
Chapter 31

Olivia and Caleb were getting along just fine. Although there had been only a little progress between these two, she couldn’t help but remind her so-called new friend that she hadn’t completely forgiven him.

Olivia was forced to talk to Caleb because they were roommates again. Olivia didn't have a nightmare in Carson's house, unlike the last time. Without anyone noticing, she remembered to take a sleeping pill.

It's been a pleasant two days at Caleb's older brother's house. She had a flashback to a time when she was having a wonderful time with her family.

Still, everything was pretty fine. Ella, David, Caleb, and Olivia were eating their lunch. They were on their way home when they decided to stop at a restaurant two hours away.

“David, there's a museum a few blocks away that we should visit,” Ella exclaimed enthusiastically.

“Sure thing, honey.” Her husband agreed.

“What about you, kids? Do you want to join us?” Ella asked.

“Sure thing, mom.”

“I am not sure, Ella. Why don't you guys continue, and I will wait here.” Olivia politely declined their offer.

“Then I will stay with you here,” Caleb said, but Olivia was adamant about being alone.

“Caleb, go with your parents. Let's make a deal: if you leave me alone now, I will completely forgive you, and we can be best friends forever.”

Caleb wanted to refuse, but Ella's stern expression forced him to agree. Ella could feel Olivia. She could see how being with Knight's family made her miss her own family, so she was justified in being alone.

“Olivia, we will be back in a few. If you want to join us or if there's an emergency, give any of us a call, and we will be there.” David said.

“Sure, and thank you.” She said politely.

Olivia didn't know why she didn't join them. She always liked museums. But she also wanted to be alone. She was missing her family very much.

Olivia eventually decided to go exploring. She walked down the street when she collided with a man, causing his hot coffee to spill into her hand.

“Holy shit! I am so sorry.” The guy said.

“It's okay; I wasn't looking where I was going.” She said politely.

“Your hand is red. You need to go to the hospital.”

“No, it's not a problem. It isn't a big deal.” Olivia tried to reassure the old man, but he refused.

“Coffee burns aren’t good, kid. The hospital is not far away. Please let me take you there.” the old man insisted.

Olivia finally sighed and let the man lead the way.

The nurse was taking care of her burn when the man spoke.

“My name is Tomlinson Johnson, but you can call me Tom.” He said.

“I am Olivia Brown, and it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Olivia Brown.” He said again. He was taken aback. It’s no surprise he thought she looked familiar. Despite the fact that he had never met her, he could clearly see the similarities between the two.

Tom called this fate and found a glimmer of hope that she was the Olivia that James had mentioned so many times to him.

“Olivia, do you happen to know James?” Her eyes widened in surprise.

“You couldn’t be talking about the same James, could you?” She struggled with her words.

“I think you should come with me.” He said, pointing her in the right direction.

Olivia couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She dashed towards the boy, who was probably dead to the world and lying down on the hospital bed.

“What happened to him?” She asked Tom, tears streaming down her cheeks.

“Why don’t you sit, Olivia, and I will tell you everything,” Tom said.

Tom told her everything from the beginning after she sat.

“I found James near the shore four years ago; it was a miracle that he survived, but unfortunately, he lost his memory. He gained consciousness after a few days, but he couldn’t remember anything, not even his name. Because he was underage, and we couldn’t find anyone in his family. The police decided to put him in childcare, but I knew how horrible they are. So I took him home.

The doctor said it was a temporary loss and that he would regain his memory with time, but that didn’t happen. But a week ago, on his way home from the grocery store, he called to tell me that he had regained some of his memories. He was very excited. Something triggered him to remember his family, and his bicycle collided with a car while he was cycling. It was a case of drunk driving. He took your name and the name of a guy named Dominic on the phone before his accident.”

Olivia was in a state of hysteria.

“How did you find out his name, and when did you find him?” She stutters.

“The nurse discovered a handkerchief with his name written on it on the back of his jeans.”

“I made that for him.” She whispered.

Olivia vividly recalls that day. She had just learned to knit, so she embroidered James’ name on the handkerchief.

“I will leave you alone to spend some time with him. You are welcome to come whenever you want.” Tom then left, but not before exchanging phone numbers with her if James awoke from his coma.

Olivia was thrilled that after all these years, James was finally in front of her. He might not be in good health, but something was better than nothing. She took his hand in hers. She took his hand in hers. She was so lost at the moment that she nearly didn't hear her phone ringing.

“Olivia, where are you? We are waiting for you in the same restaurant.” Ella informed her. She didn't want to abandon James, but she also couldn't bring herself to tell anyone about him. She gave him one last look before departing to meet the knight's family.

She didn't even realize she was in the hospital for four hours, but it couldn't make up for the time she had lost with her brother over the last four years.