
Chapter thirty-one : Everly

I was out of my room sharp at seven. I knew Lucifer was an early riser so I directly headed downstairs. I was walking down the hall to the study when I heard a noise, it was similar to someone hitting something. It led me to the gym where Lucifer was landing hard punches on a sandbag. My eyes voluntarily followed down his body, he was in a pair of gym shorts and a T-shirt which was completely drenched in sweat.

I watched in awe as his arms flexed with every punch he landed. Damn this man was all muscle but not like those bulky gym freaks, his body was lean and his muscles were the result of daily training. His eyes fell on me when he stepped back and landed a kick on the bag and I almost jumped at the force of it. He stopped and beckoned me. My throat went dry all of a sudden, I opened the glass door and stepped inside.

He had a towel in his hand when he approached and that's when I saw it. His sweat drenched T-shirt stuck to his body almost like a second skin and his thick black hair, were damp and fell beautifully on his forehead. He cleared his throat, I looked up at him and he had a smug expression on his face, I realized I'd been staring more like ogling him. I shook my head, "I'm leaving, I just came to goodbye."

"You got your cellphone?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Make sure to call me if you get in trouble." He started moving closer to me, I nodded and stepped back but that didn't stop him. Don't tell me he was planning on something again. From the day we've gotten into the verbal contract he had up his game. I remembered everything he'd said about making me fall for him. But damn it was the first time a guy had shown interest in me and I had no idea what to do about it. And Lucifer wasn't just any guy, he was a full grown man who knew what he wanted. He wouldn't stop until he got what he desired for, which scared me.

He was already too close to me when I looked up, "Please don't hug me you're covered in sweat and I've already taken a shower." I blurted.

He stopped and looked at me with an incredulous expression, then pointed behind me, I turned to find a water bottle on the bench behind me. I gazed back at him and his lips were pulled up in a smirk.

I made a fool out of myself early in the morning, what a great way to start my day.

"You could've just told me if you wanted a hug," he grabbed the water bottle from the bench.

"No, I just. Never mind I'll be leaving now. Have a good day." I was already feeling my cheeks heat up and I bet it won't be long before I looked a freaking tomato. I had to get out of here before I did something something stupid again.

He grabbed my wrist as I went for the door and pulled me to him. We weren't touching each other but were close enough that I could feel his body heat. He leaned down close to my ear and whispered, "It'll be a waste if you didn't get what you wanted, but it can't be helped since you've already showered so make do with this." He kissed a spot behind my ear and shivers ran down my spine. "Have a good day." He let go of my wrist and I dashed out.

Oh god, what was happening to me? I was completely losing my mind. And it was all his fault!


It took me a good hour to find the address of the orphanage. It'd been a long time since it got shifted but it was the first time I was visiting it. I'd talked to the children especially Jacob over phone and craved to visit them, so today here I was.

I looked at the estate which currently housed the children and I fell short of breath. It was huge. The building looked more like a nineteenth century mansion with open green area around it which went on for miles.

"Eve!" I turned around at the familiar voice, Jacob was sprinting in my direction with other children from the orphanage. He came running and wrapped his arms around my middle, while the other children gathered around. "I missed you so much Eve." He squeezed tightly and I laughed, "Me too Jacob."

"So you're the one they all keep talking about," a male voice made me turn my head.

A man and a woman were walking in our direction. They both had grey hair and looked well over fifty years. The man wore a white dress shirt with black pants while the woman was in a pair of white jeans and a purple pullover. They greeted me with warm smiles and I smiled back. "Pleasant to meet you," the man said, "I'm Will and this beautiful lady here is my wife, Dora." He pointed at the woman beside him. "We're the caretakers of this place."

"Nice to meet you too. I'm Everly." I extended my hand which Will took in a firm handshake. Dora surprised me by taking me in a hug, "you're just like we thought."

"Yes these children never stop talking about you. Eve this, Eve that. Your name's always on their lips. They truly like you a lot." Will laughed, and Dora joined in.

"Yes we do old man," Jacob stood in front of me.

"Jacob," I hissed, "that's no way to talk to an elder." He pouted and crossed his arms over his chest.

Will laughed again and I guessed that he loved smiling and laughing, "it's alright he's been calling me that from the moment they got here."

"Oh dear how long do you plan on making her wait her," Dora looked at Will. "Come on in Everly let us show you around."

"No we will do it," Jacob shouted and the others joined in. Will and Dora laughed and shook their heads. "Looks like they're not leaving anytime sooner." Dora smiled affectionately.

I mumbled them an apology as the children pretty much dragged me away from them. They were beautiful people, and now I was much more relaxed and happy that the children were here. They'll surely take care of them and look after them with everything they had.

For the next few hours Jacob followed me around like my shadow. He showed me around their new home which was even bigger than what it seemed from the outside. He was all over the place showing me his new room and his new friends and I was happy seeing he had settled in. He was only a year old when someone had left him outside the orphanage and it was the same time when I came in. We ended up becoming each other's pillar, even if he was too small to understand what I had gone through, he showed he cared by crying every time I struggled with my days. When it was time for me to leave he cried for a whole day and insisted on coming with me. I considered it for a moment but thankfully didn't act on it considering how I struggled trying to make the ends meet in the first few years.

We were playing catch when a girl came running to us, "Jacob your rival's here," she said breathing heavily. He nodded sternly and turned to me, "Eve let's go." He took my hand and we started walking to front porch, he didn't reveal any details about his rival but I was pretty much sure this rivalry had to do something about his catching. According to him I was the only one who could be better than him.

When we reached there the children especially the girls had gathered around, while Will and Dora greeted a man. The children ran to him as soon as he started walking inside the estate. From where we stood I could only see his back. "Eve," Jacob pulled at my hand. As we got closer I got a better view of him. He almost seemed familiar with his body structure and height. Wait, it couldn't be–

"Hey you!" Jacob shouted at the manbefore I completed my thought.

The man turned around and my heart skipped a beat. Lucifer. It was indeed him. But what was he even doing here? His eyes immediately fell on me and his face revealed the same surprise. He made his way through the children whom he practically towered over, "Everly what are you doing here?" He asked.

Before I could answer Jacob spoke, "Stay away from Eve." Lucifer stopped and arched his brow looking at me and I shrugged in return. "Today we'll make it even. You cannot win now that I have practiced with Eve today." He said with a smug expression.

"Oh really little guy? Then let's see what little Eve here has taught you." He smirked.

"Only I get to call her that!" Jacob snapped and Lucifer's lips curled up. He was definitely finding this amusing.

"Let's go to our spot," Jacob held my hand as we walked past Lucifer when he grabbed my hand. Jacob's face turned into a scowl, "Leave her hand." He stomped toward Lucifer and started pulling at his hand.

"Lucifer," I whispered and looked at him with pleading eyes. He bent down and whispered in my ear, "I know he's just a kid but I am pretty jealous of him."

I looked up at him and he had a huge grin on his face. He thought this was a joke? Well no. "You better focus on the game because Jacob will not lose today." I freed my hand from his grip.

"Let's make a bet," he smirked, "if he wins I'll grant you a wish and if I do, you grant me a wish."

"It's on." I said and moved past him all the while I felt his eyes on me.

He will certainly be the one losing today.