
Chapter 20

“Are you ready, Olivia?” Ella asked her, peeking from the door.

“I am Ella.” She addressed her godmother.

Ella was taken aback when she saw Olivia dressed as she was.

“Olivia, what are you wearing? It's a party, that to your high school party. It is not a casual hangout with your friends.”

“I know, Ella. It's just I don't want to dress up, and this is comfortable.” She tried to explain it to her.

Ella sighed and dragged Olivia up to a mirror.

“Olivia, take a look at yourself; is this you? Real Olivia would have worn this in your school last year of your high school party?”

Olivia looked in the mirror as a result of this. What she saw was not a familiar face looking at her but rather the polar opposite of her. Her previous self would never have worn this to a party, with black jeans and a simple plain top. No accessories, just a lot of makeup to hide her true face. Instead of boots or heels, wear sneakers.

“I am not looking to draw attention to myself. As it is, I am no longer the same person.” Olivia tried to explain herself.

“But do you like the person you are looking at? Olivia, no matter how much you change, you will always be you. The person who deserves it always receives it. You certainly deserve to be noticed. So you are changing your clothes on your own now, or do I have to force you?” Ella gives her a stern look.

“I will do it myself,” Olivia said reluctantly.

While Olivia was getting ready all over again, Caleb was impatiently waiting downstairs for her.

“Caleb, please stop tapping your foot.” His father, David, scowled at him.

“What is making her so late?” He scowled.

“She is a girl, and every other girl on the planet takes her time getting ready. Your mother spends hours getting ready, but the result is always good.”

“I am not going on a date with her, Dad. It's only a party.” Caleb rolled his eyes.

“Whatever you say, Caleb. Whatever you say.”

Caleb was about to retort to his father when he noticed Olivia coming down the stairs, and his breath caught in his throat. He'd never seen her look like this before. Olivia had never worn skirts before. She always wore jeans, not even shorts. To say she was looking hot would be an understatement. Olivia was looking beautiful.

She wore a white top with a printed scarf over it, a red knee-length skirt, and black boots. On the one hand, she wore a jumble of colorful bracelets, and on the other, a simple black watch.

This was not the only thing that drew his attention. Her face and hair told a completely different story. Olivia didn’t put on much makeup. Just a little brush-ups. She wore her hair open, and the pink highlights were complimenting her blonde wavy hair. Overall, Olivia looked stunning. Surprisingly, they even matched, as he was dressed in a white tee-shirt, black jeans, and a red jacket.

“I told you it is always worth the wait,” David said into his son’s ear.

“Oh my goodness, Livy. You look stunning. Didn’t I tell you?” Ella gushes, echoing Caleb’s sentiments.

“Livy dear, you look beautiful.” His father says as he wraps his arms around her. “You look like a rocking princess, in your father’s words.” Olivia smiled, but she also had a few tears in her eyes.

“David, stop making her cry. You are going to ruin her makeup.” Ella gushed and jokingly slapped her husband’s arm.

Olivia walked towards Caleb. And even today, she couldn’t deny the fact that he looked good.

“Sorry for getting us late.” She spoke to him.

“It’s... um, it’s okay. You look gorgeous.” Caleb’s unexpected compliment surprised her and even made her blush, which was unusual for her these days.

“Thank you. Even you look good.” She gave him a sly smile.

Caleb was nervous for an unknown reason throughout the entire ride. He’d always thought Olivia was cute, but today was a complete turnover. Who would have thought that such a beautiful person was hidden behind her facade? But, on the other hand, Olivia proved his theory of forming a facade in front of everyone correct today.

They both got out of the car when they reached their school and went to the auditorium where the party was being held. People were complimenting them as a couple as they walked in, which made Olivia uneasy and Caleb doubt his feelings for her.

Olivia was becoming increasingly uncomfortable with Caleb’s reaction, so she left his side to meet Stella, Zack, and his girlfriend Gaby. Yes, those two did eventually become a couple.

“Wahoo, our dear Olivia’s old funky look is back!” Zack made a joke.

“Livy, you look fantastic.” Stella and Gaby both complimented her.

“You both look fantastic as well.” Olivia smiled as she returned their compliment.

After a brief chat with the three of them, she went towards her best friends Sia and Mason when Jenna stopped her. “Nice attention you got there.”

Olivia smirked, “Hate that I stole a few people’s eyes from you.”

“You know, just because you came with Caleb doesn’t make you two a couple.”

“I assure you that I am not interested in him. He is entirely yours. But it is your misfortune that he has some class and would not deteriorate it to be with someone like you.” Olivia stormed away from there.

“Geez, what happened to you?” Sia asked.

“Jenna occurred. That bitch! She is like a black cat that always crosses your path and curses you.” She growled.

“That's a great way to describe her. But what did she say that made you angry?” Mason asked.

“The underlying message of her words was, stay away from Caleb. He is mine.” She imitated. “And I told her he was completely yours.”

“You did what?” Caleb said from behind.

“Don't worry; I even told her you wouldn't lower your standards to date such a degraded person as her.” Caleb was taken aback by Olivia's words.

She bit her lower lip in response to his reaction. “Jeez! Sorry for sabotaging your chance with her. You can kiss her now if you want. She will be more than happy to play house games with you.” She said this with a poker face, which caused the three of them to laugh.

“Olivia, you are too cute. Thank you so much for saving me from her. You are undoubtedly my white knight. She has been sending me signals for ages; at least now she will leave me alone.” Caleb said while hugging her abruptly.

Caleb's affection astounded Olivia. Caleb treated her as a friend for the first time rather than a burden.

“No problem.” She blinked.

Caleb's face flushed slightly after he realized what he had done. He let go of her instantly and began nervously scratching his neck.

Jenna was envious of their hugging session. Her evil mind formed a plan, which caused her to smirk.