
Ontology: A Squirrel's Travelogue

I died, and have been reborn. Somehow, being an evolving monster is practically one good pro. The con is that I'm literally a tall, hunched monster who has two girls stuck on my body. (Rance Fanfiction, SI as Kayblis in SS Era) ~ • ~ Note: Worldbuilding-heavy, AU. Disclaimer: I only own the OCs and 93% of the plot here. Not the title art and almost everything else inside this fanfiction.

CaveSquirrel · Videospiele
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[ ~ Start • Our • Game ~ ]

It had been hundreds of years since the previous Demon King, Avel, had been defeated by his brother, the King of Dragons, Maggiwha and sealed to a deepest pit, alone in complete, utter darkness as his powers were stripped away from him.

Before he came to be, a powerful monstrosity, the previous Demon King that equals a high ranking god, Kkulf Kkulf, a Demon King that needed almost 2000 years of constant battle to kill had lived, alone, in isolation as nobody was there but dragons who wanted - no, needed to fight it in a constant war.

Ever since Avel had been sealed, Maggiwha built a peaceful haven for everyone. No war, no conflict. But pure peace.

Yet the Creator God was completely, utterly bored at the peace the Dragons made at the entire continent. For a while, it considered resting for a few years, but his first creations, the Supreme Gods, thought of something really good.

The peace that the dragons had brought was broken, as countless Angel Knights began to appear, along with several gods to demolish the very empire, the haven that the Dragon King made.

Two subspecies of dragons, the Dragon Kalars and the Poppin Dragons were hunted and melted just for the sick enjoyment of the gods. The minuscule amount that survived escaped and hid only for a very long time, never to be seen again.

After the time the Angel Knights and Gods gave despair to Dragonkind, hunting them down for sport or just for the sake of reducing their numbers, Roven-Pan, the youngest Supreme God, decided to begin planning to create a new Protagonist Race.

For hundreds of years, it had began making the new Protagonist Race. Something that wasn't as weak as the Round Ones, not as strong and as intelligent as the dragons, yet something similar to the angels. It took Roven-Pan a long while to finally create the perfect Protagonist Race.

And they were called: "Humans"

The current Demon King had to be immediately replaced by a new one, therefore the Supreme God Planner removed what made the now former Demon King Avel a Demon King: his blood.

And thus, a new era was born alongside the new Demon King: a young girl with a gifted mind, known as the third demon king, Ssulal.


Thirty-five years after Ssulal became the new Demon King.....

In a forest under the light of the waning crescent, a petite girl ran towards a direction of a cave where it seemed very safe, as she began to hear several footsteps from behind her.

'Dark Lord Meglass and Dark Lord Camilla are busy fighting the other humans, and I am in a totally bad spot right here....' The girl thought, halting in her tracks and turning around to face her foes. '.... while my magic ability is immense, I can still be killed by skilled enough fighters and can be wounded most of the time meaning that I'm pretty weak physically. I have to buy enough time.'

Appearing from the trees, several armored people sheathed their swords, and several mages began to chant.

In reflex, she waved her right arm towards the mages and disabled their magic before they could be casted.

A man wearing clothing suited for high ranking people then approached her with his rapier out and read. He seemed to look very serious, as he was at his teenage years.

"As expected of the Demon King Ssulal, all mages, retreat! As far as we know, she can barely fight us on pure physical combat! Without her subordinates, this task has become easier!" The man spoke, before the mages did as told. "And now, we fight that monster, till out last breath! Glory for the Empire for Castrum!" When he shouted this, the warriors shouted their empire's name as they began to surround Ssulal.

But, before they can approach her to take her down together, a massive monster jumped from the trees, crushing and tossing away several warriors of the Castrum Empire with it's massive body.

Seeing this, the soldiers took several steps back, staring at the monster with utmost caution who was calmly observing the area around it.

"What kind of monstrosity is that!?" The leader of these warriors spoke, as his attention was subverted from Ssulal to the thing that stood between him and the Demon King.

The humanoid monster was 13 feet tall, maybe a little taller than that if it wasn't hunched, it also had a muscular build, as if it was made for pure combat and survival.

Thick brown and white fur was covering it's body, and it's head looked similar to an animal's, more specifically: a squirrel's. Four horns were protruding from it's head, and it's golden eyes were observing the puny little creatures beneath it.

Ssulal, and a few soldiers noticed something behind him, though. As there were two girls stuck on his body, one on his back, and the other on his tail's end. It was as if they were a part of him. The girls' silver eyes quickly scanned over the battlefield.

"Kayblis..... They're all enemies, except for the girl." The girl on it's back spoke rather dryly, as the monster not known as Kayblis nodded. "The obvious thing to do is to crush them all and bring despair to them."

"We haven't fought some humans for a long while now, don't you think we can have some fun now that we're used to our body?" The other girl who was on Kayblis's tail spoke, with a tone full of innocent excitement.

Kayblis then took on a stance of a skilled Martial Artist, but just before then, he was interrupted by the Demon King.

"Are you an ally?" Ssulal asked him, with utmost caution in her tone as she began to observe him.

"Of course, ain't it obvious? You're the Demon King, I'm just an ancient Dark Lord who lived for thousands of years. Nice to meet you." Kayblis answered in a deep tone.

His words struck awe and curiosity to the Demon King, though by that fact alone, this would be a start of a long lasting friendship between master and subordinate.

[ ~ Chapter • End ~ ]

Author's Commentary: For those who are confused, let's just say that his backstory is at next chapter.