
Opening an orphanage in another world

I got reincarnated and one thing lead to another, I decided to open up and protect the orphanage

muhammad_azmee · Fantasie
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472 Chs

Chapter 367: Aftermath of the Battle at the New Headquarters part 4


[At Kiserre]

[SS rank adventure, The Saga Khamishah point of view]

"Curse you and your accursed saint and saintess! Look at the devil spawning site that they created!"

"And how about your Saintess? Isn't she a Penanggal!"

"What was that you heretic!"

"You slave loving religion!"

"ENOUGH!" [Khamishah]

Another day, another pointless quarrel about whose religion is better? Sincerely, from what Mr Filvisar told me, the new religion is just what was previously mentioned in the old teaching that was lost in time either due to negligence, or some sort of hand purposely left it out, change it out etc. At the end of the day, both of the religion teach about the Goddess and how to be kind, not unlike these two religious fanatic.


And they left, and I could hear under their breath how they're not in the slightest grateful for what I did. I can use an even stern action granted by Queen Rinz, but that was as previously mentioned by your highness, a sort of last measure. Unlike her that can solve this sort of quarrel through word and persuasion, I couldn't, so flexing my brute force and my aura of intimidation is the only way that I could achieve a temporary result. Temporary as I'm pretty sure that

"You witch loving religion!"

"You devil!"

For Goddess Achalasia Sake! They didn't know the word give up that's for sure




"Welcome home!"

"Mother Khamishah! Tell us what you did today"

"Don't rush! And don't surround her, you're putting her in a difficult spot!" [Long hair girl]

"It's fine" [Khamishah]

The merchant long hair girl whom I remember raising is currently visiting me after a fruitful business at the exchange land, bringing mountain of souvenir for the children of orphanage, all the while helping us all taking care of her fellow siblings

"Oh my, this is for me?" [Black cat lady]

"For Miriam! For Miriam!?" [Miriam]

"Here" [Kucin]

"She very very thoroughly pick one for all of you, so you should thank you big sister" [Anjin]

"Thank you!" [Miriam]

"Hmm!" [Kucin]

And the long hair girl was accompanied by Kucin and Anjin as the two of them were gathering bits of information here and there

After thing settle down, the merchant long hair girl, Kucin, Anjin and I sit for a discussion and

"What do you get?" [Khamishah]

"Well..." [Long hair girl]


[At the new headquarters]

[Rumia point of view]

All set and done! Or so I hope

"Please, give us 5 more minute!" [Seo Ah]

"No, make it 10!" [Zerolith]

"Naah... Sometimes, less preparation is better than overly prepare, so I'm sorry but please go out and don't disappoint them" [Rumia]

"I feel like there's butterfly dancing inside my stomach" [Seo Ah]

"Stomach? Okay?" [Zin]

"It's fine. It's just metaphorical" [Seo Ah]

"Do your best!" [Alicia]

"We will be waiting for you at the audience seat" [Kanji]

"Oh boy, both Zerolith and Seo Ah dream of leading a prayer in this country are coming true, maybe a little too fast for their own comfortness" [Mara]

"But this is the only chance that I might get, so wish me luck" [Zerolith]

"Good luck!" [Kara]

"Break your leg!" [Charlotte]

"Leg? Okay?" [Zin]

"Haha, I'm fine Zin" [Zerolith]

"Again, it's just metaphorical" [Eternal Wind]

After regaining my strength, I was asked by the follower to perform and lead a prayer of gratefulness meant for Goddess Achalasia for helping us survive one of the many crisis of the country. It's no small task as I have to convey each and every single one of their feeling toward Goddess Achalasia

As someone that can communicate with the goddess directly, no, even without this power, I'm sure the goddess already know, but showing her appreciation for what she bestowed upon us is a way for us mortal to show our gratitude

Thing is, I think all of them actually did more than I am this time around, and as such, I think giving Seo Ah and Zerolith the chance to lead the prayer will be a wiser choice. Plus, as their teacher, I'm more than happy to guide them in this event. Simply watching from afar and hoping for it wouldn't really be nice, which is why, this sudden surprise decision of mine (approved by Saint Louis) greatly shake those two up. If possible, I wanted to give them more time to prepare, but sometimes, like Alice said, a surprise test to your student is a must

(Plus, even if they couldn't correctly perform all the step and pronunciation, it's fine) [Rumia]

I'm sure, this is the type of situation where one would be under a lot of pressure and most will melt or freeze away, but for the two of them, they will overcome it, and with how much they have grown, their prayer will be more sincere and they can convey the feeling of the follower better, even if it mean slightly adjusting the prayer chant and action.

"They're starting" [Rean]

"They look perfect" [Elise]

""Agree"" [Lara, Nara]

"Though it's pretty obvious how nervous they are" [Karon]

"Their knees won't stop shaking aren't they" [Singa]

"I wanted to tease them a little, but it will definitely be a bad call here" [Savel]

"True. Let just appreciate this moment. It's an important moments for them" [Seraph]

"Coming from you, it's strange, but then again, you're a bard, so you of all people know not to steal or destroy someone spotlight" [Alaric]

"Shh! Quiet" [Jacks]

"Gahgahgah! He's right you know" [Gilbert]

"The same applies to you guild master" [Kana]

"My bad. My bad" [Gilbert]

As the masses continue, one by one, their hand reach out to their chest, and reach it out to the goddess statue in front of them, all the while Zerolith and Seo Ah keep performing their prayers. It's a good thing they calm down a little, but given how significant the event is for them, they are still shaking up

(But I'm proud of you two. No, not just the two of you, to all of you) [Rumia]

I'm glad that I am able to fight alongside the hero and their companions, not just as the saintess of the goddess, but also as their mentor, friend and family. Truly, I'm glad

(Dear Goddess, please, help us all) [Rumia]

(...) [Farhah]




When the prayer event is over, Farhah approach me. I can feel her gaze all this while, in fact, among all of them, she's the one that constantly gazing her sight at me from the moment we met, and the reason being

"O Saintess Rumia, my rite as an Avery will soon take place. Please! Guide me as the favourite daughter of the goddess!" [Farhah]

She desperately bow and ask me for a favour