
op MC in multiverse

After a mundane life, he meets an unexpected end. In the void between life and death, a ROB emerges, offering him a new opportunity. Three wishes to shape his destiny and explore new horizons, where challenges and possibilities are limitless. With unwavering determination, he accepts the challenge, ready to sacrifice everything in pursuit of supreme strength.

CWN1223 · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs

chapter 3: The Birth of Ambition

The hidden cave in the depths of the forest exuded a damp chill, offering vital shelter for the fleeing couple. The storm outside roared relentlessly, its torrential waters muffling the desperate groans and whispers echoing in the rocky interior. The flickering light of a few candles fought against the shadows, creating a dance of light and darkness on the irregular walls.

Kiyomi, with her hair as red as the fire of the Uzumaki clan, lay on a makeshift bed of leaves and furs. Her brown eyes, inherited from the Senju, shone with a mixture of pain and iron determination. Her skin, normally as clear as the moon, was covered in sweat, glistening in the flickering candlelight.

"Takeshi," she whispered between labored breaths, "our son... he will be the bridge between worlds that should never have met. He will be... our redemption."

Takeshi, a man of imposing presence, knelt beside his beloved. His raven-black hair contrasted with eyes of a deep gray, a mark of the unique fusion between Uchiha and Hyuuga. A scar crossed his face, a silent witness to the battles fought to protect their forbidden love.

"Kiyomi, my love," his voice was low, laden with emotion, "you are the strength that keeps me standing. Our son will be the symbol of our courage, living proof that love can transcend ancestral hatreds and obsolete traditions."

The journey that had brought them here was marked by constant dangers and immeasurable sacrifices. From the moment their eyes first met on a battlefield where they should have been enemies, they knew their fate was sealed. The love that blossomed between them defied centuries of rivalry and mistrust between their clans.

The hours dragged on, each minute an eternity of pain and expectation. Kiyomi fought bravely, her body tense with the effort of childbirth. Takeshi alternated between whispering words of encouragement and using his medical skills, hastily learned during the months of preparation for this moment.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, a sharp and powerful cry echoed through the cave, drowning out even the roar of the storm. Takeshi, with trembling hands, held his son for the first time, marveling at the miracle of life they had created.

"Kiyomi, look... our son," he whispered, placing the baby in his exhausted wife's arms.

Kiyomi looked at the child, her eyes filling with tears of joy and relief. "He's perfect, Takeshi. Our little Shin... our hope reborn."

The baby opened his eyes, revealing irises of an unusual hue - a mix of gray and brown, with an almost supernatural glow. Takeshi and Kiyomi exchanged looks of amazement and reverence.

"He carries the legacy of all our clans," Takeshi murmured, awestruck. "Uzumaki, Senju, Uchiha, Hyuuga... all united in this small life."

What the couple didn't know was that inside that small baby body, an adult consciousness had just awakened. Sam - no, Shin now - blinked several times, trying to focus his newly acquired vision. Memories of his past life flooded his mind: his frustrated dreams of transcending mortality, the feeling of powerlessness in a world without magic, and then... the encounter with that enigmatic being, the ROB, who had offered him a second chance.

With an effort of will, Shin accessed the attribute system that ROB had implanted in his mind:

Name: Shin

Age: Newborn


Infinite Mana: Inexhaustible reservoir of magical energySkill Fusion: Combine similar techniques to create superior powersHunting System: Acquire abilities from defeated enemiesMultiversal Jump: Ability to travel between universes upon reaching the apex of power

Bloodlines: Uchiha, Uzumaki, Senju, Hyuuga

An inner smile formed on Shin. "Impressive... With these tools, the path to supremacy is open. Each power has a specific purpose in my ascension. Infinite Mana will allow me to surpass the normal limits of shinobis. Skill Fusion will give me an edge over any opponent. The Hunting System will ensure my constant growth. And the Multiversal Jump... that will be my final trump card."

Shin observed the couple admiring him, their faces radiant with love and hope. For a brief moment, he felt a pang of... something. Remorse? Guilt? He quickly suppressed it, but the feeling persisted, an uncomfortable reminder of his remaining humanity.

"You see me as your precious son, but you have no idea what I really am. I will be the force that shapes not just this world, but all others."

A small tear ran down the baby's face, interpreted by his parents as a sign of hunger or discomfort. Little did they know it was a physical manifestation of the iron determination burning within Shin.

The following days were a haze of planning and adaptation for Shin, as his parents moved stealthily through the night, avoiding detection. Before dawn on a particularly tense morning, they arrived at a modest, well-hidden house in the outskirts of the Land of Fire, a refuge prepared to shelter them.

On the first morning in their new home, rays of sunlight filtered through the cracks of the covered windows. The house was silent, except for the soft snoring of Takeshi, exhausted after the journey and the intense events of the past few days.

Kiyomi, however, was already awake, sitting in a chair near the makeshift crib where Shin rested. Her eyes, tired but vigilant, alternated between the window and her newborn son. Her red hair, normally vibrant, was disheveled, silent witness to the restless night.

Shin, with his unusual eyes, observed his mother with an impressive intensity for a newborn. His mind was far from resting. "So this is my new home," Shin thought, analyzing every visible detail of the room. "A hideout in the Land of Fire... Interesting. This means we're in potentially hostile territory. I need to learn everything I can about this world, and fast."

Looking at his mother, with tired eyes and deep dark circles marking her still beautiful face, Shin felt a sudden and unexpected wave of emotion. Kiyomi's red hair, normally vibrant like dancing flames, was now dull and disheveled, silent witness to recent trials. Her hands, though gentle in their touch, trembled slightly - a sign of the stress and exhaustion she tried to hide.

For a brief moment, Shin found himself struggling with conflicting feelings. Part of him, the calculating and ambitious part, saw Kiyomi only as a piece in his grand plan, a tool for his ascension. But another part, one he didn't expect to exist, felt something deeper.

"She sacrificed everything... for me," Shin thought, his adult mind processing the magnitude of Kiyomi's love and dedication. "Her clan, her safety, perhaps even her life... all for this baby she barely knows."

The realization hit him with the force of a physical blow. This woman, this powerful kunoichi reduced to an exhausted fugitive, was willing to face the entire world for him. It was a kind of love and sacrifice that Shin, in his previous life as Sam, had never experienced.

For an instant, almost imperceptible, Shin's iron determination faltered. A flash of doubt, of guilt perhaps, crossed his mind. "She deserves a real son, not an impostor with plans for domination," a voice whispered in his conscience.

But as quickly as it came, Shin suppressed these thoughts. His eyes, much keener than they should be for a newborn, hardened with renewed resolution.

"No," he thought, reaffirming his purpose. "This love, this sacrifice... all of this will be the fuel for my ascension. Every drop of sweat, every tear shed by Kiyomi will not be in vain. I will become the most powerful being this or any other world has ever seen. And when I dominate everything... maybe then, I can repay somehow."

A small smile formed on the baby's face, an expression that would have melted the heart of any observer with its apparent innocence. But behind that smile, plans were being formed, strategies were being devised.

As Shin continued his internal monologue, his baby expression became increasingly serious, almost comically furrowed for a newborn.

"This fragile body is only temporary. I will grow, strengthen myself, master every art and technique within my reach. I will fuse abilities to create unimaginable powers. I will hunt the strongest to steal their secrets. And when this world has nothing more to offer me, I will jump to the next, and the next, until there are no more limits to my..."

Suddenly, a strange noise interrupted his grandiose thoughts. It was a guttural sound, coming from his own stomach. Before he could process what was happening, Shin felt an uncontrollable pressure in his abdomen.

"What is this? Some kind of attack? An early manifestation of power?" he thought, alarmed.

It was none of that. With a surprisingly loud noise for such a small body, Shin did what babies do best: he filled his diaper.

The smell spread quickly through the room, making Kiyomi's eyes widen and Takeshi wake up startled.

"Wow!" exclaimed Takeshi, laughing nervously. "Looks like our little warrior is already showing his strength!"

Kiyomi, trying not to laugh, picked Shin up in her arms. "Come here, my little angel. Let's get you cleaned up."

As he was carried for the change, Shin struggled internally against mortification.

"This is... humiliating. How can I plan to dominate worlds if I can't even control my own bodily functions?"

But then, an idea arose in his cunning mind: "Wait... this could be useful. If I pretend to be a common baby, no one will suspect my true plans. It's the perfect disguise!"

And so, as his mother cleaned his diaper, humming a lullaby, Shin decided to fully embrace his role as a baby. After all, even the most embarrassing events could be turned into advantages in his quest for supreme power.

"Enjoy this moment, 'parents'," he thought with an internal smile. "For one day, this baby you change with such care will rule over all universes!"

And with that grand thought, Shin let out a baby laugh, making his parents smile, completely oblivious to the megalomaniacal plans forming in the mind of their seemingly innocent son.

As Kiyomi finished changing Shin, Takeshi approached, his face assuming a serious expression.

"Kiyomi," he said in a low voice, "I've received news. Our clans have intensified the search. They suspect we're in the Land of Fire."

Kiyomi's smile disappeared, replaced by an expression of concern. "How much time do we have?"

"Not much," Takeshi replied, his voice laden with tension. "We need to move again, and soon."

Shin, overhearing the conversation, felt a wave of anticipation. "Perfect," he thought. "The more we move, the more opportunities I'll have to observe and learn about this world. Every challenge we face will be a step in my climb to power."

Kiyomi hugged Shin tightly, a fierce determination shining in her eyes. "It doesn't matter where we have to go or what we have to face. We'll protect our son at all costs."

Takeshi nodded, placing a protective hand over Shin. "He is our hope, our future. For him, we'll face the entire world if we must."

As his parents made hasty plans for their next escape, Shin reflected on the future that awaited him. Every obstacle, every danger, every sacrifice from his parents would be an opportunity for him to grow stronger, more cunning, more powerful.

"This is just the beginning," Shin thought, his baby eyes shining with an intelligence beyond his apparent age. "One day, not just this world, but all others, will know the name Shin. And when that day comes, no one - not even those who call me son - will be able to stand in my way."

With that final thought, Shin closed his eyes, pretending to sleep. But behind his closed eyelids, his mind continued to work, weaving plans and dreaming of the unlimited power that would one day be his.

And so, as the small family prepared to face the dangers that awaited them, the fate of countless worlds began to be shaped in the thoughts of a seemingly innocent baby, born from forbidden love.