
OP Healer's Story

our Mc was a doctor but not by choice, but by need, at least at first. he lived but suffered. and when he died he was offered a choice to be reborn or just go to heaven. his answer was simple but the results of said answer in this story aren't. read as he takes on a whole new world of magic and fantasy races with the power to heal and any injury.

The_Unique · Fantasie
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7 Chs

The End or is it?

[ New Future Hospital ]

[ER Reception]

you can see a handsome doctor heading to the surgery room, passing by different patients and residents with a smile on his face.

Resident 1: " Hey is that doctor Salah ?"

Resident 2: " you must be new here if you don't know this hospital head of surgery"

Resident 1:" yes I am new this is my first day, and don't be a dick. I just wanted to make sure I got the right person"

Resident 2: " cheer up man don't be so sensitive you won't last long here if you get triggered this easily"

Resident 1: " yeah yeah, so what does one have to do to learn under him"

Resident 2: "oh another one who want to bite more than he can chew, you want to learn under the legend this entire hospital resident fight for places just to attend a lecture and you want to learn under him directly"

at a hearing distance from them are nurses who are working the reception

Nurse 1: " do you hear that another resident fanboying over our miracle Docter"

Nurse 2: " do you blame him with the amount of media our hospital uses to speak and advertise him they make him seem like he heals patients with magic or something"

Nurse 1: " I get what you mean. Doctor Salah is a good doctor and hard-working one if there is a way to save patients he finds it and if there is a money problem for the family he pays with his own money or raises funds for them. the man is a saint "

Nurse 2: "A saint," she said followed with a sigh " they just don't know what a man has to go through to become one, do they?"

Nurse 1 looks at nurse 1 and sighs too: " Yes, I heard about it the tragic story of miracle doctor"

"he has been through some hard stuff, hasn't he?"

Nurse 2 nods: " yes he has" and with a lower tone she repeats that same sentence again and both focus back on their work.

{the day passes}

[at a quiet room in the hospital]

in said room stands three people; one is doctor Salah, one is another doctor of the hospital and the third is the family member of the patient, that Salah and the other Doc operated on this morning.

D.Salah with a clear but heavy heart says: " I am sorry, but you wife she didn't make it"

the other Doc: "but I assure you we did everything we can"

The patient's husband hears this and his world crashes and his legs start to give up on him. D.Salah starts to support him to a sitting position while trying to comfort him the best he can.

the husband starts saying words like " this can't be real", "I shouldn't have agreed on the surgery", "how I am going to live without her"

as it's a protocol after any doctor informs any patient of this kind of news he leaves the room and leaves the patient family to themselves.

both D.Salah and the other Doc take their leave. but only seconds after they left D.Salah heard the door of the room they were just in open so he looked back and saw the husband with a gun directed at him and the other Doc.

so he quickly pushed her out of the way and dodged to the other side.


two shots were fired, one missed but the second hit the left leg of D.Salah.

[D.Salah POV]

heavy breaths, while trying to collect himself and evaluate his injury.

" I knew the husband was unstable I should have warned security"

heavy breaths, I can hear his footsteps he is coming my way, I look at my wound and grim at the fact that from the amount of blood I am bleeding his shot cut or nicked The femoral artery this means without immediate help I am going to die of bleeding out and even with first aid I can apply now. if he lets me I may lose my leg.

I look up and I see Sara the Doctor I pushed getting up and I single her to run to get help. she gets me. and gathers herself and stays low and runs.

step step step

so he is standing in front of me now I can hear some security are coming here now

the husband points the gun at me and says with grieve and rage: " it was you, you killed her. if you have had done your job, she would still be alive and in my arms"

I gather myself while doing what I can to stop the bleeding and reply: " you know that isn't true I do everything I can for every patient that comes here no excuses and that is why you came to me in the first place"

husband rages more and starts screaming at me:" NO YOU DIDN'T IF YOU HAVE THEN SHE WOULD HAVE MADE IT SHE IS STRONG, STRONG DO YOU HEAR ME, EVEN STRONGER THEN ME, she would fight and would never give up that means, YOU GAVE UP ON HER"

I can see from this that he is way gone and way unstable at the moment to reason with so I just try to talk to buy time. I can see no far behind us cops and security but they are trying to approach quietly.

he sees I am looking behind him and looks too then he notices the guards and cops so he takes a cover behind a cart and points the gun at me screaming if anyone takes one more step I die.

then he looks at me and says:" I have nothing now and I don't want this life anymore but you don't get to live after you killed her you are coming with me"

and before I can say anything to him. "bam" "bam" two shots fired into my chest and a third shot "bam" he fires after putting the gun in his mouth.

and that is the last thing I see before everything turns dark.

and my last thoughts were: " I regret not being able to save you sister and with a life of saving others I always hated the fact I couldn't save you "

" I lived alone and died alone on the floor of a hospital"

and I drift into nothingness.