
Chapter twenty-six : Everly

When Lucifer had stood behind me in the mart, I almost froze thinking it was a reporter but when I saw his face I was so relieved. When he'd held me so close to himself, at that moment I knew nothing could harm me. I felt protected.

He'd brought me back to his company afterward and I didn't fight it because I was sure about the reporters still hovering over my place. I was waiting in his office looking at the panoramic view through the floor-to-ceiling windows, we were on the 24th floor and the city skyline was breathtaking. But soon I started getting antsy, it was already hours and he still wasn't back. Linda came to check on me a few times but now she was gone too. I heard the door open, he was back. But the man standing at the door wasn't Lucifer. He was much older than him. Seeing me in the office he stopped for a moment but then entered. After the incident with the reporters I still hadn't managed to form complete sentences, so I stepped back and he noticed. "Please don't be afraid. Since you're here in my son's office it means you're someone special to him which means you're special to me too." The man started.

Son? He sensed my confusion and then motioned to the couches, "Maybe we could sit down and have a chat?"

I nodded and moved toward the couch. I sat down on the big one while he sat down on the single seater. We sat there in silence for a moment before he broke it, "I'm sorry, I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable." He said with a warm smile.

I gathered myself, "Who are you?"

"I apologize for not introducing myself. I'm Steve Adler, Lucifer's father. And you are?"

"Everly Madigan," I managed to smile.

"Everly, beautiful name. Are you perhaps–" he was cut off when the door opened again. I felt myself relax at the sight of Lucifer. His eyes met mine and then settled on the man, "Dad what are you doing here?" He spoke. So he really was his father. Lucifer much to my relief settled down on the couch beside me. "Why are you here?"

His father shook his head and smiled, "I didn't teach you to be so blunt. At least ask me how I'm doing."

"You're here it means you're doing pretty well. So?" Lucifer said.

His father got up and slapped Lucifer on his back, "Damn you brat," he smiled.

"Damn you old man," Lucifer smirked. I couldn't help but smile myself that was a unique way of greeting each other. His father moved and stood in front of us, "Jokes apart, I heard you're in the midst of some serious damage control."

"Yes, I was too careless this time." Lucifer gritted out. I thought I wasn't supposed to listen this so I got up to leave. Lucifer grabbed my wrist and looked up at me, "Where do you think you're going?"

"I thought you needed some privacy." I mumbled.

"Oh no Everly, there's no need for that." His father said with a warm smile. Now that I looked closely they seemed to have a lot in common. He was tall but a few inches shorter than Lucifer, it was easy to tell that once he had the same black hair as Lucifer's. But his eyes were blue not dark brown, perhaps he got them from his mother.

I settled down again, Lucifer wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer, I squealed and then covered my mouth. His father laughed and then sat down himself. This wasn't good I was making a fool out of myself here. "Now I completely understand why he left Charlotte hanging back at the event." He looked at us and then his face turned serious, "You better be serious about this Lucifer."

Lucifer looked down at me and then to his father, "I am."

"Everly," he looked at me and I straightened, "I know he can be a handful sometimes but he's a good man."

"Yes Mr. Adler," I nodded. What was I even supposed to reply him with?"Please call me Steve." His phone started ringing and he got up, "I better get going."

"About time," Lucifer murmured and then got up. He walked him to the door but his father stopped and turned, "About my approval. Lucifer I approve of your girlfriend." He announced and left.

Girlfriend? Who was the girlfriend? What the heck was that? I was on my feet immediately, "What did your father mean when he said 'approve your girlfriend' ?" I asked.

"That he approves you," he shrugged and went toward his table.

"But I am not your girlfriend." I said with more force than intended.

"I know." He shrugged again.

Damn it why was he acting so calm? Didn't he understand that his father had assumed something wrong? Shouldn't he be rushing to correct him, but here he was sitting calmly? "Lucifer!" I slammed my palms on his table, he looked up from the file he was holding and got up from his chair. He rounded the table and came to stand in front of me. He sighed, "Everly I'm sorry but I won't be able to correct his false premise. I'll have to let the things be."

"How can you just let it be? I am not your girlfriend and you have to tell him this." I snapped.

"Then be my girlfriend. I mean my fake girlfriend." He shrugged.

He wanted me to be his fake girlfriend?! Was he even listening to himself? I mean what did he think it was, a freaking rom-com sitcom or one of those stupid romantic novels. Or did he think I was an idiot and would fall for his tricks.

"You know what, I don't care. I don't give a damn if you clear this up or not. I'm leaving." I stomped to the door. I couldn't wait here for another minute.

"Where do you plan on going?" I stopped in my tracks, "The paparazzi are still out there. Your home, the Starlight café, your university. Every place you frequent will be under their radar, they won't stop at any cost." I turned to give him a piece of my mind but he continued, "If you think denying this news would help, you're wrong. Even if you refuse you'll still be connected to me somehow, they'll follow you around everywhere, like a constant shadow. And from what I noticed earlier you're not someone who'll be able to handle them. Believe me Everly when I say you won't be able to live a normal life again for a long time. But if you agree to what I said it'll be easier. No one would dare interfere in your life when I'm around and you know it. You'll be able to live like nothing happened. I'm not scaring you, I'm just telling you the truth. Take all the time you need to think about it." He turned but halted, "I almost forgot, you'll be coming to my place. Your home isn't safe for the time being. And I will not waver, you will be coming with me. The rest of it is your call." He looked me in the eye then headed back to his desk. He settled down and opened the file he was looking into earlier.

I stood there dumbfounded. I had already thought about the consequences if I were to publicly deny my relationship with him. But now hearing it out loud I was a little scared. What if they really followed me around like he said? I'd be done for. In the worst case I won't be able to attend my end terms or what if I failed them due to too much stress or pressure. Moreover, it was true I had no idea how to deal with the paparazzi but I really didn't want to involve myself in this fiasco. Oh god this was too much to handle. I huffed and looked up at Lucifer. He was sitting straight in his chair with one foot planted on the ground and the calf of the other leg resting on the knee of the planted leg, looking all high and mighty. His eyes were trained on the file in his hands. Damn this tyrant. I stomped to the couches and flopped down. This was the best thing I could think for now.