
Open secrets (invisibility)

Cassandra Manchester fell in love with a handsome young man who was brutally murdered by her toxic and obsessed ex-boyfriend. And due to the crime committed by her ex-boyfriend, she ended up being framed for murdering the man she fell in love with, Justin. She was sent to prison but was released five years after she served jail term. After her release from prison, she coincidentally met with a billionaire who helped her when she fell unconscious after she sighted someone who looked like her ex-boyfriend, Gabby. Her encounter with Kelvin, the billionaire turned sour which led to some unpleasant circumstances when some secrets began to unfold. Will the secrets between them, stop them from igniting the sparks that starts to erupt within them? Or will Cassandra follow her heart and hold on to feelings that make her heart flutter?

Annie_Micho · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
17 Chs


      "I know I don't believe in your existence but if you truly exist, you'll save Justin".

      I never believed in God's existence coz if He really exists, I wouldn't be in this mess. If God exists, my family wouldn't be a mess as it is presently, my parents wouldn't have gotten divorced. If He did exist, then Justin wouldn't be in the state he's in right now.

      They say miracles happen but I've never experienced one my whole life. They say there's a God above that cares for humanity but I doubt if it's true.

       I remember going to church on a Sunday morning when I was 16. It was a service that was organized for families. My parents had this thing for church and religion but I didn't. So, I had no other choice but to go with them including my siblings. During the sermon, the pastor said something I can't forget even when I try to forget. He said, "In this changing world and land of uncertainty, God is the rock in the middle of the waves".

         I was confused and clueless when he made that statement. "The rock in the middle of the waves"....it kept ringing in my head over and over again. When the service ended, I went to him and asked him what he meant by that. He smiled and asked me, "Do you believe in God?".

       For few seconds, I was dumbfounded and amazed by his question.

       "Pastor, I don't believe God exists. I think it's an idea humans decided to create just to infuse meaningless illusions into the minds of mankind".

       "Miss Cassandra, God's existence is real. He's the creator of heaven and earth and He sees all the deeds done by mankind be it good or evil. Don't worry, soon enough you'll understand everything. When you need something the most, be it help or a shoulder to cry on, He's always waiting for your call". He concluded and that was the end of our conversation.

       Okay! That was quick and weird .

       And that brings us to this present moment which totally explains why I had to pray coz I needed God's help or so I thought.

       "Cass...." I felt someone planted a kiss on my forehead. As I opened my eyes, Justin was right beside me looking pale and weak. I pulled him closer to my chest and gave him a tight hug which would have actually broken his bones literally.

      "Hey.... you scared the hell out of me. I was so worried that I thought you were dying and----" I paused for a while just to look at Justin smiling while my eyes were misty. As tear drops rolled down my cheeks, I looked away from his direction facing the right side of my bed while he was by my left.

     "I was really scared Justin. I don't know what I'd do if something bad happened to you. I just can't take----" I was interrupted as Justin pulled me by my chin and planted a kiss on my lips.

    W-o-a-h! What just happened?

Did he---Did he---just kiss me?! My goodness Cassie!

       His lips felt warm and soft that I couldn't resist it's tenderness on my lips. It felt like there were sparks all over the room and for sure, it wasn't just a kiss. It meant more.

     I pulled back and stared at him like a dummy.

     "You---erm---I mean---it's---uhm---damn! boy! You've just made me speechless" I stuttered with my cheeks obviously pink. Jeez! I was blushing and I couldn't hide it.

     "Cass....the truth is, I can no longer hide my feelings. I feel something for you Cass. It's a feeling I can't seem to phantom nor decipher. Right from the day I saw you, I've not been able to catch much sleep. I've always been wanting to be with you all day long, cuddling with you and telling you some of my silly jokes". He held both my hands and continued.

       "Your laughter....your smile.... it's what lightens up my day. I love you Cass. I can't hide it anymore...I love you so much Cassandra Manchester".

    Oh fuck! Can someone please call 911?! Coz there's an emergency here and this patient is about to die blushing!

Oh wait! I'm in a hospital already.


      I was surprised and happy when he told me that he loves me. It was like I was floating on thin air and then it all went away when I remembered Gabby. I'm sure you're clueless coz you have no idea of who Gabby is. Well, he's my boyfriend not my ex, my boyfriend. Yeah, I know... he's never visited me since I got here. Let's just say, he's not the caring kinda guy. He doesn't give a fuck about life itself not to talk of me, a mere human.

      I know I feel something for Justin but I don't know if I can take it all in. Gabby is a violent guy and would take things lightly with whoever tries to take what "belongs to him" although, I belong to no one. But Gabby thinks he owns me. Who does he think I am? Some kinda toy? He's so full of himself.

      I can't tell Justin about Gabby. He might decide to abandon me and I just can't take it. Wait! What if Gabby finds out? He might decide to kill us both coz that dude is unpredictable.

        Seeing that I never responded, he dropped my hands with a disappointed look and headed to the door and that's when I stopped him.

Bravo Cassie! What the heck is wrong with you?

Just let the dude go. You'll only put him in danger with your stupidity.

"Justin...please wait!" I shouted before he could walk out of the door.

He turned around and gave me a weak smile with a touch of hope in his eyes. Gosh! Those eyes....

       "I love you! I've never been this crazy for anyone. I love your silly jokes, your soft touch. I love the way you tease me just to get me angry and I kinda enjoyed the kiss". I said with shyness.

      He walked towards me and gave me a breathtaking kiss. This time it wasn't short, it was deep, hot and full of passion. His tongue played with mine with my hands wrapped around his neck. He gave me a soft bite on my lips and deepened the kiss leaving me breathless. I tried to pull back but instead, he pulled me closer and we both went with the flow.

       "I love you Cass" Justin said and kissed me more.

Author's note: I'm back guys!  I hope you enjoy every chapter of my story.

Keep reading and don't forget to vote and comment.

                      Still your girl,
