
One Second For My Daughter. (Edited)

**Translation** (although I will be tempering with the irritating personality of the mc to make his beta tendency more bearable). Also I took on the liberty to change the narrative of the story to add more personality and make the mc slightly more assertive. The World That will appear: 1) Saekano 2) Oregairu 3) Sakurasou pet na kanojo We will also have an Extremely petty narrator who roast the mc constantly. [Summary] "Dad, if you don't conquer Mom now, I will disappear due to changes in history!" Wu Shen, who thought he was destined to be alone for his whole life, woke up one day to find multiple daughters claiming to be from the future appearing before him! How did I become a dad all of a sudden? Well, I suggest you find someone else. What? You said your mom's name is Kasumigaoka Utaha? You said your mom is Shiina Mashiro? You said your mother is Yuki Nagato? Your mom is Yukari Yakumo? In order to save his adorable loli daughters, Wu Shen embarks on a grand journey of conquest. Author: I Have Eight Sins Source: https://trxs.cc/tongren/3839.html

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4 Chs

Chapter 2: My Daughter

"Hmm? You... have two names?"

Wu Shen wait for a moment, and like the creep he is, stared at the loli in front silently for about a minute.

"Because I'm half Chinese and half Japanese, Daddy gave me a Chinese name, and Mommy gave me a Japanese name, and they used each other's last names as my first name! In China, everyone calls me by my Chinese name, and in Japan, I'm known by my Japanese name!"

Wu Shen was a tad bit surprised. Well, he was..... utterly flabbergasted.

His head currently was like a potato PC, forced to process a program light years beyond its capacity.

It seemed that even the name was well thought out. If this was just a scam, it would be too meticulous, wouldn't it?

"But kasumigaoka huh? It reminds me of a famous person in school." He mumbled.

Wu Shen was reminded of someone because of Mai's surname.

Kasumigaoka, in his school there was a girl with such a name, it belonged to one of the most beautiful women of their year, perfectly "unattainable" for him.

Although Wu Shen was in the same class as her, as you might have already anticipated, he had never uttered a single word to her.

In his impression, utaha had a striking beauty and figure. Black hair, thick thigh, slim waist, nice chest and all of those combined.

He recalled her in 4K resolution, especially those devilish figure and black shiny stockings that highlighted her shapely legs.

She emitted the most primitive allure of a woman, forcing any man into their instinc.

She was, typically speaking, always asleep in class, and always read books when she didn't. Even so, she maintained her marks at the top of the class.

Finally, the man shook his head and hesitently ask the next question.

"By the way... if I... really am your dad, say, what is your mommy's name?" Wu Shen asked nervously.

Although the probability of Mai being his daughter was almost zero, that just means the possibility was low and not completely zero.

"Kasumigaoka Utaha, that's Mom's name!" Mayu said with a bright smile, confidently, hands on her waist.

"Poof! Cough, cough, cough!"

Fortunately, Wu Shen didn't drink any water, otherwise he would have sprayed it all out, even then he still choke on the air on his throat.

"Dad, what's wrong? Are you sick? Or does your throat hurt?"

Mai turned and looked at him with concern when she heard Wu Shen's violent coughing.

"It's... it's nothing, just a little shocked."

[The difficulty expected is too damn high. It's like asking a level one hero to challenge a level max boss in hell!]

Perhaps, understanding his expression Mai thought of something and tried to calm his father down.

"Daddy, you gotta be super brave! If you like her, go and confess to her! And if she doesn't feel the same, well, maybe try stalking her around a little. And if that gets you in jail, it's okay! I mean, who cares about a little time out, right? If you can't even handle that, how can you say you love Mom?" Mai grinned, giving her best 'wise old owl' impression.

"Who taught you all these messy things?" Wu shen was flabbergasted of course, he was confuse and embarrassed to hear that from his supposed "daughter".

[It seemed that there is seriously a huge problem with my parenting education in the future. My daughter can't be this lewd!]

Wu Shen looked at her, speechless, unable to decide what to do next.

"Forget about whether you are really my future daughter or not. how did you travel back in time? Is the technology of future humans developing so fast?" Wu Shen asked, this was his biggest doubt.

If time machines, such a heaven defying technology, were really invented, human history would have been in complete dissarray long ago, right?

"I know Dad, you have a lot of questions, but I'm not sure about the specifics of how I went back in time either."

Mai spun around and plopped down in a dramatic matter, crossing her tiny legs and folding her hands, her face scrunching up in an exaggerated contemplating expression.

After hearing her recollection, Wu Shen roughly guessed what had happened.

Mai used to live a normal life, but one day she suddenly found that her body was gradually becoming transparent, and her presence was becoming dimmer and dimmer.

Finally, when she completely disappeared and her consciousness fell into darkness, she woke up again and found herself in a void, with a round ball of light in front of her.

It told Mai that if she wanted to restore her original state, she had to correct the timeline changes that had occurred in the past.

Then she was given the task of saving her parents' love, and when she woke up again, she was in the past.

Mai had a question of herself of course, what if the fluid is not ejaculated in the same amount, at the same time and at the same egg?

Afterall, scientifically speaking, all of those thing are necessary to have a specific desired outcome, if any of those things are not similar, the probability that the foetus in question is anyone but Mai is extremely high.

But all of them were answered with a few inexplicable reasonings from the ball of light, such as "A great man with big breasts", "Caring too much about details won't find him a girlfriend", "I'm not Einstein", "Please understand me, a guy with the intelligence of a hominid" and so on and so forth.

Hmm, the narrator and the ball of light will get along quite well it seems.

"Ah, such an irresponsible ball of light, such an irresponsible worldview," Wu Shen commented with a grimace, forgetting that he is a bitchless 18 year old, who is afraid of womens.

Putting all these messy things aside, Wu Shen finally focused his attention back on Mai. So far, he had only taken her words with a grain of salt.

Could she really be his future daughter? But he had never held a girl's hand before, much less a kissed, never gone to second base, zero experience, and it had been a long time since he had had a verbal exchange with those species called "women"...

Oops! Suddenly, his heart sting, and grabbed his chest tightly.

Just as he was contemplating the authenticity of this 'daughter', Wu Shen noticed that Mai's body became flickering and her figure became blurry.

What's going on? Wu Shen was puzzled, but suddenly remembered Mai's previous mention of her body disappearing.

"Is it happening again?"

Mai also noticed her current situation at the same time. It was exactly the same as what had happened in the future.

Due to the changes in history, her parents did not meet, and the future changed. She would gradually disappear from the world, leaving no trace, and no one would even remember her.

Wu Shen saw the adorable loli with red eyes, tears starting to swirl in her eyes, she was sobbing.

Seeing this scene, Wu Shen couldn't bear it either. Mai's body disappearing was not a lie, he had seen it with his own eyes. Since he was already convinced, what was there to hesitate about?

Just as he absorbed the sight, adrenaline violently rushed through his body.

Previously, observing his passive attitudes, anyone would have thought "what the fuck happens to his testosterone".

But, in this moment he completely forgets the concept of "fear".

Even if the entire world would be against him, so be it. He would even make an enemy of the underworld, if necessary for this daughter.

So he reached out and touched her soft black hair, gently caressing and said softly, "Don't worry, I am here? I will never let such an adorable daughter disappear."

[Isn't it just conquering a 'single' girl? Who's afraid of who! Even if I have to throw away my pride and principles, I'll do it for my daughter!]

His pride is precious, his principles even more valuable, but for the sake of her, both can be thrown away! That was his instantaneous decision.

Just as Wu Shen was still immersed in his determination, Mai had already stopped sobbing, and her tears seemed to have disappeared, looking up at him.

"Daddy, the head pat move is already outdated. You really need to brush up on your main character knowledge." Mai casually say in a flat tone.

[Is this what they call being handsome for only three seconds? I was actually mocked by my daughter? This is not following the script. Where's the scene where the head pat increases affection and the whole family is happy?]

[Give me back the touched feeling! Give me back my darn determination!]

"So, what was that just now? Were you pretending to cry?" Wu Shen pinched her small face, unlike what his age and appearance might suggest, our Mc can sulk.

Her fair cheeks seemed to be able to squeeze out water.

They were as soft as dough, as the touch of her cheeks fascinated him, he continued rubbing her with both hands, much like a slime.