
One Punch Man King Engine

A person from the real world crossed the boundary unto the world of One Punch Man and became King. Facing this new world, he proclaimed: I will become a hero of luck and the strongest man in this world... Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/FL_King

nyawdao2 · Anime und Comics
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136 Chs

With Friends Like These

"Hey, aren't you too arrogant? Do you know who you are going to face? He is the strongest man in the world... King!!"

Sneck scolded G1, who arrogantly ignored him and the others and went straight for King. He can't stand for this mockery!

"All bark, no bite." Tanktop Boxer slowly stood up, rubbed the bruises on his body, and challenged G1 with disdain, "Come, let me teach you what fighting is."

Fast Fist Man clenched his fist. "Don't look down on us. We may not be King, but we're not weak!"

The staff of the Association looked at the three A-, B-, and C-class Heroes brimming with fighting spirit. The passion in their declaration almost feels like it would boil his blood!

His eyes were red, and he clenched his fists and shouted at G1, "You don't even know your right from your left; how dare you to challenge the strongest man—King. Humph, your master probably wanted to scrap you, but he can't bear to tear down the 'child' he made himself. That's why he sent you to challenge King. He wants King to destroy you, trash!"

"Be prepared!"

Sneck and the other three roared with passion and rushed to G1 with reckless abandon.

"What a burning passion! Did I just inspire them to fight?" King watched Sneck and the others, who were rushing forward bravely, with sparks of excitement bursting out from his eyes. He had an inexplicable urge to fight side by side with them.

"You are not the target. Get out of my way!" G1's eye whirred slightly, and a cold voice came from its body. It then rushed forward, matching the Heroes' reckless charge.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

An avalanche of attacks echoed in the institute.


The sound of the collision followed.

"Ah... so... so strong."

"It's way beyond my league!"

"Just pretend to be dead. You should be able to escape this calamity!"

The four of them were directly sent flying by G1's three punches and two kicks, scattering them across the institute. Pain overwhelmed their body, rendering them unable to stand up, much less fight. G1's terrifying strength was on full display.

"Hey, don't get defeated so easily! What do you want me to do?" King looked at Sneck and the others, who were all over the place, and sighed in his heart.

Bravery and idiocy truly shared a very thin line. I'd rather quietly live as an otaku!

G1 ignored the Heroes and pointed the greatsword at King again. "King. I must test my combat performance to ensure I would be capable of fighting AL. So fight me with your full strength!!"

"Testing combat performance?" Child Emperor frowned and lowered his head to think. Was it really the Doctor? Only the Doctor's robot would be so recklessly testing its own power, right?

"What the hell is this? So you're just another guy who wanted me to help in your experiment. Next time just get in the line and ask politely, like Child Emperor here! Don't just barge in and challenge me like that; I might just kill you by mistake!"

King took a deep breath, his heartbeat accelerating. The person behind G1 was not really his enemy. The creator merely sought his title as the strongest man; to test the G1 against him and improve it.

This was just bullshit! The weight behind the "strongest" title was so fucking heavy! Someday it would probably crush his weak otaku body!

King glanced at Child Emperor. G1 had intruded into Child Emperor's research institute and destroyed Child Emperor's robots as if it was cutting vegetables. Child Emperor must greatly resent G1. It would be perfect if Child Emperor would take care of G1 without King's intervention.

Child Emperor seemed to feel King's eyes. He crossed his arms and stuck his tongue. "I don't have the mood to get involved in your trouble."

King's face darkened. This devilish brat... what a fucker! He really wanted to hold him down and smack his little butt. He wanted to teach him the story of "Hua Mulan went out on behalf of her father".

Of course, that was just his wishful thinking. If they really fought, he might not be able to beat Child Emperor.

His expression gradually turned ugly under his cap. It's over. If Child Emperor would not help, he could only rely on himself to defeat the G1. Would he have to spend a four-star Monster Card against G1? It was completely not worth it!

All his emotions slowly accelerated his heartbeat.

Brum-rum-rum-rum... Brum-rum-rum-rum…

Everyone still waited for King to answer G1's challenge, and heavy silence filled the room. An engine-like sound gradually broke the silence.

"Engine? Is this King's King Engine?"

"Has King entered a combat state?"

This time, I don't have to pretend to be dead. I want to watch King's battle with my eyes wide open. Maybe I can learn some valuable combat skills from it! After all, it is very difficult to see such a strong battle!

Sneck and the others woke up with difficulty, grabbing at anything they could to sit straight. Their eyes were wide open, staring at King and G1 without blinking. They could not miss a single detail.

"Hey, King, why are you just standing there? Are you looking down on me?" G1's one-eyed stared at King and said coldly, "Get serious. I need you to fight me with full power in order to collect useful combat data. Anything less would get you killed without meaning!"

King's eyes lit up as if he had found a way to avoid trouble. His whole body relaxed.

I should have more flaws now, right? You can't collect useful data even if you attack me. Go on, or change the target to Child Emperor. Anyway, I'm not going all out just to meet your wishes.

"Damn it, King, you have to be serious. The person I want to kill is the strongest man in a full combat state, not a useless uncle!"

G1 was furious, but it did not attack King in his relaxed state.

"Hey, hey, you got a single brain cell in your head or what? Have you never heard of this before?" Tanktop Boxer sneered at G1, "Everyone knows that King Engine is the sign that King had entered a battle state. Don't underestimate King. His posture might seem full of flaws, but it has no blind spot. No matter how you attack, King would retaliate mercilessly. This is the strongest man... King "

"So that's how it is." G1's mechanical eyes focused, and it poised its greatsword. "King, get ready to fight!"


King spat out a mouthful of blood in his heart. Was this bastard trying to get him killed?

He took a deep breath, glancing coldly at Tanktop Boxer. His fists itched again—this kid still needs beating!


Chapter 99.2 King Ran Away

"I won't fight." King casually said, after thinking for a bit.

"Why?" G1 asked in its cold mechanical voice, "Do you refuse the challenge, or do you not dare to accept? Could it be that even the strongest man is afraid of death?"

You are right; I am afraid of death!

King complained in his heart, but his face was still expressionless. He said coldly, "You challenged me to collect combat data on my full power, right? However, I have been riding the train since this morning and have not eaten anything along the way. I am hungry and thirsty now, tired and sleepy. I can't use my full strength in this state. Even if you beat me, the combat data collected is not reliable. So, it is meaningless for you to challenge me now."

A red light flashed in G1's single eye. He said coldly, "King, don't lie to me. I never eat or sleep. How come it doesn't affect my combat state?"


King's mouth twitched. Big brother, you are a robot. There is no problem if you don't eat, drink, sleep, or shit. But ordinary people can't do it.

He explained, "For me, eating and sleeping are equivalent to replenishing energy. Right now, my energy is insufficient, and my body functions have not reached the optimal state. Just like how you are unable to function without energy, understand?"

G1 returned its greatsword into the mechanical sheath. "Understood. Does that mean that as long as you sleep and eat, you will reach the best combat state?"

"That's right. As long as I eat and sleep enough, I will be able to fight with my full power."

Seeing G1's naiveté, King let out a sigh of relief in his heart. Although this robot's combat strength was high, its intelligence seemed to be a bit lower.

Sneck and the others had strange expressions on their faces. King, who had beaten Monster up with one punch in the past, was pointlessly arguing with the G1 robot today. And the G1, which had been very aggressive ever since its entrance, actually believed King's lies. It was simply too out of place.



Bofoi, who had been silently observing from behind the scenes, watched as the robot he proudly invented got played by King. He was so angry that he almost drilled into the screen and beat up G1 himself before returning it to the furnace and rebuilding it from scratch just to save face.

"G1, stop talking nonsense. Let's go to war. If King doesn't resist, just kill him."


"Okay, King, I will wait for you..." When G1 was about to agree with King's demand to let him eat and sleep, its central processor received Bofoi's direct command. Its eye flashed with red light, and its breastplate opened with a hissing sound. Small-scale missiles immediately launched from the opening.

"What the hell, what's going on? Did they suddenly start fighting?"

King was reveling in his success at fooling G1 when it suddenly fired the missiles. His whole body tensed up, and he took full advantage of Velociraptor Monster Card to move at extreme speed. Within the blink of an eye, he disappeared from his position.


After their target disappeared, the missiles hit the floor and exploded, causing dust and rubles to fill the air once again. A huge pit appeared where King was standing.

Child Emperor tensed at the sight of destruction that ravaged his research institute. His expression warned anyone to not come close.

This world is too terrifying. Even a robot can act. I really thought this guy would agree to let me eat and sleep!

King cursed in his heart, and his body quickly moved around the research institute, his eyes locked on G1.

He did not know that G1's artificial intelligence could be overridden by a remote control system, which was the cause of its sudden change in attitude.

"Should I escape?"

He pondered in his mind. It would be easy for him to run away with his current speed! The problem was whether he should run or not?

When King was in a dilemma, G1 stretched out its mechanical palm. A small aperture opened, and rays of light gathered in front of it.

"Energy cannons!"

When enough light gathered, its palm pushed lightly, and two beams of light fired at King's afterimage. The pillar of energy streaked through the air and created a new hole at the far wall of the facility.

"Energy cannons!"

"Energy cannons!"

"Energy cannons!"

The G1 continued to fire its energy cannons, chasing King's figure across the facility. Under the continuous explosion, it didn't take long for the research facility to be devastated.

"Hey, why hasn't King made his move yet?"

"I've been waiting for a long time."

Sneck and the others watched King running around, their eyes filled with disappointment. They had imagined King would destroy G1 with a single punch, but it didn't happen.

Child Emperor's face turned green. He gritted his teeth and shouted, "Uncle King, hurry up and get rid of that robot. If this continues, my research institute will be finished."

"Is that so? It doesn't matter. It's annoying, but you can just get reimbursed by the Association." King looked at the ruined research institute and involuntarily paused. G1's energy cannon almost hit him in his hesitation, causing him to break out in cold sweat.

"Is this shit just endless?" G1's static bombardment frustrated King. "Weren't it the one who challenged me? Did it get cold feet?"

He had the power of a three-star Monster. It could match G1 just fine, even if it might not be enough to win. King suddenly changed his trajectory. He charged straight at G1 instead of running around the facility and gathered all his strength in his right fist. He growled, "Don't mistake a tiger for a cat just because it held back its power!"

When G1 saw King charging straight at it, it deactivated its energy cannons. Instead, two columns of flame ignited below its mechanical feet, launching its massive body straight at King.

"Fortune favors the bold. Eat my punch!"

King observed G1's actions closely, clenching his right fist. Estimating the distance...

6 meters...

4 meters...

3 meters...

2 meter...

"King Punch!"

King exerted all his strength to throw a right hook. However, as if it had anticipated King's punch, G1 stopped on its track just beyond King's attack range, somehow shedding all its speed instantly. King watched helplessly as his fist flew past a few centimeters in front of G1. He staggered from the leftover force.

He didn't dare to stay any longer. With a stomp of his foot, he disappeared from their eyes.

"Hey, King, where are you going?" Child Emperor was the only one capable of finding King...who was running away?

"I'm going to be late. I'll leave this place to you guys." King used his speed advantage to escape from G1 and the research institute and rushed toward the train station.

Let Child Emperor deal with the research institute and G1 on his own!

He can't defeat G1 as it was, and it would pain him to waste a four-star Monster Card. He decided to run away and leave the mess to Child Emperor.

And everyone lived happily ever after.

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