
Open secrets (invisibility)

Cassandra Manchester fell in love with a handsome young man who was brutally murdered by her toxic and obsessed ex-boyfriend. And due to the crime committed by her ex-boyfriend, she ended up being framed for murdering the man she fell in love with, Justin. She was sent to prison but was released five years after she served jail term. After her release from prison, she coincidentally met with a billionaire who helped her when she fell unconscious after she sighted someone who looked like her ex-boyfriend, Gabby. Her encounter with Kelvin, the billionaire turned sour which led to some unpleasant circumstances when some secrets began to unfold. Will the secrets between them, stop them from igniting the sparks that starts to erupt within them? Or will Cassandra follow her heart and hold on to feelings that make her heart flutter?

Annie_Micho · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
17 Chs


It's already 6 in the evening and I figured I'd been asleep for about 4 hours. I pulled off the blanket that was used in covering my body and the rays of light reflected right into my eyes which made me squint my eyes. I tilted my head to the left towards the entrance, but no sign of anyone was spotted. I turned right and realized a woman was mopping

water off the ground. I gave a big sigh and closed my eyes and then I remembered what Evans told me about Justin's health. Thinking about it breaks my heart so badly. As my eyes were shut, I heard footsteps but I thought that was probably the woman from earlier. Suddenly, I felt someone's hands on my head. I opened my eyes and yes! it was Justin. My Justin!

Well, that was weird Justin. .hat's that?

"Justin!" I screamed and pulled him closer to me and I'm sure my grip was so tight that he let out a soft moan. Tears rolled down my eyes.

I said in between tears, "Why didn't you tell me? you could've just told me!"

"I'm sorry Cass. I'm so sorry. I just didn't know how to tell you" He said.

I could hear his voice sounding shaky as he took deep breaths while talking. I guess that was his way of holding back his tears.

"But that's not fair!" I cried.

"I know and I'm sorry Cass. I truly am"

He kissed me on my forehead and sat close to me on my bed. My head was resting on his chest while his hands were making sweet strokes down my back. Gosh! I missed him so much. I don't know what would happen once he's gone. I just can't think straight.

"Justin?" I called.


"How many days do you have left?" I questioned.

"Uhm.... twenty days," He said and smiled.

Hearing that Justin has just twenty days left to live was so heartbreaking and disheartening.

"What?! TWENTY DAYS?!" I screamed.

"Oh no! No no no no no. This is bad. This is bad" Tears rolled down my eyes and it's crazy that I'm a crybaby. createe it and that's so annoying.

"Cass? Just calm down okay?" Justin said as he comforted me.

"Calm? I'm calm Justin. I'm calm about you dying in 20 days" I said in between tears.

Justin hugged me tighter and let out a heavy sigh.

We were quiet for about 15 minutes. No words from anyone just silence. I stared at the wall clock and figured it was already 7:54 pm. Much time has gone by.

"Justin?" I called.

"Hmm?" He answered.

"Is there anything you wish to do?" I asked.

"Cass?" He called me.

"Yeah?" I answered almost immediately.

"Look, I don't want you to think about all of these. I have just twenty days left to live and that's alright. We've been together in this hospital for two months now and it has been wonderful. I'm not lonely because of you. And I'm glad to have met you although I wish it happened earlier so we'd have had more time to spend together. So, let's just enjoy every moment okay?" Justin said as he kissed me on the lips.

"Okay Justin but I have a question," I said.

"Uhn....and what might that be?" He asked.

"Are we like....you know.... like....you and I....." I stammered. Damn! This is most definitely the first time I'd be lost stuttering. Gosh! am I being shy right now?

Justin let out a chuckle and said, "Cass? Just spit it out okay? I won't bite you".

"Fine....." I said reluctantly.

"So? I'm all ears" He said.

"Well, you know we've kissed like a couple of times and all, I was just wondering if we were.....you know.....dating" Thank goodness! I finally said it.

"But I thought you were already my girlfriend!" Justin said sounding surprised.

"Am I?!" I said with my eyes opened in bewilderment.

"Of course Cass, you're my girlfriend and I love you so fucking much!".

He kissed me again on the lips but this time it was more passionate. His eyes were blazing with passion and I could feel sparks around me. His tongue met mine as he got hold of my boobs and squeezed them in a sexy way. I feel my hormones rising and I could feel his groin. He sucked my lips and we started to get undressed. I pulled off his hospital shirt and then I paused for a while.

"Justin?" I said.

"Yeah? what's wrong?" He questioned and I could feel his heart racing fast and his breathing became heavy.

"I'm scared and someone might come in," I said.

Justin stared at the door for a second and walked to the doorway and locked it and also pulled down the blinds. He walked back to me and said, "Cass? it's totally fine if you're not cool with this. It's my first too. We don't have to do this"

I thought to myself for a while and responded.

"Let's do it.....I trust you"

I pulled him closer to me and we continued to kiss.

He pulled off my shirt and that's when we heard a bang on the door and a lady shouting at the top of her voice.

Justin and I quickly got dressed and Justin went ahead to open the door.

"Why was the door locked?! You know this isn't allowed in the hospital!" She yelled.

"We were just fooling around that's all. We're sorry" Justin said with a smirk on his face.

I tried so hard to hold back my laughter and I must admit, it was a tough one. The nurse growled and left.

I let out a loud laugh and said, "You know you're crazy. That was insane"

"I know babe," Justin said.

I stared at him and gave him a sexy look with a smile forming at the corner of my lips.

"Hmm.....babe? now that's new" I winked at him.

He laughed and said, "Or should I say, little lady?"

I yelled, "Hey!".

"How come you never told me you had a brother?" I questioned.

Wow! Cassie. That's so good of you. From being romantic to talking about family. I must give you that.

"He's my stepbrother. My biological mom died of cancer months after she had me. And my dad married a new wife and that's how Evans is my brother" He said.

He continue, "I'm sorry for not telling you earlier. It skipped my mind".

"No, it's totally fine and I'm sorry about your mom," I said.

"Cass? don't tell me you're feeling sorry for me right now?" He said with a frown.

"You know I don't like being pitied. And like I said, it's fine okay?" He said in a soft tone and hugged me.

"Okay," I responded.

"I think I have to go now. It's past eight already. I'll see you tomorrow" Justin said.

we'd lost track of the time we had no idea it was already nighttime.

I gave him a sad look and did that puppy dog eyes thingy. I must be really out of my mind. I've lost it. Who would imagine Cassandra Manchester acting all cute and falling over heels for a guy? Girl's gone soft bruh!

"Okay, good night Justin. See you tomorrow" I said.

"I love you Cass," Justin said.

"I love you too Justin" I responded.

As Justin headed for the door, he turned back and looked at me and said, "You know you're really beautiful Cass. You'll forever be my girl".

I was so flattered that I started beaming with a smile and my cheeks got hot and red.

I smiled at Justin and blew him a kiss before he left. He smiled and acted like he caught something in the air and blew it right back at me.

We both laughed as he left.

I was now alone in my room with my eyes open wide and then thought to myself, "I'm an itch". I smiled and slept off.

It wasn't up to an hour that I had slept off, I started hearing screams and cries.

I heard people running and shouting for help.

What could have happened? I had no idea.

A nurse that was on the night shift came into my ward and asked if I had seen anyone with my friend.

"What do you mean? Which friend?" I questioned.

"Is he your boyfriend? The boy who's always with you" She said.

"Justin? What happened to Justin?!" I yelled.

"He got stabbed and he's dead!" The nurse said as she cried and held her face in her palms.

"No no no no...No! It can't be! It can't be my Justin!" I screamed.

"He was with me a while ago. Justin was with me!" I screamed.