
Opening an orphanage in another world

I got reincarnated and one thing lead to another, I decided to open up and protect the orphanage

muhammad_azmee · Fantasie
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472 Chs

Chapter 245: Vs man-eating pig

[Rean point of view]

It's huge. The mysterious regressed beastly transformation of this pig beastman takes the form of what we presume to be a man-eating pig, and there's ten of them, with one of them larger than the rest, signaling that it is the leader of this group of ten pigs. The leader eyes are also like that of a spider, with fangs like that of a snake. It breath stink and carry ailments of slow poisoning. The other nine are smaller and carry the same traits like that of the leader, just with lesser number of eyes as well as smaller fangs

""Area heal"" [Diana, Seo Ah]

"Thank you!" [Rean]

And there's ten of them. We are still faraway from the neighborhood area, so the fairies couldn't comes and help us, but

~Loud multiple chucklings~

Bobunny and its clone are doing a fine job and suppressing them. Multiple rocks were shoot at them, causing their skin to be have multiple abrasions while some have the muscle being flung at them, but

"Quickly, we must eliminate them all!" [Qis]

"True, just like the Cheenos and the Yetis back then, they become stronger through cannibalism!" [Naoto]

"Yes, and it feels like they're growing at an alarming rate... It's simply abnormal!" [Diana]

"Could it be, just like back then during the orphanage and the Kiserre's incident!" [Naoto]

"So the artificial blessings are in play as well!" [Elise]

"Talk later! Eliminate all of them first!" [Qis]

"Seo Ah, go and tell any nearby guards or adventures about it!" [Diana]

"Yes your highness!" [Seo Ah]

Seo Ah run as quickly as her legs could, she wanted to drag the youngest three as well but

"No! I'll help! Krakeny go!" [Charlotte]

Charlotte quickly summons a water golem, her beloved Kraken golem. It's from the C rank magic core which she painstakingly got after a very rough battle using the marine spawning block (which ended up with Grandpa Filvisar and Claude help to defeat the kraken spawn from it)

Krakeny quickly wrap the leader of the man-eating pig all the while Bobunny's and its clone pour down rain after rain of rocks. It isn't exactly a lethal damage, as even though Bobunny was made from an S rank magic core, its stats is quite lacking in attack department, but with its incredible clone producing ability and self repair, it can summon countless rabbit clones which then pour down countless earth magic attack, especially rock fling. Couple this attack with Krakeny binding the leader, as well our own attack, the leader of the man-eating pig is worn out quickly


"Bad pig! Don't hurt my cute krakeny!" [Charlotte]

As she gets angry with the pig, she quickly heals the torn tentacles of her kraken, just by supplying it with her own water mana. It's straining but with Charlotte's high water affinity, it's quickly done under three seconds

"Take this! Dark arrow machine gun barrage!" [Zerolith]

With his staff, Zerolith also launch countless wave of dark spear. Just like Bobunny's pattern of attack, the individual power of each attack is lackluster, but with that amount of dark spear being made, it prove fatal.

"It still doesn't work!" [Kara]

"They're gaining strength at unbelievable speed!" [Mara]

"True, but the damage they sustain aren't healing at a good enough pace, so as long as we keep attacking, they will wither down sooner or later!" [Naoto]

"If we can prevent them from healing, the battle will not be dragging!" [Qis]

(Prevent it from healing, that mean) "Elise!" [Rean]

"On it! Lara, Nara, help me will you!" [Elise]

""On it!!"" [Lara, Nara]

A spell that she once use when fighting a Drakaini in her adult form. Heaven and hell fire. She quickly infuses her fire mana into the pistols on both her hand, with the right-hand pistol having the attribute of light representing heaven fire while the left-hand pistol with dark mana representing hell fire. This is a hard spell, and even though Elise has been practicing it diligently, the firepower is still lackluster as compared to her adult form version, but it is fine, as this man-eating pig are at best a B rank threat, while the Drakaini from back then was an SS rank threat. Plus, she got Lara and Nara to support her

""Now!!"" [Lara, Nara]

"Right! Take this!" [Elise]

She fire the spell at the group of pig, and the scream of the pig becomes louder as not only it burns the pre-existing wound, it also prevent it from healing. Plus, the fire quickly eat away the expose flesh and nerve, making it even painful. Charlotte also order Krakeny not to extinguish the fire with its water tentacles

"Singa! Make a teleportation spell please, one here and one above them!" [Karon]

"I see! Hey Savel, you know what to do" [Singa]

"Like back then!" [Savel]

"Rean, won't you join us?" [Karon]

"No, you guys continue with the plan, I need to be ready as to prevent them from running wild" [Rean]

"Right. Farhah, help Charlotte to restrict their movement with your wood magic" [Karon]

"Right O! One fire resistant wood to constrict the pig BBQ coming right up" [Farhah]

Farhah wood magic, along with Krakeny's tentacles further restrict the movement of the pigs, and once Singa two point teleportation spells are ready, another set of barrage attack from Karon and Savel rain from the sky above the group of pig, and with this

"Just need the final push!" [Diana]

"""On it!!!""" [Naoto, Qis, Rean]

Sis Naoto quickly fire several explosive arrows and torn the limb of the pigs apart, and as for Sis Qis and I

""Take this!!"" [Qis, Rean]

With our blades, we quickly cut down the remaining standing pigs, including the leader, and thus

"We did it! Yahoo!" [Zerolith]

"You still have the energy to..." [Kara]

"Haha, come on now! Be more positive will you!" [Mara]

"True, you ten did a splendid job supporting us" [Qis]

"Feels like they're putting more works than the two of us combined though" [Naoto]

"That's not true" [Elise]

"Now all that's left is to..." [Rean]


With a roar so loud that it create a force to push all of us several meter away, the leader once again stand up, and gulping down the remaining corpse of his former friends, without even chewing

""Shit!!"" [Naoto, Qis]

The two quickly react by attacking the leader, but the leader after getting the boost it needed start to throw poisonous breath into us.

"Earth wall!" [Karon]

""Thanks"" [Naoto, Qis]

"Elise, bring the other away from here right now!" [Rean]

"But!" [Elise]

"Just do it!" [Rean]

And as for me, I will

"Careless. Karon, didn't I tell you before, to kill your enemy!" [?]

"No way! Why are you!" [Karon]

A dark hair muscular dwarf, with vertical scars on both eyes, with one hand having knife directly attack to it muscle, and since Karon reacted strongly to him, it could only means...

The dwarf quickly stab the many eyes of the leader pig, while the leader throwing a tantrum, smashing the dwarf up and down, and yet, it doesn't even bother the dwarf. As the continuous stab continue, the dwarf finally slice through the skull of the pig, before pulling the brain out, while the leader pig is still alive, effectively killing him

"That is..." [Diana]

"No mistake" [Qis]

"The very one and only" [Naoto]

"Kill your enemy, before they can hurt you, have you forgotten about it, my son" [Serial killer dwarf]

His eye, it's an eye of predator eating predator, sending shiver down to my spine...

"Chrono Mellontikós!" [Rean]

"!" [Other]

Before things going south, I'll protect them all!