
Chapter thirty-seven : Everly

I looked around myself, no way to escape. Lucifer towered over me like a menacing giant. Gazing up at him I saw the look in his eyes, he was angry but somewhere there was some dark amusement.

That kiss, damn it. It was my first time being kissed, and it was an unexplainable feeling, beyond my imagination. It seemed as if he was devouring me, the hunger in him was deeply reflected in that kiss. It did something to me, and for a second there I'd lost myself. But I returned to my senses soon and pushed him away. He had kissed me without my permission, so he deserved that slap.

I straightened myself and stood to my full height, not that it made any difference, he was still well over a foot taller than me. I looked up at him and jutted my chin out, I wasn't going to cower because I wasn't wrong. He smirked, "You little vixen," he stroked my cheek with his knuckles before trailing down to my neck and shoulder. I felt goosebumps prickle on my skin. Was he angry or not? He seemed a little angry but his touch was gentle as always.

"I will not apologize!" I blurted.

"I know," he said as his thumb grazed my lower lip.

The air around us thickened, none of us moved, our eyes fixed on each other's. I was more than happy that I was still standing, even though my heart was practically beating out of my chest. Lucifer's eyes were trained on me, looking out even for my smallest movements. After what seemed forever, he finally began, "Everly," he tucked a lose strand of hair behind my ear, he leaned down so he was at eye level with me, "You raised your hand at me," he closed the distance, crowding my personal space until his face was just a breath away from mine, "but I'll let it slide just this once. I will not tolerate it the next time. Understand?" His voice was laced with suppressed anger and threat.

I audibly swallowed and nodded. "Good girl," he murmured and kissed my temple, then straightening himself he looked down at me, "Want to look around a little while?"

I immediately shook my head and his lips pulled up in a smirk. I needed to get out of here, away from him, or god knew what could happen in the next second. "Good, I needed to get back and manage some company work, anyway." He murmured as he took my hand in his.

We returned to the lounge where Celia and Dylan were seated on the couch and across them sat a woman with curly brown hair, beside Blake. "There she is!" Celia exclaimed as soon her eyes fell on me. The woman got up and turned to me. Her beautiful face broke down into a big smile and her blue eyes sparkled. "Oh my, she really is adorable Celia." She pushed aside Blake and headed in my direction. She took me in a huge hug, "Everly, I'm Jessa, the sister."

She almost squeezed the life out of me, until Lucifer pulled me to him. I gasped for air and gave a shaky smile, "Nice to meet you Jessa."

"Sorry about my sister, she doesn't understand the concept of personal space." Blake smirked. Jessa smacked his shoulder and glared at him then turning to me, her smile returned, "I couldn't make it to the lunch due to a prior engagement. I'm sorry but I hope you can spend some time with me."

I looked in her gleaming eyes, and even though I was tired to my bone and my feet were hurting like hell, I couldn't bring myself to say no. I looked up at Lucifer, thinking if it'd be okay if we spent some more time here. He just smiled at me, I looked back at Jessa and nodded, "I think we can." And then she was pulling me out of the room and down the hall.

Jessa was just as chatty as Celia and all I did was sat there, happily listening to their stories and incidents about the young Lucifer, and looking at her beautiful curls bounce.

"He fucked around like an animal in heat," Celia laughed and Jessa joined in, but I sat there trying my best not to flee. This wasn't a conversation I wished to be a part of.

When they finally quieted, Celia and Jessa looked at me with a serious expression, "Everly," Celia whispered and leaned in closer, "Is Lucifer good in bed? You know since we all went to the same highschool we know quite a lot about the rumours, and as far as Lucifer is concerned, he was known for swooning girls right off their feet. I mean a lot of girls did say he is a beast and I'm just curious. Is he really that good?"

Heat rushed to my head and I started looking around nervously, I had to get out of here. Right now. "I, I... I need–" I was barely finished with my stuttering when the door flew open. Lucifer stood there, all imposing and authoritative. His eyes scanned his sisters and then fell on me, they widened for a moment and then he shook his head moving toward me. He picked me by my arm and then pulled me into himself.

I started to relax against his body as I took in his familiar scent. His hand rested on my head as he caressed my hair gently, while the other wrapped around me. I heard the sound of awws, from behind me and I nuzzled further into his chest. I wished for the earth to swallow me up right that instant. I'd had tonnes of embarrassing incidents but this took the cake.

I felt a low rumble, run down Lucifer's body and I realized he was laughing lightly. I was mortified and tried to pull away from him. I didn't want them to make fun of me. I knew I wasn't experienced in this domain of life, but being laughed at because of it was the last thing I wanted.

My feet left the ground before I could pull away from Lucifer. He picked me up and looked up at me with a full smile, showing his straight white teeth and the dimples, which brought that fluttering feeling in my stomach. "I'm taking my girl home, now." He announced and left the room. I dared not look at Celia's and Jessa's faces because of my acute embarrassment. Blake and Dylan freaking waved at us when we exited the room.

What the actual fuck? Here I was dying of mortification and the people around me were laughing. Either I had lost my mind or I was hallucinating.

When we reached outside the villa, Lucifer lowered me so I was at eye level with him. "Can you get any redder?" He stifled a laugh and I had the urge to slap him again. He gently kissed my cheek, "You're so adorable that it actually hurts, sweetheart."

My eyes widened yet again and I looked away from him. And then he surprised me by laughing hard. The laughter came deep down from his chest, and I felt the vibrations resonate down my body. "Yes, you definitely can get redder." He said between his laugh.

I balled my fists and tried to push him away with all my strength. I had to get down on my feet if I wished to throw a fit or argue with him.

"Okay, okay, I won't laugh anymore. Now let's get going." Without putting me down he started walking in the direction of the car.

"Put me down!" I demanded.

He shook his head, amusement clear in his voice, "No love, you're feet are aching. I'm not going to let you walk by yourself."

What did he take me for? A child? "You're being ridiculous Lucifer!" I snapped, but he looked up at me with a soft expression, "No." His voice was final which literally said, no arguments shall be entertained. I huffed and crossed my arms.

Lucifer just looked at me which a weird expression. But not the weird, weird, but the weird as in loving and caring. I shook my head shaking off all the stupid thoughts. I had no option for now, fighting would be useless, so I concentrated my eyes on his shoulder as he carried me to the car. I decided to wait till we got back, I'd run away from him the first moment I'd get and he wouldn't be able to catch me. But until then I'd give him the privilege to hold me.