
one punch man Saitama x Fubuki

Fubuki03 · Fantasie
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7 Chs

chapter 7 psychic sister arc

(Fubuki lost her powers that she gained after 7 days)

a week later

Fubuki; "thanks for coming with me"

Saitama; "your welcome baby"

Fubuki; "where is she"

Saitama; "I don't know"

Psychos; I see them walk by my cell "what do you both want?"

Fubuki; "you know what I want"

Psychos; "oh you want to try and beat me with your weak pathetic powers"

Fubuki; I clench my fist I bend the bars and step inside.

Psychos; "bad idea" I send the ceiling crashing down on her.

Saitama; "FUBUKI!" I run inside I start removing the rubble

Psychos; I fly past him and out the cell

Saitama; I move another big rock and see her bleeding I slide my arms under her and gently pick her up. I carry her out the building

the blizzard group is all laying on the ground unconscious

Saitama; "I wish I had psychic powers"

Saitama dashes off to her house

Saitama; I carry her in her room room I gently lay her down I lift her up her shirt and see she's bleeding from her lower chest. I quickly run out the room and find the bathroom. I grab a towel and run back I gently hold the towel on her I start to tear up. "this is my fault I shouldn't have let you go in alone its my fault your this way. If I can't even protect you the person I love then I'm not even a good boyfriend" I fall to my knees crying.

Fubuki heard every single word that was said her wound heals

Fubuki; I open my eyes and look at him "D-Dont blame y-yourself"

Saitama; "F-Fubuki? " I stand up and look into her eyes.

Fubuki; "its not your fault"

Saitama; "I have done nothing but protect to the ones I cared about. The one person I cared about the most I failed to protect I guess I'm not cut out to be a protective boyfriend."

Fubuki; tears roll down my face I grab his hand and pull him to me. "it wasn't your fault you couldn't have protected me you couldn't have known she would have done that. and don't say your not cut out to be a protective boyfriend when infact you are you have saved me multiple times and you watched over me when no one else did. you are an amazing boyfriend Saitama there is no one else out there that's better then you."

Saitama; I lean down and hug her I burst out crying "T-Thank you for being here for me"

Fubuki; "you're welcome anything for you baby"

Saitama; "you know Psychos got away"

Fubuki; "she did?"

Saitama; "Yeah I was distracted by worrying about you"

Fubuki; I blush "we will find her again I can promise you that"

Saitama; "im still worried about you"

Fubuki; "why do you worry about me so much?"

Saitama; "because I love you and I don't want you to get hurt again"

Fubuki; I smile "awe"

Saitama; "you just don't know how much I love you"

Fubuki; "you think I dont?"

Saitama; "nope"

Fubuki; "whatever you say babe"

Saitama; "anyway are you gonna be okay here by yourself?"

Fubuki; "wait where are you going?"

Saitama; "im going out to find her."

Fubuki; "you can't go by yourself"

Saitama; "why not?"

Fubuki; my face heats up "because I don't like to see you go alone"

Saitama; "awe"

Fubuki; "please let me go with you"

Saitama; "im sorry but no I can't afford to see you get hurt again"

Fubuki; I cross my arms in defeat "Fine"

Saitama; "I'll be back in an hour I love you"

Fubuki; "okay and I love you too" he opens the door and leaves. I lay back down on the bed <I can't believe I fell in love with him so easily its like I already liked him. hold on a minute I remember when we first met he had saved me from getting hit by Genos attack.>

meanwhile outside

Saitama; I walk around city F looking for Psychos but didn't see anything I keep looking

time skip 1 hour

Fubuki; "where is he its been an hour?"

Saitama; I walk around in city Q still looking for her.

timeskip 30 minutes

Fubuki; "I can't stand this I got to know if he's okay" I get up and open the door I then walk into someone it knocks me to the floor I feel a little bit of pain in my chest. "IM GONNA MAKE YOU REGRET PUSHING ME DOW-" I look up and it's Saitama.

Saitama; "im sorry I didn't mean to"

Fubuki; "oh my god I'm so sorry for talking to you like that."

Saitama; "its fine"

Fubuki; "next time I'll not run out the door"

Saitama; "why were you leaving anyway?"

Fubuki; "I was going to look for you"

Saitama; "you were worried about me awe that's so cute"

Fubuki; my face heats up "of course I worry about you, your my man after all."

Saitama; "so what now?"

Fubuki; "I don't know"

Saitama; "I know what we can if you wanna do it"

Fubuki; "I'm listening"

Saitama; "do you wanna go on a proper d-date?"

Fubuki; my eyes widen "of course" I smile

Saitama; "when do you wanna go on a date?"

Fubuki; "right now I guess"

end of chapter 7 sorry for the short chapter