

He watched weakly as his heart was plucked out by an Oni. Not only that, his whole village including his parents are wiped out by the Oni. Giving in to his fate, Hel accepted death............................but instead, what came was......... [ Conditions for unlocking the Oni Slayer system has been met] Now he resolves to become the strongest Slayer. To wipe out all Oni.

Anoneemos_1 · Fantasie
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8 Chs


The Oni's body dissapitated, leaving a small round shiny pearl. The Oni's core. Hel picked it up. It was proof that he had really killed an Oni.

This was actually the first time he had taken up a mission to kill an Oni . He didn't know why, but something just pushed him to accept the guild's quest.

The elders of the guild had opened their eyes in shock when he told them he was going to take on the Oni.Why? . It was because Hel didn't have a grimoire.

Even those who had awakened their grimoire refused to go, so why was he taking this mission. Under normal circumstances, they wouldn't have let him go but they really needed to take out the Oni and using him was worth the shot. They tested the waters.

Hel exhaled. He strapped the sword around his waist and brought something out from inside a pouch. The thing was a bottle which Hel opened and drank from.

It was a potion given to him by Setr, a healing grimoire user. She was the only healer around the small village. Although she had awakened the healing grimoire, she refused to become a Slayer and instead focused on healing the wounded.

After downing the bottle, the wounds on his body began to heal. Soon enough, everything was gone except for the light scars that remained.

Hel thought about his system . How could he summon it? he wondered.

Immediately he thought of this,a screen appeared before his eyes.

[ Oni Slayer System]

[ Host: Hel ( Yuta)]

[ Level: 1] [ Exp:0/100] [ Oni killed 1/1]

[ Hp 100/100]

[ Strength:20]

[ Defense:20 ]

[ Resistance:20 ]

[ Agility:20 ]

[ Vitality:20]

[ Grimoire: Dragon vonneiseur ( Inherited)

skills: Dragon fire breath Lv1]

[ Grimoire: Undead crimson earring ( awakened)

Skills: Blood lust Lv1]

Hel placed his hands on his chin as he scratched it lightly. All his stats were at 20. He didn't know if this meant he was strong or not.

And also it seemed that the grimoires he had each had special skills. Hel found it strange. Through history, humans only unlocked one grimoire and nothing more. Why was he having two? he wondered. Or could it be because he had inherited the dragon vonneiseur?.

How could he even wield the grimoire?' he asked himself.

[ Do you wish to wield the grimoire: Dragon vonneiseur? ]

[ Yes/ No ]

" Yes", Hel said softly. Immediately the dragon vonneiseur appeared out of thin air almost falling to the ground if Hel had not caught it on time.

The sword was a large broad sword. The surface was black and shone as though it was polished. Hel rubbed the Cold surface.

[ Do you wish to unleash the grimoire's skill, dragon fire breath?]

[ Yes/ No ]

" yes".

Immediately the sword caught flames. The heat made Hel draw his face away from the sword.

Even if the sword was large, Hel still had the strength to swing it around.

[ The skill would last for 30 seconds]

For the next 30 seconds, He swung the blade, trying to get used to it.

After 30 seconds, the flames were dispelled.

Hel went on to the next grimoire. The Undead crimson earring.

He tapped on it and something materialize in his hands. It was a little earring that looked like a tiny chain with the end looking like a hook. It was crimson in color.

[ Do you wish to unleash the grimoire's skill: Blood lust?]

[ Yes/ No]

Hel had just finished clipping the earring to his right ear when the screen came up again." Yes ", he nodded.

As soon as the word left his mouth, he felt a sharp pain on his right cheek.

The pain was so severe that he had to hold his head. A small line of blood came slipping down his cheeks.

[ -5hp]

" Shit", he cursed" couldn't you have given me a little warning at least".

[ The Host did not ask for the description of the skill ]

What!! So he had to ask for description.

" Show description", Hel muttered still holding his cheeks.

[ Grimoire skill: Blood lust: The ability for the Undead crimson earring to drain the blood of its victims, there fore draining their health by 5%]

So that was it?. The earring had stung him because it saw him as a ' victim'.

Hel left the earring clipped to his ear but kept wondering what to do with the dragon vonneiseur. The sword was heavy and he couldn't keep carrying it around expecting to move freely.

" System, how can I keep this sword inside you?", Hel asked wondering.

[ The Host can put his grimoire in storage space]

[ Activate storage space ] [ Yes/No ]

Hel was a little wary this time before he answered yes.

A small box appeared in the air. Hel dipped the grimoire into the box. Even though the box was small, It was like an infinite space. After keeping the grimoire, the box vanished.

Hel smiled proudly. Now he didn't just have one but two grimoires. He was gradually leaving the weakling lifestyle behind. He thought of where he had come from .


After opening his eyes, Yuta found himself in an empty village. Everyone completely massacred by the Oni.

The messanger who was sent to get help did not return.

He felt the area of his chest where his heart had been ripped off. Surprisingly, the hole was no longer there. It had healed completely.

" Did that strange screen that appeared before him heal him?", he wondered.

Thinking of it, he tried summoning the system.

[ Host is not eligible to use the system until partial quest have been fulfilled ]

Yuta remembered a screen appearing before him before .

" What are the partial quests?".

[ Partial quest one: Survive for three years without the help of the system to unlock the first level of the system]

[ Partial quest two: Kill an Oni without the help of the system to unlock the first level of the system] [ Oni killed 0/1] the system answered him.

How could he kill an Oni without a grimoire?. He was young and lacked skills . To kill an Oni, one needed a grimoire. Putting that aside, he settled for the first option. Survive for three years.

That was a better option. It would also give him the time to learn and harness swordsmanship skills.

Yuta initially braced himself up to spend three years before unlocking the system.

That day, he cremated the corpse of his parents and saying his final goodbye, he left the already ruined village.


After walking for miles, he soon himself near a river. Ridden with thirst and hunger, Yuta ran towards it and bent to drink.

It was then he saw his reflection on the surface of the water.

His hair had turned white and his left eye which was once blue had turned red . He looked lean and pale, an evidence of the walking he had done.

Gritting his teeth and clenching his fist, Yuta accepted his new life and resolved to become stronger. Only if he was strong could he change the world.

He left his old life as the weakling Yuta and gave himself a new name, Hel_ The wanderer.


Presenting himself as an orphan, He was able to get a spot in a local dojo where he learnt swordsmanship .

He spent a year learning all he could and when he finally left the dojo, he readied himself to put all he knew to use.

Gripping his sword, He went after bandits, terrorist, and criminals. He didn't feel any regret in taking life. No emotions at all.

He had become a shadow of his past self. A stoic and ruthless young man who never had a smile on his face except when his enemy's was in his web.

A masochist who was ready to take any amount of pain as long as it helped him reach his goal.

Call him an antihero or whatever, he just didn't care.


Hel headed back to the village to present the core to the guild in order to receive his money.

This was how he had been living, taking quest, earning money and living life.

The white haired wanderer............