
Chapter thirty-eight : Lucifer

It was already nine when we reached home and Everly was already fast asleep. She dozed off somewhere in the middle of the trip. I unbuckled my seatbelt and leaned down on the staring wheel, she looked utterly beautiful asleep. It was my first time seeing her sleep, considering how she locked the door to her room every night. I still couldn't understand why she did that, but had no specific reason to question it. And now looking at her sleeping face, I was mesmerized. Her long eyelashes rested against her cheeks and she slept soundly, she looked so innocent. My eyes got fixed on the rise of and fall of her chest, and the desire to kiss her senseless returned. The desire to mark her was already on its high and now that I got a taste of her it seemed almost impossible to control myself anymore. But I didn't want to force anything on her. She was mine to protect and hurting her in any way was off the list. So I'd wait, I'd wait until the moment she got hold of her feelings toward me, and the moment she did, she'd be mine, body and soul.

I stepped out of the car and went on her side. Looking at her peaceful face, I couldn't bring myself to wake her up, so I removed the seatbelt and slipped one arm under her legs while with the other supported her back. I picked her out of the seat, she stirred and I froze, she moaned and nuzzled into my neck. After a moment she finally relaxed and her breathing became even again, I sagged in relief, thankful she didn't wake up because I didn't wish to let her go. The feel of her warm breath against my neck, rose every fucking hair on my body and I wanted to hold her soft body closer, not wanting even an inch of distance between us.

I never missed a chance to hold her and actually found small reasons to touch her every now and then. It was a first for me, seeking a woman's closeness. Everly stirred again in my hold. She stretched her arms a little and mumbled something before going back to sleep. Without waiting any further I went for the elevator. It was tricky inserting the card in the panel but I managed it. When we finally reached my penthouse, I laid her down on the couch in the living room. The moment I put her down she stretched like a cat and then curled into a ball. Her dress rode up her thighs, showing more of her soft skin. I had the urge to feel her smooth skin against my hand, but quickly suppressed it. I settled on the couch and pulled her feet in my lap, removing her heels I started massaging her small feet, knowing how they were hurting because of the stupid heels.

She looked gorgeous, her brown hair fanned across the white couch, and the thought of having her in my bed crossed my mind. Her small body sprawled out on my bed and her smooth hair splayed out behind her on the bedding as she looked up at me with her forest green eyes. The thought was too much and I started to feel its effects on me. I got away from her before I could do anything stupid and went up in my room before covering her with a blanket.

When I returned I headed for the kitchen for a glass of water before going back to Everly. I stood behind the couch and peered down at her. She was still asleep, and I debated whether I should take her to my room or hers. As if she heard my thoughts, her eyes fluttered open. Adjusting to the light around she glanced up at me with half closed eyes. "Good morning." I smiled down at her, and she gave me the sexiest sleepy smile, "Good morning." She said in an adorable small voice.

She looked around her herself confused, and it took her a minute to take in her surroundings. She jackknifed when she realised where she was. Her eyes snapped up at me, demanding explanation. "You fell asleep, so I carried you up." I said offering her the glass of water. Her soft lips turned into a perfect o shape and she took the glass from me.

I slumped down next to her on the couch and she pulled the blanket toward herself. I ignored the suspicious look she gave me and sighed. It'd be a long way before she stopped being vigilant around me because of today's kiss. I turned in her direction, "So how did you like everyone?"

"They're great, I loved them." She grinned, and immediately felt silent. I looked down at her hands which were gripping the glass in a death grip, as if it were her last life source. I knew she wanted to say more but was stopping herself. I didn't want to push her, I wanted her to say it herself. I sighed and leaned back, "I know even though they're a little crazy, they're hard not to like."

She looked up at me and then back at the glass in her hand, "Yes, I almost felt a part of it, a part of your family, even though I wasn't." She said in a small voice.

I leaned forward and rested my elbows on my thigh, "I'm happy you did." I smiled at her. Her eyes met mine and then fluttered down my mouth, her cheeks tinged a light shade of pink. Of course she was thinking about the kiss. She might have slapped me after, but I could tell she lost herself in it, even for just a moment, she liked it and didn't want me to stop. Unfortunately, when I saw her tears I had second thoughts about it, but they were gone soon when I saw her fire return.

No matter how much I tried to deny it but this girl, sitting beside me would be my salvation. I might've been an arrogant asshole in the past and I still am, but for her I'd do anything, I'd do anything to keep that smile on her face.

"I'll be in the study if you want anything." I said getting up. Linda had called me up and told me that one of our latest acquisition seemed to have a few loose ends and I was pissed because the deal was supposed to be finalized a week ago, and here it was still undone. I needed to have a talk with the people appointed with the task first thing tomorrow morning.

"Oh no, I'll be heading to my room too." Everly got up but her foot got entangled in the blanket, she gasped, but I caught her before she hit her head on the table. I straightened her put her on her feet. "Today's not my day." She murmured. I looked down her, without the heels she only reached my chest and a wave of protectiveness hit me. "But I'm right here." I kissed the top of her head.

She peered up at me and rushed for the stairs without uttering a single word. She stumbled on a step but didn't lose her balance and straightened herself. She looked over her shoulder and blushed when our eyes met. I smiled. Perhaps I shouldn't have, because she frowned and then continued up the stairs this time slowly. I stood there a moment before heading to the study, it'd be hard concentrating on the work today.