
Only Mine (GXG)

Darcy_Sterling · LGBT+
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1 Chs


The dark woods were eerily silent as the sun set, a heavy mist hanging in the air. The only sound was the soft crunch of footsteps on the forest trail. As she walked, a chill ran down Nyxelle Larkin's spine. An inhuman growl cut through the fog, making her blood run cold.

She might have been a vampire, but that didn't stop the anxiety running through her while she was in the presence of werewolves.

Rika Wolfe had been sent into the woods to capture a vampire, a very dangerous one she had heard. Running through the trees an unfamiliar fresh scent filled her animal's nose; mint. The smell made her wolf go crazy, she wondered why.

She heard a twig snap, "Fuck." A female voice muttered. She scanned the area sharpening her hearing, looking for the woman she assumed was her target. "Nyxelle." She sang. The woman's breath hitched, seconds later the scent was gone. She was running from her.

She followed the trail of mint, careful not to make a sound. She stayed close to the trees, using them to conceal her presence. As she neared the edge of the forest, she saw the woman standing in a clearing. Nyxelle turned to face her, the two locked eyes. The woman drew a sharp breath, fear and desperation evident in her expression. Suddenly, Nyxelle turned and ran. Snapping out of her trance Rika finally heard what her wolf was telling her. 


Nyxelle suddenly flew back into the grass as a fur covered body slammed into her. She waited for the bite that never came. Opening her eyes she saw a dark brown wolf with gold-ish eyes standing over her, and if she didn't know any better. It looked like the creature was grinning.

"What the—."

She was interrupted by a long wide tongue swiping across the entirety of her face. "Hey, hey." She laughed, wiping off the wolf's saliva with the sleeve of her jacket. The air grew warmer and as she opened her eyes, Nyxelle's gaze was met by one of a woman with deep blue eyes.

Nyxelle gazed at the woman's face, her 

eyes fell down, discovering that the woman was naked. Her breath stuck in her throat. They stared at each other for a second before the blonde woman leaned down to kiss her. A gasp escaped her lips, and the woman slipped her tongue inside her mouth, stroking her tongue with hers.   

Nyxelle could not fight the knowing.   

The kiss deepened. The woman's fingers threaded their way into Nyxelle's hair to hold her in place. "Wait." Nyxelle said, panting. The wolf shifter looked at her with confusion, tilting her head to the side. "What do you mean wait? What's the matter?" The wolf asked. "I want to get to know you first, I don't want to fuck a stranger. Mate or not." Nyxelle said, trying to get her breathing under control. "That's a lie." The wolf smiled. "What?"

"I'm a shifter, I can sense lies." She said, and Nyxelle raised an eyebrow. "Your heart skipped a beat when you said you 'didn't want to' I can also scent how fucking wet you are for me right now. Does it turn you on? Fucking someone you don't know?"

"I'll tell you if you tell me your name." Nyxelle replied. "Come on, you know I already know the answer." The woman responded. Nyxelle raised her eyebrows. "Okay, It's Erika Sallinger, but my friends call me Rika. What's yours?" "Nyxelle— Blythe, but everyone calls Nyx." Nyx said. 

"Nyx, I like that. But, now that we've gotten that out of the way. Please let me help you, you know you want it." Rika whined. Her name sounded even better from her mouth. "Rika—."

"You feel what's between us don't you Nyx?" 

Nyx swallowed, she was right, but she couldn't, she was a werewolf and werewolves and vampires just didn't fit. "Yes." She said shortly. 

"Then why are you resisting?" Rika asked.

"Simple, you're a werewolf, I'm a vampire, we don't fit." Nyx tried. "That's the shittiest excuse I have ever heard. If we did in fact 'not fit together' why would the goddess pair us together."

"Goddesses." I corrected. "Whatever, still why would they?"

"I don't know." I sighed. "If we are meant to be together, we are. It's as easy as that." Rika assured. "You drive me crazy." Nyx sighed.

 "Good." Rika said before connecting their lips together again. Nyx let out a complaining moan as Rika pushed her back down. "I won't claim you, yet, little vampire, but at least let me fuck you. It's the least you could do for me." Rika taunted. "Okay, but—." Her voice muffled as Rika pressed her lips against hers. 

"Rika." Nyx complained. Rika groaned in response. "At least in a more comfortable place." 

Nyx got up and stuck her hand out for Rika. "Where?" She asked. 

"Your house."

"Why mine?" Rika asked. "Because you might rat me out to your little friends and I don't want to lose my home." Nyx smiled. "Get on my back." Rika demanded. "What?" Nyx laughed. "I'll shift. We'll be faster." 

Minutes later they arrived at Rika's house. The door wasn't even closed before Rika transformed back and connected their lips together. "Your mine." She growled before lifting her up and carrying her to the couch. "Not yet, wolf, you haven't marked me yet. And won't anytime soon." Nyx teased. "You have too many clothes on." Rika remarked. 

"Can't say the same about you." Nyx laughed while taking off her shirt as Rika unbuttoned her pants, then slid them down along with her panties. Revealing her slick cunt. "Fuck." She moaned. 

"Are you going to keep drooling at the sight of my wet cunt or actually do something, because I'm not that patient." Nyx warned. "Fuck— sorry, you're just so perfect." 

A smile formed on Nyx's face, "I just want to taste you so bad." Rika moaned with need. "Taste me Rika, please~." 

Nyx whimpered as Rika's hot tongue slid across her wet fold, Rika moaning against her pussy with pleasure.

"Ah fuck." Nyx moaned, the lust she had for her almost making her forget she barely knew the woman who was giving her so much pleasure. "Think you can handle two fingers my little vampire?" Rika asked, looking up at Nyx. "Not yours." Nyx groaned. "Yet, anyway, but I'll take that as a yes then." 

As Rika inserted two fingers into Nyx's pussy, while also sucking on her swollen clit, Nyx let out a loud moan. "So loud." Rika tutted against her mate's clit. "Ah fuck, fuck." Nyx moaned, quieter this time. "Good girl, don't want the neighbors hearing us, hmm?"

"It's going to be so—." She stops to thrust two fingers inside her mate's drenched pussy, covering her mouth with her free hand. "—fucking hard to not just mark you right here right now my little vampire." 

Nyx's eyes rolled back at the mere thought of Rika's teeth in her neck.

"More." Nyx demanded. "Slow down princess, we have all night." Rika replied. Her mate let out an annoyed groan, which quickly changed into a moan of pleasure as Rika made her way to Nyx's swollen nub, latching on to it. Nyx's bellow filled the air. She teased her mate unmercifully, focusing on her clit.   

Nyx's cries quickly turned into pleading

She must have already been close to her orgasm because as soon as Rika's third finger entered her, Rika was rewarded with the woman's loud pleasure-filled moan. She'd had to quickly move up, connecting their mouths together while slowing her pace, to stop her from waking up the neighbors.

Nyx breathed out in relief. "Fuck, that was good." She bit down on her bottom lip to stop another moan from coming out of her mouth as Rika lapped up her orgasm. "Oh shit." She breathed before her mate collapsed on top of her, almost falling off the couch. "We're not done yet, wolf." Nyx smirked. "Yes we are, for now." Rika said while sitting up on top of her mate, then wiping her wet with sweat hair out off both of their faces and leaning down to kiss her woman.

"But—." Nyx started. "Plenty of time for that later." Rika said, knowing what her mate would say. "Now I just want to enjoy your company." She placed a kiss on Nyx's forehead and nuzzled her neck.

"Flip it! I don't want burned pancakes!" Rika ordered her mate around while laughing. "I've never even done this before!" Nyx laughed, Rika had insisted they would bake pancakes together, even though Rika knew Nyx's hunger wouldn't get satisfied from it and the fact that Nyx had found it weird to eat pancakes as dinner. Her mate crept up behind her, taking the spatula from her. "See?" Rika said as she flipped the pancake. Nyx's thoughts became woozy as she felt her mate's full breasts pressed against her back. Rika, being the shifter she was, had insisted on staying naked. Which honestly didn't bother Nyx that much, mostly because she could admire her mate while cooking.

"Focus, Nyx, you might not care about the taste of your food but unlike you I don't appreciate my food being burnt." Rika laughed. "Kinda hard when you're distracting me." Nyx turned around, now facing Rika.

"Am I really?" Rika asked sarcastically. "You do know I can smell your arousal right?"

"Oh really?" Nyx smiled, pulling Rika in for a kiss. "Tell me about yourself."

"Now? Can't that wait until after we're done?" Rika groaned. "You don't want to talk about yourself? That's surprising." Nyx teased. Rika growled, turning off the stove before lifting her mate up to the counter and pulling her in for a harsh kiss. "The food—." Nyx started. "It can wait." Rika smirked. "Oh no, I am not going to fuck you on a counter Rika, we're not Riverdale." Nyx comented.

"Fine." Rika groaned. She then lead them to her bedroom.

Might actually edit it someday

Darcy_Sterlingcreators' thoughts