
Chapter twenty-five : Lucifer

I sat in the conference hall overlooking at the data from our latest acquisition. "If we overlook a few things, the acquisition was a success," one of the younger employee spoke and was immediately chided at by his senior. He seemed new and didn't know how the things worked here. Everything mattered, even the tiniest of the detail, because even a seemingly insignificant thing could cost us millions. My cell phone vibrated in my pocket, I frowned and ignored it. After a few minutes it started vibrating again, I sighed in frustration and took it from my pocket. Everly the screen flashed. I was on my feet immediately, "Excuse me," I said then made my way outside. I picked up.

"Lucifer," her voice sounded off. "I'm sorry for calling when you were in a meeting, but I," she gasped and the other side went silent for a moment.

"Everly, what's going on?" I shouted. I heard her breathing heavily, "What's the matter? Is everything alright?" My voice was rising with every word.

"Lucifer, they're out there. They first came at the café then they were outside my apartment. I don't know what to do." The panic was clear in her voice.

"Who are you talking about sweetheart?" I said softly trying to calm her down.

"The reporters, they're everywhere. I don't know why. They keep asking about you. What should I do Lucifer?"

Reporters? Fuck not again. I couldn't let them corner Everly, she had no idea how to deal with them. They were like pests and she would never be able to get past them. "Everly where are you right now? I'll come get you."

"No," she shouted, "you can't come here they're looking for you. You'll get in trouble."

Even in this situation she wasn't worried about herself. "Everly, I won't get in trouble, tell me where you are now." I said with too much authority.

She waited for a moment then spoke, "At the super mart near my home."

"Stay there and do not go anywhere. I'll be there soon." I wasn't able to make out what she said and she hung up. Damn it this wasn't good.

Linda was already behind me holding an iPad, "Mr. Adler there's something you should see–"

"I know," I cut her off, "they got their way to her," I gritted out, "I'm going to get her, handle the meeting for me." I said as I headed to the elevator. I got into my Aston Martin and ignited the engine. I needed to get to her fast.

I reached the super mart in twenty minutes and parked the car, getting out my eyes fell on the reporters swarming outside. How long have they been here? Some of them spotted me and hurried in my direction, I scowled at them and they immediately stepped back. As I got inside I saw a few them looking around. I called Everly a few times but she didn't pick up which only meant they were around her. Now the only way was to look for her in every aisle. I went in the direction of the gathered group of paparazzi, and it wasn't long before I spotted her. She was huddled in a corner, her back to them, one turn of their heads and they would've spotted her too. I quickly moved behind her, my body completely hiding her small frame from them. She might've sensed me because she froze, she slowly turned her face and looked up at me. Relief washed over her fear stricken face, "Lucifer," she whispered. I cupped her face and leaned down, "You okay?" She nodded. "Let's get out of here." I held her hand in mine.

The crowd had only increased outside, seeing me here was a big news considering the situation. Everly froze beside. I let go of her hand and wrapped my arm around her shoulders, she looked up at me with those green eyes. I had to get her out of here now.

"It'll be alright," I pulled her close me and started walking. I would've easily pushed through the crowd of screaming reporters, but with Everly I had to be careful. I stopped when I heard Everly gasp, looking down I saw a woman forcefully tugging at her, she moved further into me trying to get away. Looking at her reaction to such assault I realized she really wasn't meant for this. I pulled Everly close to me, "Don't touch her," I growled at the woman and she moved away. As soon as I got to my car I helped her get in and got behind the wheel. I powered the engine and drove out of the lane, away from the chaos.

"I'm sorry," Everly spoke, I turned to look at her, she was clutching onto her bag and looking down at her hands, "I'm sorry for getting you involved. I thought I'd be able to handle it on my own but when I saw them under the building I didn't know what to do. Then when they started following me I got scared and called you. I'm sorry I knew you were at a meeting but still I called."

I sighed as I stopped the car in the driveway, I undid my seatbelt and got out. I opened the door for Everly, she got out without saying anything. I took her chin between my thumb and index finger and tilted her face up. Her eyes were dull and had something in them. Wait, was she ashamed?

"Everly I'm the one who got you involved," she opened her mouth to say something but decided against it. "I should've been more careful after the first incident but I turned a blind eye to it. I am the one at fault. You have nothing to apologize about. And about the meeting, you are much more important than it." Her eyes widened. "Also don't make that face ever again it kills me. Okay?" I let her face go and she nodded. "Now come," I held out my hand, she hesitated but took it. I marveled at the size difference of our hands and then held it tight. We walked inside the company building, the receptionist greeted me and I replied with a nod. I moved to the private elevator and scanned my card key on the panel. This elevator gave access to the top two floors of the building. I didn't let go of her hand as we stepped in and I scanned my card again.

We were greeted by Linda when the doors opened, "Good evening Miss Madigan." She smiled at Everly.

"Good evening," she replied in a small voice. I squeezed her hand and she looked up at me, I nodded with reassurance.

"Mr. Adler the meeting," Linda said and I nodded. "Take Everly to my office, I'll go wrap things up." Then I leaned down and kissed Everly on her head, "I'll be back soon. Wait for me." She nodded and reluctantly I let go of her hand. I got back into the elevator while Linda guided her to my room. I had to do something about this mess or it'll end bad.


"So what did you find out?" I asked Sienna the head of the Public Relations department.

"Well it's deep. We were able to suppress the news last time but this time it'll be difficult, considering her name is out." She said.

I completely understood what she said, Sienna was the best when it came to these matters. She'd been with our company for almost five years now and was able to shut down every rumour that came my way. I could say she played a great role in helping me maintain my public image.

"You should see these," she passed me an iPad. It was a tabloid with the headline – City's most eligible bachelor finally hooked?! My eyes slid down to the picture included. It was taken outside the mart just hours ago. Thankfully Everly's face was hidden. I swiped to the next page to the tabloid from months ago. Back in the East Coast some fucker had photographed Everly and me outside the hotel. Fortunately the photograph wasn't clear enough and the news was easily suppressed but this time it won't be easy. I couldn't drag Everly into this stuff, she was just too innocent to survive through the ruthless world of entertainment media. I got up and slammed the iPad on the table, "I need you to find out the fucker who released the details about Everly at any cost. And make sure that news doesn't make it to the headlines." I looked at Sienna and she nodded.

I was so damned pissed, not once but twice. How could I've been so careless? I took one last glance at the news article and stormed out of the room. I'd make sure this news is buried forever. And once I got my hands on the person who sold Everly out, he'd have wished he were never born. No one could harm my Everly. I looked down at my watch, it was already two hours since I got back with Everly, and now I needed to get back to her. I needed to see her, hear her voice, but most of all I needed her.