

The story takes place in a world similar to Solo Leveling's. Cain Obolonsky, oh well maybe I shouldn't call him an Obolonsky. He wouldn't like that, would he? So, Cain--—a seemingly ordinary human who happened to be born into the prestigious Obolonsky lineage, a noble by birth. Although beset by the unfortunate betrayal of his own family, aside from that tragedic event, Cain's life seemed relatively devoid of tragedy. One could argue that he led a rather uneventful, yet peaceful existence. But, all of that mundanity was abruptly shattered when one day an unexpected message materialized before him, commanding his attention: [You have acquired the rights to become a player. Will you accept?]

DryImagination · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Basic info.

In the year 1675, our Earth began changing, and all continents, except Antarctica, merged together on the globe, creating one super-continent.

Same usual bullshit, like what you'd read in those other novels.

This super-continent was called Terra.(Yea I know, lazy name. You think you have a better name? Well then cmon, let's hear it)

Dungeons, Gates, and so on started to form around the world. A colossal tower fell from the sky(this sounds so stupid but whatever), composed of 100 levels, and was named the Tower of Obelisk. I don't think I need to explain all this. It's the typical setting you'd find in dungeon gate-related novels.

Dwarves, Elves, and Orcs, blah blah blah, came to Earth through gates, blah blah, and started coexisting.

Four distinct domain were created, with humans claiming 30% of the land, blah blah, Elves with 20%, blah blah, Orcs with 20%, blah blah, and Dwarves with 20%, blah blah.

The remaining 10% comprises jungles and basins, inhabited by monsters, and so on.

Now, we have four separate entities governing the four domains of the Tera supercontinent.

1) Empire of Terra: This is a supreme government where the leader can be elected, ruling over the human domain.

2) Orc King: The Orcs have their own ruler, known as the Orc King.

3) Thornvale: The Elves, much like the Orcs, operate under a monarchy. But, unlike the unintelligent Orcs, there is a single family governing the entire Elven domain, known as the Thornvale family.

4) The Dwarven High Council: The Dwarves have a governmental system similar to that of humans.

{Here I will only talk about Empire of Terra and Human domain.}

Empire of Terra

Monarch: High Sovereign {Can be selected, is elected every once in 10 years.}

The High Sovereign is the supreme ruler of Human Domain, holding the ultimate authority and power.

Directly below The High Sovereign is Nobels.


Duke/Duchess: The highest-ranking noble title, given to individuals who govern major regions of Human Domain within the empire.

Marquis/Marchioness: Below the Duke/Duchess, responsible for overseeing different states.

Count/Countess: Ruling over specific lands or districts, accountable to the higher-ranking nobles.

Baron/Baroness: In charge of smaller estates or administrative divisions under a count.

Viscount/Viscountess: Holds a subordinate title, assisting higher-ranking nobles with their responsibilities.

Lord/Lady: Minor nobility who may serve as advisors or hold minor administrative roles.

{Here I will talk about Hunters}

Hunters are awakened humans.

Special chosen people can awaken and become a hunter.

And a hunter can choose one of five classes: Mage, Tank, Fighter, Healer, or Ranger.

Of course, Hunters ain't complete without their handy-dandy Status window.

Hunter Tier system: (S+)Strongest,... (G-)Weakest...you get the drill. I don't think I need to explain.

Now, let's get to the good part: the SYSTEM.

Our unlucky protagonist, the Mc, gets a special treat - a system instead of the ordinary status window, when he awakens as a hunter.

Now why did I called him unlucky? Welp... What do you think?

Now, monsters! They come in 12 power levels, with Level 1 being the usual garbage like goblins and such.

But Level 12 monsters mean serious business - Like Dragons and stuff.

Don't you worry, there are even sub-levels for monsters, like 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and so on.