
Chapter 25

"Toga let's make a deal" I was inside the bathroom once again with toga. "What is it?" said toga in a 'cute' voice.(Just imagine a guy talking cutely. Great, now I cant get the image out of my head) "I'll give you my blood and in exchange, you will have to do whatever I say." Not even 2 seconds after I said that, she said "Deal"


It was now the Semi-final round. It was izuku vs bakugo. I really wanted to watch this fight even tho izukus the clear winner.

They were both on the stage now. "Are you guys ready?" said midnight. They both nodded. "Then let's begin. 3..2..1.. Start." said midnight.

Izukus pov:

I rushed at katsuki with 20% and hit him in the stomach with 10. He flew off the stage but managed to save himself. He landed back on the stage and kneeled down. He then threw up. "Bastar-" before he could finish talking, I ran at him and kicked him in the face with 9% he flew out the stage and hit the wall. He passed out on contact. "The quicker I end this, I faster i get to fight kenji." said izuku.

mc pov:

"Izuku midoriya is the winner." announced midnight. Well that was brutal. He didnt even let the man get up. Izuku then came walking through the door. Everyone started praising him and told him how good he did. He then looked at me. "You did ok I guess" was all I said "Not enough to defeat me tho." He clenched his fist then looked at me. " We'll see about that" "I guess we will." was all I said before i got up. "Let's go momo" i then extended my hand out to her. She took it and we walked together to the arena.

"So do you want me to go all out on you?" I asked her. "Yes please. Otherwise I would feel like I'm nothing in your eyes" said momo. Technically, everyone in front of my eyes in nothing but ok. I gave her a kiss on the forehead and nodded.


When we arrived at the arena, we split up. I went to one side while she went to the other. "Are you guys ready?" asked midnight. We both nodded. "3..2..1... Start." She rushed at me with a grenade in hand. She threw it while running at me and I caught it. It exploded in my hand, causing it to tickle me. She then threw down smoke grenades to catch me off guard. She then appeared from the smoke and tried to hit me with iron gloves on.

I took the punched, which was aimed at my stomach. She jumped away and made an actual gun. She then shot at me but I just stood there. "Its my turn momo." she flinched when I said that. I disappeared and reappeared right in front of her. I then punched her in the stomach. It should only cause a little pain but that's fine. I kept on hitting her all over her body. The pain eventually accumulated and knocked her out. It was my win.

"Kenji skies is the winner." When I heard that, I picked up Momo and carried her to the nurse. It was the least I could do(Totally not feeling her up) I set her in the recovery room and went back to the student section. "Dont you think you went a little overboard?" said izuku. "Dont worry. When it happens to you, you'll realize that it was way better treatment than other matches." Izuku only gave a weary smile.


It was now the final round. Izuku was on the other side of the stage. People in the crowd were waiting for this fight the most. The 2 strongest kids in the first year going head to head. "Are you boys ready?" said midnight. We both nodded. "3..2..1... Start." Izuku rushed at me at fast speeds. I stood there with my arm crossed. I would say that he was going his fastest. He then hit me in my face with 25%. There was a lot of smoke from the aftershock. When they smoked cleared up, you could hear everyone gasping. I mean, i did just take all that power and not even flinch from it. "My turn izuku" was all I said before he experienced hell.

I appeared in front of him and punched him in his stomach. You could see his breakfast flying out. He was sent high up in the air. I then appeared in the air and hit him back down. He slammed on the ground. He was still conscious tho.(barely) "Cmon izuku. Is that all you got." I said while poking his face. "bl-" izuku mumbled. "What was that?" I said while poking my ear out.

(AN: I cant remember if I said izuku learned black whip already so imma use plot. I'm just gonna say that he never had it.)

"BLACK WHIP" screamed izuku. Black tentacles rushed at me and captured me. "Where have you've been keeping this?" I said to him. He had tears in his eyes. I wonder what it felt like. "I-I dont kno- know. Ken-ji. Please knock me out. I cant control it." said izuku. Idiot. Why did you even call it out? Were you that mad at me? "Ok" was all I said. I broke out of the black tentacles and went towards izuku. I then knocked him out with a chop towards his neck.

'I'm to lazy of an author to write this- I mean, I'm just gonna use rewrite' I rewrote logic and said that one quirk can manifest into multiple ones. This is different from being born with 2 quirks by the way. It only happens once every 100 years. This only applies to izuku now.

"Kenji skies is the winner" said midnight. She grabbed my hand and put it up. She made an odd noise when she put my hands up. The crowd cheered for my win. Some people were also interested in izuku now. From their logic, A person with 1 quirk from the 'start' has now awakened another.

They knew that this meant he would have multiple quirks. So more than 2 basically. A person could have 2 quirks bits that rare. Now having multiple quirks(More than 2 is even rarer. Also with the power of bull shitting, it is expected to have more than 2 quirks when you awaken one in your later years.)

"I carried izuku in a princess carry and took him to the nurse. I looked like kaneki in that one scene. I arrived at the nurse office and let him down into the bed. 'I think this is the first time hes ever been in here off an injury' I thought before I left. We had a 1 hour down time so I decided to go back to the student section.

As I arrived, I moved to the side a bit and all the girls jumped on the floor. "Only took me 3 tries to figure out how to dodge.' i said to myself. "What happened to izuku!?" said ochaco with a worried face. I went up to her and said "He turns out to be someone with multiple quirks." She looked confused and shocked. She then gave a sigh of relief.

30 minutes passed and izuku woke up. He came into the student section and ochako jumped on him. He was surprised and first but he hugged her back. (not her actual back. Well I guess you do hug someone's back when you hug them.)

Izuku then walked over to me and said "I'm sorry" I was starring at a mt. ladys back when he said that.

I the turned towards izuku and said "Dont apologize. Anyway, what's with that quirk. It's very good at capturing things." He rubbed his head and said "Can I talk to you in private?" I stared at him for a moment then said "Sure" I then told everyone that me and izuku are going to the vending machines "Bring me back some chips" said kaminari. "Only if you call me dad"

I then left with izuku and we went to the bathroom. Pause. Its not what it sounds like. "Kenji. I have something to tell you" said izuku. "what is it?" I said back to him "I'm pregnant with your child. (AN: I'm sorry.)

"I had a dream. A man was talking to me about black whip. He said that i was angry and wanted to captured the source that made me angry." I went up to him and patted his shoulders "So I made you so angry that I made you awaken your quirk." He nodded. "Also, the man said that I was gonna get more quirks" added izuku. I nodded. "Well, first you have to control those ropes of yours" He smiled at me and nodded. 'I'm gonna turn you into a girl if you keep smiling at me like that' I thought to myself. "Its time to get our medals."

We then left and went to the stage. We got our rewards, Momo included.

(AN:I dont know if this logic is right. I think she is suppose to get 3rd. I switched the matchups up at the end so it threw me off)

All might had the nerve to tell me to hold back when I fight. "I'm just pushing them to their potential" i said to him. "I know that your doing it for a good cause, young Kenji. But you dont even let them get up after 1 hit." That is true kinda. I got my medal and left. School was out early now so I decided to leave. I went to where Lily and the gang was and the congratulated me by kissing my cheek. It was fine till the guys did it.I was about to leave but a certain hero stopped me. "Take me out to eat kenji" said Mt. Lady. "Yea, if your paying." I said back to her. "I know you bet on me." She gave a 'what do you mean' face.

"Fine" she said with a pout on her face. We left and went to her house. 'She let a student in her house so easily' I thought to myself. She had to change out of her hero clothes. She came out of her room and I was amazed. She was wearing a pink one piece dress. (Not an actual dress with pirate hats on them). It was pink and sleeveless. "Well? how do I look" she said to me while posing. "I've seen better" I said back to tease her. "Yea right"

We then left her house and went to a fancy restaurant. There was a couple discount and she took it. "Cheap" I said under my breath. She seemed to have heard me and pinched me? We sat down and waited for a waiter. "You did good in the festival today.

(AN: WAIT A DAMN MINUTE... I CANT EVEN REMEBER IF THESE TWO TALKED. UHHH. Just pretend like they have spoken before. Please and Thank you)

"Yea. It was a tough but I overcame it." I said while looking at her mountains. They jiggled when I looked at them. "Stop lying. I could tell that you weren't even trying" Well that's not entirely true. During the calvary battle, I had to make sure my team kept up with me.

A women then appeared out of nowhere. Well I saw her atleast. "What will you have for today" said a waitress. "I would like steak and eggs. I would also like wine please" said mt. lady. And for you sir? "Chiken tenders." They both looked at me funny. What? I'm still a kid. (kinda.)

"O-Ok. And for your drink? said the waitress. "High-C" I got a weird look again. "It should be done in 10 minutes." said the waitress.


My food was alright. 8.37/10. Yu, which was Mt. Lady, said that she gives her food a 9.89/10. We split up and went back home. I was walking home and then I sensed something that would change my life forever. Toga jumped out at me and kissed me on the lips. The bad part was that she was in the boy disguise.

'Damm you, Yu. I cant get that big ass out my head' Back to the main problem, "I've been defiled. I have to bleach my body now" I said while gouging my eyes out. Toga was sitting there laughing and blushing. "What are you doing here anyways toga?" I asked her while crying. "I've come to get blood" "How did you find me?" I asked while standing up. "I smelt your blood duh" "How do you smell it if I'm not bleeding?" "A secret." I sighed then said come on.