
One Second For My Daughter. (Edited)

**Translation** (although I will be tempering with the irritating personality of the mc to make his beta tendency more bearable). Also I took on the liberty to change the narrative of the story to add more personality and make the mc slightly more assertive. The World That will appear: 1) Saekano 2) Oregairu 3) Sakurasou pet na kanojo We will also have an Extremely petty narrator who roast the mc constantly. [Summary] "Dad, if you don't conquer Mom now, I will disappear due to changes in history!" Wu Shen, who thought he was destined to be alone for his whole life, woke up one day to find multiple daughters claiming to be from the future appearing before him! How did I become a dad all of a sudden? Well, I suggest you find someone else. What? You said your mom's name is Kasumigaoka Utaha? You said your mom is Shiina Mashiro? You said your mother is Yuki Nagato? Your mom is Yukari Yakumo? In order to save his adorable loli daughters, Wu Shen embarks on a grand journey of conquest. Author: I Have Eight Sins Source: https://trxs.cc/tongren/3839.html

3aMAyatSu · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: Best Friends.

Mai hid her mouth with her little hands as Wu Shen's face gave away his realization that he'd fallen for her little act.

"I had to do it to give Daddy motivation. You're such a disappointing father."

Mai puffed up her cheeks, partly to express her mood, and partly to prevent Wu Shen from pinching her cheeks again.

"So, the floating figure earlier was also fake?"

Wu Shen's tone suddenly changed, asking seriously as he take his grimy hands away from Mai's cheek.

"Fake. It was just some special effects, hehe. Dad fell for it!"

Mai nodded, playfully saying, but her eyes were clearly wandering around, and her fingers involuntarily started moving.

After hearing the word "fake," Wu Shen initially breathed a sigh of relief, but seeing her suspicious actions, he recall the scenes of his father scolding him when he was a child.

"Son, what trouble did you cause this time? Tell the truth! I know when you lie! Don't think I don't know about these little actions you do when you lie!"

Wu shen tends to act fidgety, touching his fingers and moving his toes involunterily, just like the current Mai.

The stern and rough shout seemed to still echo, and Wu Shen stared at Mai silently, as if he suddenly understood a lot in an instant.

"Tell the truth." Wu shen commanded and sighed lightly.

After being stared at by Wu Shen's serious gaze for a moment, Mai lowered her head and whispered, "That part is true. If Dad continues to not meet Mom, I will disappear due to changes in the timeline."

Hearing these words, Wu Shen fell silent for a moment.

"Why did you lie earlier?"

"Because I didn't want Dad to worry."

Mai's voice was weak, almost like a mosquito buzzing.

"Really, I'm not that useless."

Wu Shen pinched her cheeks again and then made up his mind, saying, "I will establish a relationship with Kasumigaoka Utaha."


Mai's watery eyes immediately sparkled with little stars.

"Of course, of course."

Giving a wry smile, he nodded, and began to think about Kasumigaoka Utaha's behavior and personality in school.

Excellent legs– academic performance was the first point.

For some reason, there were many fierce female academic tyrants in Wu Shen's year, but no matter what, Shi Yu's exam results were always in the top ten.

Excellent Legs- She was good at sports, had elegant manners, exquisite looks, and seemed to have a high literary talent.

Excellent Legs- The script she wrote for the cultural festival in her first year of high school received a lot of praise.

[Why the hell am I always reminded of her legs?] He asked himself. Obviously because he is a creepy pervert but I digressed.

It could be said that she was one of the most admired and sought after candidates in the entire grade, unlike a certain someone.

If a survey were conducted in the school to make a "ranking of the girls you most want to date," Kasumigaoka Utaha would definitely be one of the top contenders.

"The difficulty is fairly.... Insanely high. But since I've made up my mind, I will do it."

Wu Shen lightly tapped the desk with his fingers and traces the edge, as his brain began to spun in its maximum capacity.

This was Wu Shen's character.

Although he was usually lazy and didn't socialize much with others, once he made a decision, no matter how low the possibility or how little resource he had, he would do it.

While he was thinking about how to approach Utaha, Mai's question suddenly interrupted his thoughts.

"Daddy, is today Saturday or Sunday?¿"

"Yeah?... No, why'd you ask?" He tilted his head.

"Then Dady, don't you have to go to school?"

Mai also follow the direction of wu shen's head and also tilted her's, and blink her eyes.


Wu Shen remembered that he had forgotten about going to school because of Mai's sudden appearance!

Looking at his phone, he realized it was almost 9 o'clock, so he quickly grabbed his bag and hurriedly ran to the school.

"Mai, stay at home and behave yourself. Don't run around or open the door for strangers. Remember not to touch the electric gate and be careful not to burn yourself when using the electric kettle. I'll be back around three or four in the afternoon."

Unconsciously, Wu shen gave many safety instructions like a mother.

Fortunately, to make it convenient for going to school, Wu Shen specifically rented an apartment close to the school.

After running at full speed for more than 10 minutes, he finally arrived at private Toyozaki Academy.

After coming to the back door of his class, Wu Shen peeked inside the room.

The first period was japanese, and Hiratsuka Shizuka was holding a book and chalk, gesturing something on the blackboard.

"Perfect, it's Hiratsuka sensei." He said to himself mockingly.

Wu Shen felt a headache coming.

If it were any other teacher, they might let him off the hook.

But Hiratsuka Shizuka, his homeroom teacher, the golden lady would never do that, so there was only one option left.

[ I should just bunk the first period.] He sighed.

Glancing at his phone, he realized there were only a few minutes left until the end of the class anyway, so he decided not to enter the classroom.

He casually walked to a corner and leaned against the wall, quietly waiting for time to pass.

After a few minutes, accompanied by the familiar bell signaling the end of class, Wu Shen cautiously stuck his head out and saw Hiratsuka leaving.

Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief and quickly walked into his own classroom.

Wu Shen didn't have many friends in his class and had a relatively low presence.

So when he entered, everyone's gaze only stayed on him for a very brief moment before continuing with whatever they were doing previously.

After putting his bag away and sitting down, the boy with brown black hair sitting to his right greeted him, "Wu Shen, why are you so late today? Did you stay up late playing?"

"Nope... Not everyone's like you. I just overslept."

Wu Shen smiled. The boy who was talking to him was Hideki Nishimura.

They gradually became acquainted due to their shared interests in games and anime, and he was one of the very few people Wu Shen could call a "friend". Although whether or not hideki think he is one is debatable.

"Hey hey, did you guys watch the latest anime last night? I predict that it will be a dark horse among the January new releases!"

A boy wearing black framed glasses turned around and started chatting with Wu Shen and Nishimura.

His name was Aki Tomoya, and he couldn't stay calm whenever the topic of anime came up.

His mouth was like a barrage, and he chatted with Wu Shen and Nishimura very openly.

"Ay?... January anime starts airing already? I forgot to mark it down."

Wu Shen slapped his forehead, feeling somewhat annoyed.

He transferred to this school in the second year of high school, and because he was too used to following the schedule of watching anime on Bilibili, he forgot to adapt to the local customs.

"Hehehe! I knew something like this would happen, so I specifically recorded a copy for you. Come to my house this Saturday if you have time to pick it up!"

"Then thank you. As an exchange, I'll lend you the doujinshi collection at my house to read."

Wu shen smirk, like he was giving out charity to the people of Africa.