
One With The Fractured Fate

Leon was an ordinary human living an ordinary life, he grew up in a loving family and lived his whole life as a side character, only finding excitement in the imagination of others through novels, but who knew that one day the seemingly ordinary Leon will come to understand that his ordinary existence was not so ordinary after all. Scorn by heaven, Abandoned by fate, He is the one who will be called "One with the Fractured Fate" - In heavens' eyes, a rebel stands, Forsaken child, fate in shifting sands. Abandoned by destiny, left to roam, One with the fractured fate, he calls his own. In the dance of defiance, destiny's twist, A favoured child, by heavens dismissed. Yet, in the fractured echoes of his soul, A symphony to survive, beyond control. [A/N: Hey there, I would love to get feedback and constructive criticism from you guys]

FateFracturer · Fantasie
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10 Chs


Leon started hearing a voice which he was very familiar with. And his eyes started to open.

"brot ... up ... brother ... wakeup …. wake up brother, they are going to announce the results soon" a sweet voice of girl was heard by Leon, and he woke up and suddenly hugged the person with a sweet voice.

The girl said in a startled voice "eukk ... what are you doing brother?"

Whereas Leon's tears started flowing "you here…. Thank God"

"Mom!!!, come here brother is suddenly crying" the girl shouted in hurry.

"What happened?" a mature voice of women said in concern as she hurried came in room.

Leon moved his head up and saw a beautiful woman in her early 30s with mature motherly aura looking at him, her face so beautiful that there is no man who wouldn't give her a second glance, her figure of 5'8 with two big bosoms and thick thigh made her a seem as a seductive enchantress, her hip length silver hair compliments her heart shape face as stars compliment the night and her light golden eyes which emphasize her beauty to another level.

Beside her was a girl of around the age of 14 with an anxious face looking at Leon, she had a face of a cute angle with shoulder length dark black hair and the ruby red eyes that seemed to compliment her face a petite body with the height of 5'1, one can easily see that when she will grow up her height will easily cross 5'10. Both of them were Megan and Amy, Leon's mother and sister, whom he loved so much.

"Mom!!, I missed you so much" Leon said to Megan and hugged her. Although Megan was puzzled with what Leon was saying suddenly, she still hugged him back and patted his head with care and said, "everything will be alright dear, we are here." 

After a few minutes of hugging Leon let go of his family as he had calmed his emotions down.

"Are you ok brother? Did you have a nightmare?" Amy timidly from behind the Megan asked to Leon in a low voice.

To this Leon pulled Amy hand and made her sit on his lap and then answered with a sweet but a mischief smile "Yes, I had a nightmare, you were a monster in it who was trying to eat me"

"Ugh ... can you not be serious for a moment? and here I was worrying about you." Amy said with a pouting face.

Seeing her cute reaction both Leon and Megan laughed out loud.

"Pffft …. Hahahahaha"

This wholesome interaction made the previous sad and worried atmosphere seem as if it didn't even happen. But Megan still gave a worried glance to Leon as she understood that Leon changed topic to cover his emotional outbreak.

After some time of teasing Amy, Megan asked Leon to freshen up in an hour as she with Amy went to kitchen to make breakfast for everyone.

Leon, now alone in the room, couldn't believe what had just happened, he was so happy that he was to his family.

But Leon became confused when he thought about how he knew about this OMNI reality version of him as if he lived his whole life here.

Feeling his confusion system said [Open your status host and you will understand. Just say "Status" and your stats will come in front of you.]

"Status" Leon did as ask excitedly as he was going to see something he only read in novels.

[Fate Fracturing System]

Host: Leon

Age: 16

Race: Human

Titles: [One with the Fractured fate]

Species Level: Tier 0

Cultivation Rank: None (Sealed)

Rank: F

Affinities: Fire (65%), Earth (3%), Wind (20%), Water (8%), Space (99%), Time (99%)

Strength: 4 (10 is the Limit for Ordinary Humans)

Speed & Reflexes: 5

Constitution: 5

Mana: 2 (200/200 Magic Points) (10 point of mana means the peak of F rank and 20 means peak for rank E and so on)

Charm: 7 (100 is the limit for every living being)

Fate Value: 100 (No Limit)

(Note: The Host can increase his Fate by Plundering it from the Children of Heaven. More Fate increases your Luck.)

Personal Net-Worth: 200 WC

Family Net-Worth: 20000 WC

System Points: 0 (1 Fate value is equal to 100 System Points)

Skill: -

•Absolute Skill: Omni Resonance

•Skill-Set: Inspection (Intermediate) Alchemy (Advance), Hand combat (Intermediate), Sword Mastery (Intermediate)

Quest: - 

•Main Quest: None

•Side Quest: None

"Wow, it really is as I thought it will be." Leon said in fascination as interacted with the interface of the system. Then he focused on skills particularly at one skill that he never heard of "Omni Resonance".

[Omni Resonance: A skill that never exist ever before, Second Chance (SSS) a SSS rank skill given as an achievement to be the first Tier 0 creature to slay an opposer of their realm, but was evolve to its pinnacle version, this skill let user to merge with the memory of every dead version them from the superior timelines and above.

Condition of activation: Encounter with Heaven's Favorite

Cost: None], (Note: This skill might give user the memory but not the experience and another drawback are that user might find some personality changes due the merging of new memory)

[Inspection: This skill lets user to inspect any living and non-living thing, based on the mastery of the skill and the rank of the user.

Cost of Usage: None

Cooldown: None]

Leon became Dumbfounded and serious after reading the description of Omni Resonance as he knew that even having the chance to get the SSS ranked skill "Second Chance" for that achievement was not feasible.

But this.

" _ "


This was on another level.

"Did you really evolve that overpowered impossible to get SSS ranked skill to this monstrosity?" Leon asked in awe as he couldn't even comprehend how it is even possible for a skill like this to exist, let alone him having it.

[Host even I don't know how it is possible for this skill to evolve this much and break the law of the universe. But I have a theory, as host knows that heaven has already eradicate every other version of you from the infinite timeline and even tried to rip off your existential which by the way is absolute]

[So, I think that by doing something that it shouldn't have, as even heavens had to follow the primal laws of @#$%. It created a path for every soul of other you that was eradicated to connect to you when you were in the void and was going to be eradicated too.]

[Heavens didn't seem to want to only kill every version of you, but to erase your existence, and erased things from existence are nothing but void.] system explain Leon even though there were words it could not speak because of the low level of its host.

Leon understood that he was very insignificant being and there were secrets that he would not be able to learn right now, as the same route usually follows in the novels too, so he didn't call out system for that.

"Why is cultivation rank option greyed out?" Leon asked again as he looked towards the greyed-out option on the system interface.

[Answering host, as you know because of your second life that walking on the path of the cultivation requires spirit qi and from the novel it was confirmed that the galaxy you live in was broken off the universe. So, there will be no Spirit qi here until it was reunited with the universe, or you leave this galaxy and venture off.]

Leon fell into thoughts as he knew all this because of that novel, and he also knew how that bug of a protagonist and his team of Pokémon (Harem) got out of this galaxy.

Yes, 'got out' not saved.

That fucker left the dying galaxy with his Collectables and left every other being to die.

And make no mistake Leon was also no saint, one can even say he is much more indifferent to others. But even he would have done everything possible before leaving the dying galaxy he called home.

But that protagonist got an opportunity to venture off the galaxy and he took it, giving the excuse to himself and his collectables that he will come back to save everyone after getting the solution to fix this problem from his 'adventure' outside.

But what really happened was that the protagonist was busy collecting Pokémons (girls) in the new environment when it happened, the destruction of the galaxy.

But Leon will not let that happen this time, not because he was some hero or savior of people but because he knew something others didn't, he knew how valuable this galaxy really is.

[A/N: Many of you are probably thinking about Grayed out Cultivation and Species level. All of it will be explained in next few chapters.]