
6. Chapter Six

If Waverly Earp was a mild distraction before, Nicole doesn’t know what to call her now.

The past two weeks have been a stream of fleeting eye contact, secret smiles and stolen moments. Stolen moments in places like the hay loft, a barn stall, and behind the cabins, among other places. Nicole swears each time they’re going to be mature about things and just walk past each other, continuing on to whatever job needs to be done, but then one, or both of them, reach out at the last second, and they’re ducking out of sight as they come together in make out sessions that remind Nicole of her high-school days.

Nicole can’t help but muse on the absurdity of it all as she pulls apart pieces of the tractor she’s working on.

“So you have to, what, fine tune it?” Waverly asks. She’s standing a respectable five feet away from Nicole to ensure work actually gets done.

“You got it.” Nicole smiles in response. “With the herd out, it’s time to spray the pastures for weeds, and doing it by tractor is a hell of a lot faster, and easier, than by horseback. Or worse, on foot.” Nicole grimaces at the thought.

Waverly narrows her eyes, but a small smile remains on her lips. “I do know the general ins and outs of how my own ranch works, you know.”

“Huh, and here I thought you were just the pretty face of the place.” Nicole wiggles her eyebrows.

Waverly holds up a hand in between them, palm facing out towards Nicole. “Hold on there Romeo, we’re not allowed to say things like that right now, remember? We’re being super serious and getting work done.”

Nicole tilts her head to one side. “I think you mean I’m getting work done, and you’re here to keep me company. Completely platonic, innocent, company.”

Waverly lets out a long sigh. “Why did we decide on that again?”

Nicole chuckles as she returns her attention to the tractor. “Because I actually have a job here that I should at least attempt to do on occasion, and you claimed you wanted to watch me do it. In a––”

“–Completely platonic, innocent way,” Waverly cuts in. “Yeah, I remember that terrible idea all on my own, thank you very much.”

Nicole grins as she smears grease around the bearings currently exposed on the tractor. “I’m not opposed to if you maybe wanted to come over tonight, for some not very platonic, and definitely not innocent, company.”

She actually hears the small breath Waverly takes in, and when Nicole turns her head to look back at her there is decidedly less space between them than before.

Waverly’s gaze dips to Nicole’s lips. “You know, since I am technically one of the bosses here, I feel like I have the right to change the work assignments anytime I want.”

Nicole turns fully to lean back against the tractor, crossing one ankle over the other. “I suppose that’s true. And exactly what work would you like to assign to me?” She can’t help but tease, even though she has every intention of sticking to their resolution of doing actual work out here. Even if her libido hates her for it.

“Kissing. Lots, and lots of kissing.” Waverly says.

Nicole tucks her lips to one side, contemplating the idea. “I don’t know, have you seen all the boys lips? It’s like they’ve never heard of chapstick.”

Waverly draws her brows down as she takes a step forward, leaving a sliver of space between them. “I have zero intentions of sharing, and lucky for you, I’m a regular user of chapstick.”

Nicole hums out, feeling her restraint slipping with Waverly standing so close. She speaks just as Waverly leans forward. “We’re really not supposed to be doing this right now.” But her hand is rising up, fingers pressing gently to Waverly’s cheek to guide her forward the last inch.

“Hey Waves, where you at girl?”

Nicole’s heart kicks in her chest at the sound of Wynonna’s voice coming from around the side of the tractor.

Nicole quickly turns around, grabbing a phillips head screwdriver resting on the metal in front of her and sticking it somewhere in the opening of the tractor. She has no clue if there’s even a part that would take a phillips head screw driver anywhere in the vicinity of where her hand is at, but she can’t worry about little things like that right now.

Wynonna rounds the corner just as Waverly ducks down to grab something from the open tool box on the ground. “Is this what you need?” She asks, holding out an object to Nicole.

It’s a small container of Elmer’s glue. Jesus they are so busted.

Nicole feels her eyes widen when Doc follows behind Wynonna. He immediately take in the entire scene, from the glue in Waverly's hand to the flush Nicole can feel blossoming on her cheeks, and his mustache starts twitching as he fights a laugh.

“Hey, what are you doing out here?” Wynonna asks.

“Uh, I-” Waverly tries at the same time as Nicole speaks.

“She wanted–with the maintenance–you know.”

“Yes, exactly.” Waverly finishes.

Nicole is pretty sure her swallow is audible as she waits for the inevitable blow up when Wynonna realizes what’s actually going on.

“Wow.” Wynonna starts, and Nicole swears her heart stops beating in the pause. “That’s pretty commendable of you little sis, but if you think elmer’s glue has any part in tractor maintenance than maybe we’re better off if you leave it to Nicole.”

Nicole is sure Wynonna is playing them, that she’s about to call them out, but it quickly becomes clear she’s serious.

“But props for trying baby girl, and you’re sporting some awesome battle scars on your cheek.” Wynonna wipes at a spot on her own cheek to indicate to Waverly where she has a small bit of grease smeared. Grease, Nicole realizes, that came from her own hand when she touched Waverly’s cheek.

Waverly swipes at the spot furiously, which only makes it worse. Nicole would totally find the move adorable if it weren’t for their current predicament. “Did I get it?”

“Not even close, but I’ll help you get it off back at the house. I need that fancy college educated brain of yours to look ever some paperwork, if you’re done playing with the tractor. I’m sure Nicole would welcome getting her work done without having to hold your hand through it.” Wynonna raises a questioning eyebrow at Nicole. “It’s okay you know, you can tell Waves to scram, I give you permission.”

Doc remains a few steps back of Wynonna, and Nicole is thankful, because he is losing the battle to keep a straight face. She realizes her mistake in looking at Doc the second Wynonna follows her gaze, whipping her head around to look at him.

He tries to sober, but he’s not very successful. “Sorry, I’m just picturing Nicole saying ‘scram’, and it gave me a tickle is all.”

Wynonna turns back, shaking her head. “Everyone is so weird today, and I’m not even drunk enough to blame it on that.”

Finally Waverly finds her voice. “You know I think I am done playing tractor maintenance for the day, clearly isn’t my strong suite. But that paperwork of yours sounds right up my alley.” Her voice is a tad too enthusiastic, but Wynonna doesn’t seem to notice.

Waverly’s eyes flit to Nicole briefly before she walks away, and there’s apology along with a promise of later in their depths.

Once the sisters are out of earshot Doc’s shoulders start shaking in earnest.

Nicole gives him a pointed look. “I don’t see what’s so funny about Waverly wanting to learn a little about tractor maintenance.”

“Horse shit!” Doc slaps his thigh. “That is one of the worst lies I have ever heard come from your mouth.”

Nicole crosses her arms. “Like it’s any worse than your excuse for that bruise on your neck the other week? You tripped and fell into a coat rack? Please Doc, we both know you don’t even have a coat rack in your cabin.”

They glare at each other as the seconds tick by, until Nicole can’t fight the twitch at the corners of her mouth, and neither can Doc apparently, because they both start to grin.

“We are quite the pair, aren’t we?” Nicole asks, shaking her head.

“Perhaps. Although I do not believe I quite follow the meaning of your statement.” His eyes dare her to challenge him.

And just like that, they’re back to the status quo, which suites Nicole just fine. She’s not ready to talk about this thing with Waverly yet, even to someone like Doc.

Doc tips his hat with a wink before he leaves Nicole to her work.

She can’t help but laugh out loud, when she sees the Elmer’s glue sitting in the tool box. She reaches down to grab it, sliding it into her back pocket with a grin.

They probably should work on their subterfuge skills.


Nicole makes her way past the main house, pausing when she notices the vehicle approaching, it’s conspicuous appearance sticking out against the country landscape.

Her brow furrows as she awaits its arrival.

Waverly didn’t mention visitors coming today when she saw her this morning. Granted, there was a bit more kissing than talking going on, but still.

Doc and Dolls exit the barn when they hear the vehicle pulling up the dirt driveway, joining Nicole at the steps of the house. A moment later the screen door opens behind them, Wynonna coming down the steps to stand with them.

“Who brought the NARC mobile?” She asks, eyeing the black SUV with suspicion.

“No idea.” Dolls responds, his eyes taking in every detail as it pulls to a stop in front of them.

A woman Nicole doesn’t recognize climbs out of the driver seat, pulling off her sunglasses to reveal a piercing gaze as she approaches them, sunlight glinting off the blonde hair she has pulled back into a severe bun.

She approaches, gaze sweeping across them in clear disdain before looking down at the clipboard she holds in her hand.

“I’m looking for the owner of this ranch?” There’s a flat, no nonsense tone to her voice.

A rye twist comes to Wynonna’s lips. “Winner, winner, chicken dinner. Have you come to deliver a package? Will there be a sexy dance that comes with it?” She asks, wiggling her eyebrows.

The woman stares mutely, no amusement showing on her face. “Would you be Wynonna or Waverly Earp, ma’am?”

“Wynonna,” she leans forward on the balls of her feet, sliding her hands into her back pockets, “you can tell us apart by our height difference.” She whispers conspiratorially.

Still no reaction from the woman. Nicole is starting to get a bad feeling about this.

“Well Wynonna, my name is Agent Lucado, and I’m with the State Livestock Board. I’ve received several complaints of animal cruelty at your ranch.”

All humor disappears from Wynonna’s face in an instant. “Come again? Actually, no, don’t come at all in the first place, please. That is an absurd accusation.”

“Is it? I’d like to take a look around and decide for myself, if you don’t mind.” The way Agent Lucado speaks the statement makes it clear it’s not a polite request.

“For what? Signs of animal cruelty? Have you fucking met my sister? It’s not even a possibility here.”

“Wynonna.” Dolls cuts in, careful to keep his tone calm and even.

“No, don't ‘Wynonna’ me, this is crap. Who made these accusations?”

Agent Lucado remains stone faced as she answers “I’m not at liberty to share that. I’m simply here to make sure you are abiding by the state ranching laws regarding animal well being.”

“It’s Bobo Del Rey, isn’t it?” Wynonna practically spits out.

Agent Lucado tilts her head a fraction, appraising Wynonna. “Do you have some sort of vendetta against Mr. Del Rey?”

Nicole knows immediately Wynonna is right. This is absolutely Bobo’s doing. But Nicole can tell Agent Lucado is the real deal, and the only way to handle this is professionally and through legitimate pathways.

Wynonna slaps a hand to her own chest. “Do I have a vendetta? Maybe you should be asking him that.”

“Okay, let’s start over here.” Nicole steps forward, extending a hand. “Agent Lucado, I’m Nicole Haught, one of the ranch hands here. I would be more than happy to show you anything around the ranch you’d like. I think afterwards you’ll find the accusations are completely unfounded.”

Agent Lucado looks cooly at Nicole’s outstretched hand before finally giving a brief shake. “Very well then, I’d like to examine the livestock.”

“Aw hell, good luck with that, they’re out to summer pasture.” Doc grounds out. His fury is obvious, and Nicole doesn’t think it helps their cause.“Are you suggesting it’s not possible for me to see the livestock, Mr….?” She trails off in question.

“Just call him Doc, and of course he’s not saying that Agent Lucado.” Dolls steps in. “If seeing the livestock will clear this up, then we’ll leave straight away. Nicole and I can accompany you out to the summer pasture. There’s an old access road we can catch from the highway that will take us just about to the field. We’ll have to walk a bit after that.” He looks down at the heels she’s wearing and raises an eyebrow.

Agent Lucado tilts her chin up a fraction of an inch. “I keep boots in the car, that won’t be a problem.”

Nicole is grateful to have another level head involved in this ordeal, and when her eyes meet Dolls, she knows he feels the same way.

Agent Lucado turns on her heel without another word, striding back to the car and waiting in the driver’s seat for Dolls and Nicole to get in the vehicle.

“What a frosty-ass bitch.” Wynonna mutters lowly.

“That is not going to help anything.” Dolls reprimands her. “You and Doc stay here, make sure Fish has the stables in tip top shape, like he always does, in case she wants to inspect those when we get back. Do you understand?”

“Yes sir, drill Sargent, sir.” Wynonna retorts, giving a sarcastic salute before turning to go back in the house.

Dolls sighs, shoulders slumping a fraction. “Doc, can I count on you?”

“Can you? No. But can Nicole? Yes.”

Dolls rolls his eyes. “Fair enough.” He slides his gaze to Nicole. “Come on, let’s go show the ice queen what she needs to see so she’ll head back home on her broom.”


It’s well after dark by the time Agent Lucado is done with her inspections, including the barns. She looks almost disappointed to not find any damning evidence at Earp Ranch. That fact alone makes Nicole wonder just how deep in Bobo Del Rey’s pocket she might be.

As the taillights on the SUV fade in the distance, Wynonna comes stumbling out of the house waving a bottle of liquor.

“Well, did you give her a good show? Flash her some titties or the anaconda to buy her off?” Her voice is way too loud, and Nicole worries it’ll wake anyone who’s turned in for the night.

“Wynonna,” Dolls starts, but Wynonna cuts him off.

“No, Dad, I’ve had quite enough of your lectures today.”

Nicole jerks her head towards the cabins. “Go on, I’ll take care of this. You don’t seem to be her favorite person right now, get yourself out of the crosshairs.”

The relief that crosses Dolls face is obvious. “Have I told you you’re my favorite person today? If not, I’m telling you now.”

He ambles off into the darkness without another word.

Wynonna sways on the spot as she takes another swig from the bottle, and Nicole thinks someone should take that thing away from her. She sighs as she realizes that someone is probably going to have to be her.

“Where’s Doc?” Nicole asks, making casual conversation as she climbs the porch steps.

Wynonna blows a raspberry with her lips, giving her wrist a sharp flick. “Hell if I know. I’m not his keeper”

Nicole is trying to figure out a way to approach Wynonna without putting her on guard when Waverly comes out of the house, mouth set in a hard line. Her eyes skirt to Nicole before fixing on her sister.

“Wynonna, why don’t you come inside to bed?” She wraps her arms around herself to ward off the night chill.

“How ‘bout no? I’m perfectly fine out here with my buddy Nicole.” Wynonna swings her head back to look at Nicole, the movement causing her to stumble a step. “Oops.”

Waverly rolls her eyes. “Okay, you know what? Give me the bottle and go inside. I’m not playing around tonight.” She reaches for the bottle but Wynonna yanks it away.

“Geez, Officer Earp, no need to ruin all my fun. Don’t worry, I’m not going to do anything stupid like hop in a car and kill myself drunk driving.”

The second the words are out of Wynonna’s mouth an uncomfortable silence settles over the moment. Nicole shifts her gaze from one sister to the other waiting for someone speak.

Waverly narrows her eyes, and it must dawn on Wynonna then, the actual words she said, because her eyes widen in horror.

“I didn’t mean that. I didn’t- I swear, I didn’t meant that.”

Waverly shakes her head, huffing out a humorless laugh. “Of course you didn’t.”

“What the fuck does that mean?” Wynonna asks, brows lowering in confusion.

“Nothing, Wynonna, absolutely nothing.” Waverly turns her head to glare out into the darkness.

Nicole can feel the situation slipping out of hand, and she really doesn’t like where this is headed. She decides to step in before Wynonna can respond. “Hey, why don’t we save all this till the morning, okay? No need to say anything we might regret.”

Waverly snaps her head around, something hard flickering in her gaze. Nicole takes a step back, holding up her hands in apology.

“You know what? Nicole’s right, let’s save this for the morning, you’re killing my buzz with all your talking and words and things. I’ll catch you guys on the flip-side.”

Waverly watches Wynonna stumble into the house without saying a word, peering through the screen door to make sure she makes it up the stairs.

Nicole waits out the silence, hoping she hasn’t stepped over any boundaries too much. The way Waverly is eyeing her, she thinks she might have.

“I can’t tonight.” Is all Waverly says.

It’s not what Nicole was expecting. “I wasn’t going to ask you to.” She shakes her head softly, imploring Waverly to understand with her eyes. “I didn’t mean to upset you by stepping in, I swear.”

“I’m not upset with you.”

On one hand, Nicole is thankful Waverly seems unable to ever hide the truth, her voice and facial expressions giving her away. On the other hand, Nicole hates that she’s now certain she upset Waverly. “Really?” She asks gently.

Waverly takes a deep breath, running a hand through her hair. “Fine, I’m a little bit upset. But it’s not really about you.” Her face softens as she takes a step towards Nicole. “I promise.” She reaches out to take hold of one of Nicole’s hands. “Can we table all this till tomorrow? I’m exhausted.”

Nicole squeezes her hand. “I know. We’ll talk tomorrow, okay? Try and get some sleep.”

Waverly nods. She goes to enter the house, but pauses with her hand on the screen door for a moment. Finally she turns back to Nicole, going up on her toes to press a quick kiss to her cheek. “Thank you.” She whispers, slipping inside after.

Nicole blows out a slow breath before heading back to her cabin. Once she gets there she can feel exhaustion setting in from the weight of the day.

She wants to think over the events of the day, pull apart the important things, but she’s drifting off to sleep minutes after climbing into bed.


Wynonna finds Nicole late the next morning, on her way to the barn.

“Hey there, Haught-stuff, got a sec?” Wynonna asks, voice slightly raspy from her night of drinking.

“Sure thing boss.”

Wynonna winces. “Gross, don’t call me that. Look, I drank a lot last night, and I’m a little hazy on the details, but sometimes I can be a little...” She trails off, making a rude hand gesture. “So if I was a shit to you, then I’m sorry or whatever.”

Nicole fights a smile at how terrible Wynonna is with apologies. “No worries, though Waverly is the one you might want to apologize to, if I’m being perfectly honest.”

Wynonna lets out a loud a sigh. “Yeah, I suspected as much. God I’m such a dickbag sometimes. Or all the time, I don’t know.” She drifts off, eyes sweeping over the dirt around them. Her eyebrows furrow, and she starts looking from the ground to the barn in the distance, and back again.


Nicole wonders if she’ll regret asking, but she’s curious. “What’s ‘huh’?”

Wynonna blinks, her gaze focusing back on Nicole as a grin spreads across her lips. “I want a fire pit.”

“What?” Nicole does not understand the non sequitur.“I want to build a fire pit, here.” She waves her hand in front of them. “It’s far enough away from all the hay in the barn, so it shouldn’t be a hazard. I can’t believe I didn’t think of this before!” She slaps a hand to her thigh.

Nicole is learning that verbal whiplash is par for the course with Wynonna, so she nods. “That could work.”

“Of course it will work, it’s a brilliant idea. Go find Doc, and meet me at the truck, I’m going to grab Waves.”

Wynonna is striding across the yard before Nicole can even respond.

“Well okay then.” She mutters to herself, shaking her head as she sets off to find Doc.


Nicole tumbles out of the passenger side door of the truck the second they’re parked. The ride to town wasn’t particularly pleasant, with four people squished across the truck bench seat, and Wynonna banging on the steering wheel in time to the rock music blasting on the radio.

Nicole didn’t even get to spend the ride conveniently squished up against Waverly, instead having Doc next to her, who elbowed her in the ribs twice and only had “Heh” to say about it.

Waverly gives her a small smile and head shake as she climbs out of the truck. Nicole smiles back, relieved that the tenseness of last night doesn’t seem to have carried over to today.

They enter a supply store, heading towards the front where a smiling blonde is leaning on the counter next to the register.

Wynonna smacks her paper list on the counter. “Samantha, long time no talkie. We need the items on this list.”

Nicole gets the sense Samantha is not Wynonna’s favorite person. Waverly seems okay with her though, given the apologetic smile she shoots her.

Samantha calls over a stock boy, who leads Wynonna and Doc out into the stock yard to load up the heavy materials, while Nicole and Waverly gather the smaller sized items in the store.

Their eyes meet over the top of a shelving unit, and Nicole gives a wink, earning her a small smile from Waverly.

After a few minutes, and several giggles later, they make their way to the register to pay for everything.

Nicole almost does a double take at the way the woman at the register, Samantha, she remembers, gives her the once over as she approaches.

Waverly doesn’t seem to notice, smiling sweetly and asking “How’s the husband?” as she places all the items from her basket on the counter.

Samantha makes a face as she rings everything up. “Boring. You know how it is. There are days when I swear I’m just going to leave him and run off on a grand adventure.”

Her eyes drift to Nicole, and she gives another, very exaggerated once over. “I don’t believe we’ve had the pleasure of meeting. I’m Samantha Baker. And you are?” She holds out a manicured hand for Nicole to take.

This is not Nicole’s first rodeo with a bored, flirtatious housewife, and she always finds it best to be polite and casual before extricating herself from the situation. She shakes the hand offered to her briefly. “Nicole Haught.”

Samantha hums appreciatively. “That’s quite the name you’ve got honey.”

Nicole sneaks a look at Waverly out of the corner of her eye, hoping she isn’t really paying attention to what’s transpiring, but no such luck. Waverly holds herself rigid, only her head moving back and forth between Samantha and Nicole.

Samantha leans forward on the counter, her low cut shirt revealing a whole lot of everything. “Well, Nicole Haught, is there anything else you need? I’d be more than happy to help you find it.”

Nicole is actually surprised at how dirty Samantha manages to make the last sentence sound. Her eyes flick to Waverly again, and she really wants this little encounter to be over.

Apparently, Waverly does too, because she steps up to the counter and starts to throw everything into the bag Samantha is still holding. “No thank youuu,” she draws out, “we’ve got everything we need. Just go ahead and charge it to the Ranch account.”

Waverly grabs Nicole’s wrist and pulls her from the store, dropping it as soon as they walk outside. “God I can’t stand her.”

“Who,” Wynonna startles them, “Samantha? I thought you got along with her?”

Waverly shrugs, her eyes dropping to the ground as she mumbles “I don’t know, she just gets on my nerves sometimes.”

The way Doc is looking between Nicole and Waverly with a twinkle in his eye makes Nicole think he knows exactly what happened in there. She might find the whole thing funny herself, if it wasn’t for the annoyed air rolling off Waverly.

“Hey, Samantha ‘Perky Tits’ Baker gets on my nerves too. My breasts feel so inadequate whenever they’re in the vicinity of hers.” Wynonna grins. “Although, you must have enjoyed the show, huh Nicole.” She elbows Nicole in the side.

Nicole would seriously love to smack Wynonna right about now. She can feel Waverly staring her down, waiting for the answer. “I didn’t really notice.”

“What? You’re kidding, right?” Wynonna asks.

“Can’t say that I am.” Nicole chances a quick look at Waverly, and finds herself still under careful scrutiny.

“What kind of gay lady are you, not noticing a rack like that?”

Nicole wants to sigh in frustration and demand Wynonna drop it so Waverly will stop looking at her the way she is, but she can’t. So instead she shrugs, and gives the only excuse she can think of. “I guess I was just really focused on my work.”

“Jesus Nicole, do Waves and I ride you that hard?”

It’s a terrible feeling, choking on ones own spit, Nicole notes as her eyes start to water and she leans over to hack roughly. She can hear Doc laughing, and if she wasn’t so busy trying to breathe again, she’d be really inclined to punch him the gut. Or lower.

Instead, Wynonna smacks him. “God Doc, a person choking is not something to laugh at...you wait until after you’re sure they’ll survive.”

“Can we please go back to the ranch now?” Nicole wheezes out.

“Well if this isn’t the motliest crew I’ve ever seen.” A rough voice interrupts.

Wynonna jerks around. “Bobo.” She spits out. “How nice to see you after that stunt you pulled.”

Nicole sucks in a full breath, wiping at her eyes to clear the tears so she can properly glare at Bobo along with Waverly and Doc.

“Oh please Wynonna, I don’t pull stunts, you should know that by now.” He strokes at his beard. “I did hear a little something about an inspection. Seems to me it happened because you don’t know how to properly run a ranch.” Bobo tilts his head. “Or maybe,” his eyes sparkle with malice, “the wrong Earp sister is around to run things.”

Nicole’s fingers curl into fists, but it’s Doc stepping forward, putting himself between Bobo and Wynonna, as Waverly wraps a hand around her sisters arm to keep her in place.

“Bobo Del Rey, I suggest you turn around and walk away right now, before this gets ugly.”

Bobo’s grin is grotesque. “Well, haven’t you turned into quite the lapdog Doc. I don’t seem to recall you showing such loyalty when you worked for me.” He leans forward, dropping his voice to almost a whisper. “Tell me, has she taught you how to come on command yet?”

Doc raises his arm, his intent clear, but Bobo backs off, raising his hands to chest level. “Now, now, no need to get all uncivilized in the streets of town.” He looks around at the people passing by. “We wouldn’t want to cause a scene, now would we?”

Waverly steps forward, laying a hand on Doc’s shoulder. “Come on Doc, he’s not worth it.”

Bobo grins again. “You wound me, Waverly.”

Waverly rolls her eyes, muttering “Let’s go.”

Doc allows Waverly to drag him away a few steps before yanking his arm free. He glares at Bobo, as he spits on the ground and growls “This isn’t over.”

“No Doc, it’s really not.” Bobo answers, chomping his teeth together once before turning on his heel and striding away.

The ride home is tense.

The truck cabin was cramped before, but now it feels even more so, everyone’s body held rigid and unyielding. No one speaks until they get back to the ranch.

Dolls comes out from the barn to meet them as they pull up, waving in greeting. His hand lowers slowly when Wynonna hops out of the truck, her stride determined as she heads for the house, Waverly close behind. “What happened?” He asks Doc lowly.

“Bobo.” The crease between Doc’s eyebrows deepens when the screen door to the house slams behind Wynonna. “It was ugly.” Doc rubs at the back of his neck, lowering his voice. “Look, she could probably use a level head like yours right about now.”

Nicole starts unloading the supplies from the bed of the truck, not wanting to intrude upon what feels like their private conversation.

The physical labor of putting together a fire pit might be just the thing she needs right now after everything that’s occurred the past two days. She needs time to think, and manual labor has always helped her organize everything bouncing around in her brain.

There’s a lot to think on, and she really hopes she can put to rest the twisting in her gut that says the drama is far from over


Nicole smiles as a coyote howls off in the distance. The sound fades into the crackle of the fire in the pit.

She sits on the ground, back resting against the tree trunk now acting as a bench for the fire pit. Shorty and Nedley contributed that stroke of genius, using a tree downed in a recent storm.

She thinks back on her conversation with Doc while they shoveled out the pit. Something from the confrontation with Bobo stuck with her, and the question came out before she could stop it.

“You used to work for Bobo?”

Doc stops, wiping at his brow with the sleeve of his shirt. “Well you just cut right to the chase, don’t you?”

“I’ve been told it’s one of my better qualities.” Nicole grins, despite the hesitation she feels over Doc’s coming answer.

“I did, once upon a time. I find the working conditions here more to my liking.” One corner of his mouth pulls up.

“So what happened?”

The half smile fades from Doc’s mouth. “Bobo offered me a job when I first came to town. I didn’t know any better, so I took it. Wasn’t long before I realized the type of person I was dealing with, so I cut ties with him when I could.”

He starts shoveling again, his squared shoulders indicating his desire for the conversation to be over.

Nicole stopped pressing, but now, alone after everyone else headed off to bed, she can’t help but wonder if there’s more to the story. She wants to trust Doc, and she thinks she can, but something in her gut keeps telling her to be cautious here.

The fence, the cow, the tractor, and now the inspection. It feels like things are escalating, and Nicole doesn’t know what the end game is. It seems obvious Bobo is behind it, he’s pretty much admitted it in his own round about way. What Nicole isn’t sure of is how he’s pulling it off, and if he has help. Because Bobo Del Rey does not seem like the type of man to get his own hands dirty.

Nicole tilts her head back, closing her eyes as she listens to the fire pop and sizzle as it gets closer to burning out. She makes out the sound of footsteps approaching, turning her head to find Waverly walking by slowly.

Nicole raises an eyebrow at her. “Out for a night stroll?”

The way Waverly looks around in an exaggerated manner to make sure they’re alone is almost comical, and Nicole can’t help but laugh.

“Everyone else went to bed.” She spreads her legs apart, patting the ground between them. “Care to join me?”

Waverly smiles, looking around one more time before she moves to take a seat in between Nicole’s legs, leaning back into her. Nicole wraps her arms around Waverly’s waist, dropping her chin onto her shoulder.

They sit in silence for a few minutes, staring at the fire, before Nicole works up the courage to ask “Are we okay?”

Waverly blows out a breath. “God I hope so. I mean, I think we are, but I didn’t want to assume you felt that way. I know we haven’t had much of a chance to talk since last night, and then the thing with Bobo today, and it’s all just kind of a mess, but you feel like the one perfect thing going on in my life right now, and I really hope I didn’t screw that up.” The whole thing comes out in rapid fire, and Nicole can feel the nervous tension in Waverly’s body.

Nicole squeezes Waverly gently. “Hey, breathe, okay?” She takes a deep breath herself, and Waverly matches the breath with one of her own. She places a soft kiss to Waverly’s neck. “You didn’t screw anything up, at all. I’m really sorry I overstepped with Wynonna.”

Waverly shakes her head. “You didn’t, not really. I think I’m just not used to having anyone else involved on that level. Even with Doc and Dolls, they both kind of stay out of things like that. Wynonna would probably kill them if they didn’t.”

Nicole certainly believes that. “Well, either way, I’m still sorry.”

Waverly threads her fingers with Nicole’s, giving a gentle squeeze. “I’m sorry too.”

Nicole presses her lips against Waverly’s skin again, this time to the underside of her jaw, before settling back. She lets out a small sigh. “It has been one hell of a day. My boss demanded a fire pit, and here one sits.”

Waverly turns enough to give Nicole a small grin. “It’s impressive. Not quite as impressive as you in a tank top, shoveling and all sweaty, but close.”

Nicole gasps. “Waverly Earp, were you objectifying me earlier?”

Waverly lifts one shoulder in a shrug. “Maybe just a little.” She leans back, turning her head to press the tip of her nose into the dimple showing in Nicole’s cheek. “What are you going to do about it?” She whispers.

A tiny shiver runs down Nicole’s spine, and she finds herself amazed, yet again, at how Waverly manages to make her feel this way every time they’re close. “Probably nothing. Except maybe put myself in more positions where you can objectify me.” She admits.

“That’s what I like to hear.” Waverly presses her nose into Nicole’s dimple again, brushing a feather soft kiss to her jaw.

“Stop that.” Nicole says when Waverly nudges her dimple a third time.

Waverly pauses, before doing it again. “Make me.” She whispers.

Nicole turns her head to capture Waverly’s lips, their mouths opening to each other immediately. It only takes a moment to realize their current position is all wrong for the closeness they want.

Waverly pulls back, turning around to straddle Nicole’s legs she slides together to provide a lap. “Much better.” She breathes out, pulling Nicole back in.

Nicole slides one hand into the silky strands of hair at the base of Waverly’s neck, holding her gently in place as she deepens the kiss. Her other hand idly plays with the hem of Waverly’s shirt, before slipping underneath to scratch lightly at the small of her back.

Waverly slides a hand down from it’s perch on Nicole’s shoulder, pausing a moment to feel the heartbeat hammering in her chest. It makes Waverly smile into their next kiss, and god, Nicole swears her heart does an actual somersault.

It’s when Waverly brushes a thumb over a nipple straining through her shirt that Nicole remembers they’re, yet again, locked in a compromising position in public space. She wraps her fingers loosely around Waverly’s wrist to keep the sweet torment from continuing, pulling back from the kiss with reluctance.

“We shouldn’t be doing this out here.”

Waverly touches her forehead to Nicole’s, shaking it softly. “Probably not, but I don’t recall being the one to start this.”

Nicole huffs out a laugh. “Pretty sure both of us are to blame.” She squeezes her eyes shut as she admits “I don’t seem to be able to help myself around you.”

“Good,” Waverly whispers, “because I don’t really want you to.”

The most beautiful light is shining in Waverly’s eyes, and Nicole can’t help it, she tilts her chin forward for one more soft kiss. She makes herself pull back when she feels the overwhelming urge to take it further again.

“Why don’t we take this over to my cabin?”

Waverly smiles wickedly, and it causes a jolt low in Nicole’s body. “I thought you’d never ask.” She disentangles herself, standing up and offering a hand to Nicole to help her up.

Nicole takes the time to shovel some dirt onto the dying embers of the fire, not wanting to take any risks.

She glances around one last time, making sure no one is lurking about in the shadows, before taking Waverly’s hand in hers and leading the way back to her cabin, a smile on her face the whole way.