
Onyx Phoenix: Soliel Book 1

Two orphans. Same enemy. One goal. Find and kill those who killed their families. Phoenix was five when her family died in a planned murder, while she got lucky and escaped. Onyx is an Ironshade, full of malicious men and women known for killing. He was ten when his father disappeared for a crime against the Ironshade leader. When the two cross paths, it is due to a target they both wish to bury six feet under. However, it turns into a game when said target escapes their clutches, and time is given to think and find information on each other that could lead to one’s destruction. But Phoenix doesn’t realize she’s wanted by another for an entirely different reason.

Patricia_Levy · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
18 Chs


Onyx and Phoenix took their time going into town, enjoying the cool air with the smell of rain. Each of them in their own thoughts and taking quick glances at the other in silent wonderment. While Phoenix was thinking of why this man would want to be her friend when just a few hours ago he wanted nothing more than to be a murderer, Onyx was thinking of how he could get her to trust him enough to lead her back to the Ironshade house to his boss.

When his boss told him to gain her trust and let her fall into a trap, Onyx had been slightly unsure of how to go about that, but then he knew all girls are the same. He was a nice-looking man, who is always fawned over by women of all ages. Of course, Phoenix would be the same in at least falling for him, if not outwardly showing it. He suspected that it wouldn't take long before he had her right where he wanted her, and then all the rest would fall into place. The only thing he wouldn't do is fall for her, no matter how much he admired her spirit. He wasn't one to fall in love because he didn't think anyone could be trusted, he didn't think any woman would be strong enough to hold his heart. His mother wasn't. She didn't live long enough to see him grow up, so of course he would trust no one with his life. Nobody, except one person.

And it wasn't Phoenix.

Phoenix found Onyx to be very…intimidating, repulsive, hard. He was huge, at least a head or two taller than her, with his shoulders spanning much wider than hers. His face was all hard angles, his hair was rich and tussled, and his eyes were always calculating. Always trying find out her weakness it seemed. She didn't understand his purpose, didn't trust his words to be true and would never like him as a friend, much less a peer. They may be similar in the act of killing, but everything else about them were total opposites. He was dark, she was bright. He had a job—if not the most profitable—she didn't have anything. He was in a gang, she was all alone with Elliot. He was brooding, and she was playful with a hint of cockiness.

When they reached the coffee shop, Onyx gestured for Phoenix to find a seat while he went to order. She picked the table near the window and watched him talk to Gwen, his back stiff and his shoulders back. When he was finished, he turned around and immediately spotted her, looking a little surprised for some reason. Phoenix rose her brows at him when he sat beside her, but he ignored her and said, "I ordered you your usual. The woman at the counter was very helpful."

Phoenix nodded and fidgeted with her fingers under the table, unsure of how this friend thing works with him, or anyone besides Elliot. Finally, she asked, "So, how often do you come here?"

"Since I was fifteen. You?"

She shrugged. "Seventeen."


Onyx looked out the window and saw Ecthrois watching him carefully from a rooftop. Irritated by the boss's lack of faith, he turned towards Phoenix and said, "When we get our orders, how about I take you somewhere more private?"

Phoenix stared at him in confusion. "Why?"

"Because I don't like being around this many people for a very long time."

The woman looked around the building to find only three other people at tables, and Gwen at the counter talking to her sons. Turning back to Onyx she raised a brow. "I want to stay."

Onyx growled deep in his throat and glared at her. "I don't care what you want, I want to go somewhere else."

Phoenix recoiled and opened her mouth to speak when Clement arrived at their table. "One black coffee and one mocha." He looked around after setting their cups down and took a step back hesitantly. "Is everything okay?"

Onyx glared at him. "Fine, now get back to work."

Hurriedly, Clement did and disappeared behind the kitchen doors. Phoenix now stood up and walked out of the shop, forgetting her drink on the table. Her mind was racing as she started heading to the bridge that connected this island to Ethereal. She heard Onyx behind her, keeping up like a shadow. She inwardly groaned and sped up, nearly running to her destination. He didn't go away. About half way there, Phoenix couldn't take it anymore and spun around to shout at him, only to find a different person there instead. She blinked and looked around, but didn't see Onyx.

"It's about time you stopped!"

Phoenix looked at the person and narrowed her eyes. It was the lady from Ironshade, from last night. Her brunette hair was piled high on her head in a messy bun and her green eyes sparkled brightly at her. Phoenix stepped back away from her. "Where is Onyx?"

"He's talking to someone. Hi, my name is Advandth!" she said with a smile.

"Who is he talking to?"

Advandth shrugged and put her hands on her hips. "Who cares? It's a guy thing."

Phoenix nodded slowly, confused as to why this woman was here. "Great, I'm going now."

She turned and continued her way to the bridge, but Advandth followed her, linking their arms. "Where are you going?"

The red-head sighed and stopped again, looking over at the woman. "Why are you here?"

Suddenly, the girl's mood went down and she stepped back consciously. "I'm here for two reasons. One: I like you and really need a friend who's a girl. Two: because I was told to."

"Told to?" Advandth nodded. "By who?"


Phoenix groaned and started to turn away, only to run into someone else. She backed away and glared at the devil himself. He crossed his arms and stared at the two women. "Phoenix, this is Advandth."

"I know!" Phoenix snarled.

He smirked. "Well, I just reminded you."

Reminded of her anger, Phoenix pushed passed him and finished going to the bridge, and crossing halfway through it. When she got to her favorite spot, she leaned against the railing and took a deep breath of the salty air. Behind her, Advandth asked, "You like it here?"

Phoenix nodded, but didn't explain.

Onyx watched the woman in secret contemplation. She seemed different from Advandth, different from all the girls he's used to. He liked it. The only reason he sent Advandth to accompany Phoenix was to get a feel of what she might and might not like, but his plan backfired when she blew Advandth off. So, now he had to do this the hard way. He had thought Advandth could make a friend—a real friend—in Phoenix, come to find a person she might talk to about all her girl problems. But something told Onyx that Phoenix wasn't the type to do girl stuff.

Softly, he commented, "It's peaceful out here, but it would be better at night."

Intrigued, Phoenix turned to look at him. "Why?"

He shrugged. "Have you ever seen the reflection of the moon on the water's surface, or the lights from the island shimmer on the waves?" She shook her head and her eyes became glazed with the thought. Onyx stepped towards her and crossed his arms. "Would you like me to show you?"

Something flickered in Phoenix's eyes, something Onyx couldn't read precisely. But she said, "I think I can handle it, thank you."

"I thought we were supposed to get to know each other?"

Fury flashed now in those brilliant blue orbs. "That was before you snarled at my friend's son."

Taken aback, Onyx backed away from her in shock. He hadn't known the shop owner was Phoenix's friend, hadn't known the by was her son. Maybe he should've seen it, should've realized it when they first met, but hadn't thought twice until now. Still, he was interrupting their talk and Onyx was irritated. "Well, in case you hadn't noticed, he was butting into our business which is impolite."

"And you know manners?" she snorted.

"I know what I need to know," Onyx stated and handed her the cup of coffee he had ordered for her that she left. "Like now. You forgot your drink and I was kind enough to grab it and bring it to you."

She seemed mildly shocked by this, but slowly took the cup. She was about to say something when Devdan appeared beside her, looking a little winded. "Onyx, we need to go."

Phoenix jumped and cried out a little, making Onyx smirk. He caught her by the waist and pulled her to him, like the first time they met here, then turned to his comrade. "What is wrong?"

"He's gone."

Advandth stiffened as Onyx let go of Phoenix and cursed under his breath. "Fine, I'll be right behind you." When Devdan and Advandth disappeared into the crowd, he turned to Phoenix. "I have to go. Ill meet you at the coffee shop at sunset tonight, no exceptions."


"No exceptions," he growled and took off.

Phoenix watched him leave and silently threw curses at his retreating form, hating the way he was rude one moment and nice the next. She couldn't figure him out. She didn't want to meet him tonight, didn't want him to think she was obedient and willing to do whatever he wants, but she did want to see the nighttime reflections off the waters. He knew what she liked about this place, and suggested something even better. But they weren't friends. He would never be a friend with how he treats people.

Slowly, she made her way to the library to read for the few hours she had to wait and contemplate. What was the point in ignoring him when he was the one trying to do—what? What was Onyx trying to do? Become friends? He's doing a poor job of it. Take an interest in her so they could be something more? Definitely not! She was not interested in him at all and never would be. He was insane to think she would ever like him much less love him.

In the library, her favorite spot to sit was the window seat on the top floor. She could see most of Ruthless and liked to imagine it was a different world all together. She liked to think her world was something that could change, but how could it? When a person looked out on Ruthless, all they would see was a run-down island with dingy people and many criminals. She wanted to live somewhere else, somewhere beautiful that was safe and resigned from the rest of the world. Somewhere she wouldn't have to be so savage, somewhere she could be herself.

Phoenix sighed and opened her book, many questions with not enough answers fading away while she read about a world more magical than hers, somewhere free and full of life. Somewhere she might have had a family had it not been murdered years ago.

"Where did he go?" Onyx hissed to Devdan once reaching Tariel Ingerina's house. According to Devdan and Ecthrois, they hadn't seen him leave, all day. People entered and left, but they had watched him go back inside, closing the door behind him.

"I don't know! We just saw one of his guests stand knocking at the door for fifteen minutes, then leave without being invited in. I went in to see if he had fallen asleep or something, but there's no trace of him."

Onyx couldn't believe his ears. How could they lose someone so important, so wanted? He strode past his group and into the house, throwing tables against the wall and slamming doors. He went through the whole house twice, finding nothing. His anger was palpable, and Devdan feared what might happen if Onyx lost control. When Onyx got back outside where Ecthrois stood watch, he growled, "Get Rukr here to see if there are any hidden doors or passages. Make sure he is here asap or I am going to have a very hard time keeping my hands to myself."

Ecthrois took off to do as he was told and Onyx breathed through his nose, thinking happy thoughts. For some reason, he saw Phoenix in his mind, and that just made him pissed off. "Onyx, something is wrong," Advandth said from behind him.



He turned when she didn't continue and stiffened at the sight. Advandth and Devdan were inside the house, in the middle of a ring of fire. He saw Advandth's fear of the flames and knew he had seconds before she panicked. Luckily, he brought the bottle of water Phoenix had given him, unopened. He now splashed it on the fire, giving the two the chance to jump out before the flames closed together again. Devdan had Advandth in his arms, shaking and sweating while telling herself it was over.

Onyx had forgotten all their fears because they didn't usually come up very often. But Tariel had been an Ironshade, so of course he knew what to use against them. The only thing he didn't know was that Onyx didn't have a fear. He doused any thought of being afraid when he was ten. Anything brought up against him wouldn't be able to control him. He was stronger than all the Ironshade because of this one fact—even the boss had a fear which Onyx hasn't had the courage to use against him.

Looking around, he saw the trap—a trip wire that lit a fuse and the gasoline on the ground that was heavily disguised with air freshener. He growled and went outside to see the sun low in the sky, turning bright orange. He had to go, but he didn't want to leave this problem to his comrades, not when it was this bad and they all had fears of their own. Onyx cursed loudly and went over to Devdan and Advandth—who had recovered considerably. "Advandth, are you well enough to go see Phoenix and tell her I won't be able to make it?"

She nodded and stood up, taking a shaky step to leave only to turn back to him. "You don't have to be here. Once Ecthrois returns, we'll be fine."

"No. I'm staying. If she asks, just say that I'm dealing with an important client for the boss and he's taking forever to make a decision."

"But, she'll know something is wrong," she whispered. "I know she's a bright person."

"I don't care, Advandth! Don't say anything about what has happened! If she wants real answers, I'll tell her next time we meet. Just do as I say," Onyx hisses. His patience was wearing thin and women like Phoenix won't be able to calm him down, only make it worse.

Advandth nodded once and left, hugging herself for warmth that seemed to have left her after the fire incident.

Onyx sighed and turned to Devdan. "I'm going to look some more. Stay here and watch for Ecthrois and Rukr, give me the signal and I'll come out."