't replicate all of it exactly, but if someone wanted to complain that this model sucks, I'm sure they will be drown in spit of insult from various people defending this masterpiece

"Tchh. No hesitation. Someone that been taking care of my child and his siblings are in trouble." [Sachmis]

She take a deep breath, and start closing her eyes. In one quick motion, she lift her right arm and start poking at the country where she believes the other half of her soul is

"THAT COUNTRY!" [Charlotte]

Charlotte shout make Sachmis open her eyes. I must said, even I was surprised by her shout

"Charlotte, what happen?" [Ash]

And why does it looks like I am the only one left out. Rean and the others are basically shock to say the least

"Brother Ash, did you remember how Charlotte was... Well... Being detained in a certain country" [Kara]

"Oh that one where... I see. Is there any diplomats of them currently around? On another note, I forgot to ask the name of that country when you first tell me that story. Care to inform me now?" [Ash]

"..." [Elise]

"Elise?" [Mara]

"No. I just remembered something as well. Just let me make a phone call to one of them really quick" [Elise]

Elise take her phone and quickly dial someone. She save the number as fellow siblings, so I know that she's calling someone from a different orphanages.

"Well, the name of the country is Lyrue" [Diana]

I see. So basically, our next adventure will take us to Lyrue.

(One more thing....) [Ash]

The first prince. Why is he still awfully calm about this? My instinct just keep telling me there's something wrong with him