
Onyll And The Alpha King

When Cupid has shot you with an arrow but instead of it becoming a blessing, it becomes a burden too heavy.

Beautypete · Fantasie
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2 Chs



"Onyll, are sure you are going to be okay?"

"Yes Elton, you don't have to worry about me, I didn't drink much, go back to Kate before she notice that you're not there."

"You sure Onyll, I can talk to her, we can just call it a night, am sure she'll understand"

"No silly, don't ruin your Friday night because of me, I'll be fine, am not a small girl again, am eighteen now remember, by the way Melissa is also having fun somewhere in one of those rooms upstairs where you should also be with someone"

I assured my overacting friend waving my new drivers license and ID card that I had collected earlier in the afternoon. The last sentence earning a blush from him

"But it's your birthday"

My dear friend protested again."

"And I want you all to enjoy it, you have to fulfill my wish, so go back there"

I answered him immediately know he was going to start feeling guilty that I could not stay back to party even though it was my birthday.

"Okay, if you say so, you're right"

He pulled me into a very big hug as if it was the last time he was going to see me before running back into the club again yelling something in line with texting him when I reach home.

I laughed at him trying to juggle between being a good boyfriend and a good best friend.

In my opinion, I think he his the best of both, I am really lucky to have him in my life and recently, so is Kate.

Elton and I have been friends since middle school, when I first moved to Colarado with my mom, I didn't have any friend and honestly, I was not willing on making any new friends, I felt the less people I have in my life, the better it would be for me.

So I gave my focus on my academics and nothing more.

Even when he approached me and offered to give me a ride home, I declined thinking that football players like him were the last group of people I needed in my life.

Somehow using his weird awesome Italian Magic, he convinced me to be his friend and even got me as the third person on their bestie click with Melissa.

Having spent all of middle school and most of high school together, we were practically insaperable, the three of us, Melisa, Elton and I.

"It's my birthday,

it's my birthday,

I must spend my money,

pretty lady,

pretty lady won't you be my fantasy"

I sang along with the song that was stock on my head since I woke up this morning.

It's like a diesels that I totally forget about this song but whenever it was my birthday, the song automatically comes to mind.



Won't you be my fantasy

My voice echoed loud in the busy streets as I adjusted my ear pods from falling down due to my crazy dance just now.

Just when I was about to enter the street that lead to my house, I saw a figure laying on the ground making funny movements.

Immediately becoming alert, I went for the pepper spray I had in my mini polene bag and headed towards the direction of the dumpster.

Reducing the volume of my song, I hid my phone between my tigh and my pants thinking that if someone was to take my phone, they'd have to get me naked first.

At least that was something the thugs in this neighborhood did not do, they have a certain respect toward women.

"Who's there"

I called out trying to sound brave so against whoever was hiding beside the dumpster.

But then it was not the reply I expected that I got.

Instead of a harsh word of reproach or threat,

I heard the groaning of a man as if he was in pain.

I pried with my ears moving closer to the person, I couldn't see him clearly but I heard him asking for help.

"Help me help me" the words were sloppy, his voice barely audible and his face hidden from the light.

I knew I should run away from him, Seeing the condition he was in, I did not know who put him in that condition, whoever did may still be lurking behind keeping guard or looking for him.

All that did not matter, I just felt like helping the stranger.

I wasted no time in approaching him, using my phone, I switched the flashlight to look at his condition again.

He was holding his leg where blood was oozing from.

Drawn by sympathy, I tore part of his cloth and used it to apply force slightly above the injured part of the leg.

When I was sure I had arrested the bleeding, I helped him up to his feet before asking him where he wanted to go.

"Is someone coming for you or should I call the cops?"

I asked unsure of what to do next in this type of situation.

"Noo, no cops, don't call the cops"

He frantically spoke at the mention of cops.

"Okay fine, where are you going then?" I asked him but he seemed to be in too much pain to give me an answer, his body was becoming weak and his head on my shoulder pushed further into the nook.

Since he stood with one leg, he could not stand for long so his body became limp.

I managed to drag the one and a half legged stranger to my house to avoid the cold weather and also try to stay safe from whoever did this to him.

I followed the back door to avoid being seen by anybody.

I was sure that they would not come looking for him at my house, but just to be sure, I took him upstairs to my room, I needed to keep him away from my mom too incase she comes back in the middle of the night.

By the time I dropped the big man on my twin size bed, he was already unconscious mostly because of the blood he had lost.

Taking a very good look at the man, I notice that the wound in his leg was not the only injury he had, there was also blood stain on his stomach.

I unbuttoned his cloth to have a look at the affected area.

His affected area was not the only thing I saw though.