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Actually dont. Tell me if I missed a person.
Headmaster.-- Identify.- Can see the quirk and power of another when stabbed by the needle in the users body. Can also use the base power for himself.
Class 1-A. Ms. Lilith.--Edge.- Gives user an fighting advantage over others.
Claudia smith.--Time freeze.-Able to freeze time for 2 times a day in a specific zone. Auto activates when a quirk is being used on user.
Marcus smith.--Acceleration zone.- Creates a zone around anyone and the user can accelerate it. The user is not affected.
Jordan fall.-- Portal creation.- Can make portals up to 20 meters. User can travel in his special dimension and grow
Class 1-B.
Ralph Bane.-- Explosive hair.- User is able to take the hair from his body and make It explode. When hair is removed, he gets faster physical but tired mentally.
Turf andrews.-- Flashstep.- Able to take 0-100 steps of the users choosing at fast speeds up to that of a cheetah.
Mary Jane.-- Mind exchange.- Able to swap bodys with another person. You dont feel pain but you do feel emotion.
Peter panker.-- Spider.- Has the powers of spiderman with the draw back of being weak in the cold.
Class 1-C.
Jaylen Johnson.-- Air controll.- An air bender.
Lamar wayne.-- Petrification.- When activated, the user has to touch someone for 3 seconds in order to freeze them.
Class 1-D.
Clinton grud.-- Channeling.- Makes the user stronger by screaming. The longer the scream, the more powerful you become.
Jeff bozo.-- Beam.- Can make different colored beams from anywhere on his body.
Class 1-E.
Mars newman.-- Geass.- Can command others. The only drawback is that the user feels the pain of the ones hes afflicted.
Madison luck.-- Cloak.- Can be seen by everyone but the person shes fighting.
Class 1-F. Mr. Franklin.--Doubt.- Gives doubt to himself and the others around him. Makes him have a slight edge however.
Kenji skies.-- Physical enhancement, Probability.- Givers the user a boost all over and is able to set things with probability.
Gasper.-- Ghost.- Able to use the powers of ghost.
Haley pons.-- Confidence.- Gives a mental boost to the user and people around them.
Recall jets.-- Recall.- Able to recall marked things to himself.
Gringo hand.-- Ownership.- able to take ownership over anything.
Colt city.--Spit conversion.- Able to make Spit into water.
Dice ambers.-- Enlarge.- Can enlarge things to any scale but can't shrink it.