
Online Game 10,000 Times Buff At The Beginning!

Story of: Online game: 10,000 times Buff at the beginning! Brief introduction: After the fall of the battlefield of the gods, Lin Fan unexpectedly found that he had been reborn with a Supreme Holy Weapon to the day of the game's arrival. And this supreme effect is only two. 1. When you get a time-limited Buff gain by yourself, the Buff time is automatically converted to [Permanent]. 2. When you get any Buff gain by yourself, the effect will be randomly enhanced by 10-10,000 times. ...... With the buff effect of this [Ring of Order (Ninth-Order Hallows)], Lin Fan has completely become a peerless boss in the game, ** everything! 【Primary Treatment Buff】Strengthened 10,000 times, increasing HP by 40W per second. 【Wind Soul Buff】10,000 times more powerful, increasing movement speed by 10,000%. [Soul Speed Buff] is 10,000 times enhanced, increasing attack/casting speed by 10,000%. [Agamagan's Wisdom Buff] is enhanced by 10,000 times, increasing intelligence by 50W points. Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: "Online Game: The Beginning Ten Thousand Times Buff!" 》; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Videospiele
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100 Chs

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Gold Boss !!! (2/5)

After another buff to restore his health, Lin Fan looked at Nicole.

At this time, after Nicole saw Lin Fan's gaze, her expression was a little hesitant, as if she wanted to say something, but she was worried that Lin Fan would refuse to say it.

Seeing this scene, Lin Fan directly turned to Nicole and asked, "Do you need my help with something?" "

In the dark continent, NPCs are extremely intelligent.

Because they themselves are the indigenous people of this continent.

Therefore, when talking to these NPCs, you must guide each other and try to let others post tasks to yourself, so Lin Fan will ask questions directly.

At this time, after hearing Lin Fan's words, Nicole stared at Lin Fan a little nervously and said, "Can you help me collect some medicinal herbs?" "

"What medicinal herbs?" Lin Fan asked with some doubt.

"Third-order medicinal herb Dragon Breath Grass, I just lack this medicinal herb refining potion, if you can help me collect Dragon Breath Grass... I will pay you accordingly. Nicole raised her head and said cautiously, afraid that Lin Fan would refuse.

You know, Lin Fan is a real big man in Nicole's eyes at this time.

A person carried dozens of demonized venom spiders to beat, and he was stunned that he didn't hurt at all.

And... He was also a pastor.

No matter how she looked at it, Nicole felt that Lin Fan in front of her was more like a combination of a mage and a warrior, and it was terrifying.

Now Nicole, if she goes to collect dragon breath grass alone, it will definitely be difficult.

But if Lin Fan escorted him, there would definitely be no problem.

It was precisely because of this that she would plead with Lin Fan to help her.

After hearing Nicole's words, Lin Fan thought for a moment before opening his mouth and saying to Nicole: "I'm willing to help you, but... Everything has to listen to me. "

"Great, then it's settled!" Nicole said with some excitement.

When the words landed, a system prompt sounded in Lin Fan's ears.

"Dingdong~ You successfully took on the SS-level mission [Help Nicole collect Dragon Breath Grass]."


After receiving the task, Lin Fan said directly to Nicole: "Let's go... I know where the dragon's breath grass is. "

"Hmm." Nicole agreed, and soon followed Lin Fan towards the depths of the dark jungle.

Dragon Breath Grass grows in places where dragon-bloodline creatures exist.

In the novice village, there is only one place where dragon creatures exist, and that place is the Bloody Lizard Secret Realm.

The only quest secret in the newbie village.

In this secret realm, there are a large number of bloody lizards.

The bloody lizard belongs to the dragon creature, although the dragon bloodline in the body is a bit garbage, but it is also a branch of the dragon family, and it is barely related to the dragon family, so there will inevitably be dragon breath grass in this learning secret.

After thinking of this, Lin Fan opened the newly obtained task and looked at it while hurrying.

[Help Nicole collect Dragon Breath Grass (SS)].

Mission level: SS

Mission content: Help NPC Nicole go to [Bloody Lizard Secret Realm (421,351)] to collect dragon breath grass.

Mission Objective:

1. [Dragon Breath Grass]. (0/100000)

2. Protect the safety of NPC [Nicole]. (0/1)

Mission Rewards:

1. NPC [Nicole] favorability +20%.

2. After successfully collecting 10W [Dragon Breath Grass], 100 gold coins will be rewarded.

3. After successfully collecting 10W [Dragon Breath Grass], 100W experience points will be rewarded.

4. After successfully collecting 10W [Dragon Breath Grass], a special reward will be given to [Legendary Weapon Gift Box (Priest)].

Introduction: Be careful of the monsters that guard the Dragon Breath Grass...


After reading the task introduction in front of him, Lin Fan directly turned off the task panel.

At this time, Lin Fan understood why this task could make that player in his previous life directly rise from level 5 to level 10 in seconds.

100W experience points is already extremely high in the early stage of the game.

It was completely enough for Lin Fan to directly rise from his current level to level 10 in seconds.

Of course... In addition to experience rewards, there are also 100 gold points and a [Legendary Weapon Gift Box (Priest)].

Both of these items are basically extremely rare in the early stages of the game.

After completing this task, Lin Fan could completely raise his strength to a notch.

At this moment, just as Lin Fan thought of this, Nicole, who was standing behind Lin Fan, suddenly shouted, "Be careful..."

After hearing Nicole's words, Lin Fan raised his head and looked into the distance.

At this time, several wild wolves exuding the aura of death were surrounding Lin Fan and Nicole.

The bodies of this group of wild wolves are extremely large, half a human tall.

The flesh of the entire body was already highly decomposed, emitting a strong stench.

And the most striking thing is the heads of these wild wolves.

On the heads of these wild wolves, there is a tumor that looks like a human face, and the human face presented by the tumor is extremely distorted, which looks chilling.

After seeing these wild wolves, Lin Fan directly threw a probing technique towards the largest wild wolf in the distance.

[Controlled Demonized Wolf Boss (Gold Level Boss)].

Level: 7

Rank: Gold

HP: 3000/3000

Attack: 253-264

Defense: 100

Skill: [Death Bite] [Bloodthirsty] [Low-level Fury].

Introduction: The demonized wild wolf controlled by the puppet worm has extremely terrifying attack power...


Seeing the demonized wild wolf leader panel in front of him, Lin Fan was stunned suddenly.

He didn't expect that he actually encountered a boss this time, and it was still a gold-level boss.

To know... Gold-level bosses in the wild will burst out a lot of good things.

And with Lin Fan's current attack power, killing this manipulated demon wolf leader was simply like playing, and there was no need to waste any strength at all.