
Open secrets (invisibility)

Cassandra Manchester fell in love with a handsome young man who was brutally murdered by her toxic and obsessed ex-boyfriend. And due to the crime committed by her ex-boyfriend, she ended up being framed for murdering the man she fell in love with, Justin. She was sent to prison but was released five years after she served jail term. After her release from prison, she coincidentally met with a billionaire who helped her when she fell unconscious after she sighted someone who looked like her ex-boyfriend, Gabby. Her encounter with Kelvin, the billionaire turned sour which led to some unpleasant circumstances when some secrets began to unfold. Will the secrets between them, stop them from igniting the sparks that starts to erupt within them? Or will Cassandra follow her heart and hold on to feelings that make her heart flutter?

Annie_Micho · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
17 Chs


The doctor I saw back then in the theater room came in and introduced himself.

   "Hey, how're you holding up? I'm Doctor Hamster Cage".

Hamster cage?  Interesting name you've there.

What a name!

God! I need to do something about the thoughts in my head.

Seeing that I never responded, he continued. "And you're Cassandra Manchester. Any body pains or weird feelings? I need...".

"I just feel tired" I cut in before he could finish his sentence.

"Okay, that's fair. I'll be back to close the stitches so, be prepared".

loose the stitches?! Oh! This doesn't sound good. Cassandra Manchester sounds like you're about to experience hell.

"Stitches? Will I be given sedatives or tranquilizers just to induce the pain?". I asked staring directly at him.

JSYK, If there was a staring competition, I'd surely come first.

"Well, due to what we found out..." He paused for a while and I swear I couldn't figure out what that look meant when he stared at me. It was so plain.

He continued "We can't give you tranquilizers or sedatives because it might cause some complications to your body and that's because you have a weak immune system------" Of course, I couldn't let him finish his sentence just when I interrupted him.

Oh great! Nice way to cut in Cassie.

Let the man finish his speech damn!

"Complications? Weak immune system?! Am I going to die? No! Am I dying already? What's---" the doctor cut in.

"No dear, you're not dying and you're not going to die. You're okay, just relax and breathe".

"Please get her some water", he said to one of the nurses who's a male who kept staring at me like he's been staring at poop for the past six minutes he's been here.

"Miss Cassandra, don't worry. I spoke to your mom already when she came by this morning. Everything's under control".

What?! Mom came and she never bothered to check up on me.

Well, I'm not surprised though.

"Okay". I said sheepishly in a sad tone. The male nurse handed me a bottle of water with a smirk on his face.

Good timing. Just when I needed the water.

WTF?! Is this asshole trying to mock me or what? What's with the look?

The doctor and the nurses left my room and just when I was about to turn my head to the right, I saw the same boy who kept staring at me the first day I got here like we were having a staring competition. He stood by the door with his arms folded.

He's got a cute smile and his eyes...my gosh! So mesmerizing. His eyes were as blue as the ocean and it made him look like he wasn't from this world.

How come I never saw this right from day one? Well, I couldn't get a proper view of him because he was far away.

Our eyes met. I was about to talk and that's when I noticed his pink lips.

Cassie, you're a pervert!

"Why are you in my room? You're lost or what?". I said with a frown.

Seriously? A few seconds ago, you were crushing on him. What's with the attitude?

He laughed and said "I see you've got an attitude there little lady. I'm---"

"I'm not little. Mind your words". I interrupted him and said to him with a frown.

"Okay ma'am. I was about to tell you that I wasn't in your room yet. I was by the door not in your room. Get it right".

  "Are you seriously trying to piss me off right now? Coz if you are, then it's working". I said in a low tone but it's obvious I was getting pissed.

"I'm sorry, I never meant it that way. My apologies"