
New Beginnings

"Isaiah where are you!" A woman yelled in distress. She was crying. "Isaiah come back! ISAAAIIIAAAHHH!"

I woke up startled, it was the same dream again and again, I just shook it off as my alarm kept blaring and got up off my bed to start the day. I washed up and got dressed prepared for my first day of school forgetting about that strange dream. My brother, Ibrahim the more outspoken one out of us caught me on the way out of my room.

"Same dream again?" He noticed the lack of sleep painting my face.

"Dude maybe you should see a shrink because you have not had a good nights sleep since you were twelve." He told me with concern.

"Nah bro I will be fine I will just pray to Allah for guidance." I responded with hope in my voice.

We both moved to walk downstairs for breakfast, we could both hear Ma reprimanding Baba for bringing his newspaper on the table. My mum hates distractions on the table whenever we have meals, she calls it family time.

"Salaam Aleykum Mama and Baba." Both Ibrahim and I greeted in unison.

"Wa Aleykum Salaam my beautiful boys." Mama responded with her usual tender smile as she stared at us lovingly. We both kissed her forehead, a sort of morning tradition we developed over time.

"Aleykum Salam my boys, how was your sleep? Ready for your first day?" Baba responded with a big grin as he waited for our response.

"Mine was great and ughhhh dont remind me." Ibrahim answered. My mind drifted back to that dream I had as I spaced off.

"Isa! Isa! Are you ok?" As I zoned back in I saw Ibrahims hand just about to whack into my nose from his excessive waving to get my attention. I turned to see my parents staring at me in concern but just smiled reassuringly and motioned for us to have breakfast. We ate in silence and by the time we finished we had about fifteen minutes to get to school if we did not want to get late.

"Ibrahim c'mon we will be late hurry." I called while I got my bag and bid my parents goodbye to go to my nightmare.... School.

A mix between love, thriller and humour as a bunch of teens embark on a journey known as high school and life unharmed, figuratively and literally.

jujihoon_100creators' thoughts