
One Piece: Young Pirate

Fires rage all around as a legendary fight rocks the island. Alex, a young boy, is caught in the midst of this battle. With no way out and death immanent, he now needs to find a way to escape with his new friend. Will Alex escape unharmed? What about his new friend? And if Alex somehow is able to survive this situation... what's next?

Smol_frog · Anime und Comics
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59 Chs

Feeling Lucky.

A minute later, Alex was walking out of the room.

The hall was relatively silent, especially considering how noisy it was in the room when he was with Shanks and Issho. Alex looked ahead of him and saw another group of people walking towards the bathroom, blocking his path. He tried to stick to one wall and maneuver past them as he had been doing earlier.

Just as he was walking by the group of men and woman, one of the men grabbed him by the wrist. Another lunged at him while carrying something in his hands and the rest all trained guns on him.

Alex instinctively jumped back and swung his arm to the side. Causing the man grabbing his wrist to fly into one of the walls in the narrow hallway and create a large crack in the wall. Dust fell from the wall and the whole hallway lightly vibrated from the impact. The man lunging at Alex had fallen flat on his face after missing his attack with what Alex could now see was seastone handcuffs.

Alex went to grab his weapon only to realize that it had been destroyed. He clicked his tongue and charged at his assailants. Shot's fired in the hall and began to ricochet off the floor and walls. Alex used his haki to dodge most of the bullets, but there were at least 6 shots fired at once, making it impossible to avoid them all in the narrow hallway. One of the shots grazed his shoulder, leaving a scratch on his skin but not causing serious injury.

Alex finally reached the group and grabbed the base of Lugh's tongue before using the rest of it like a whip and knocking a row of 4 people back. Their guns flew in the air as they slipped from the men's grips. Alex caught one of the guns as he used soru to charge at another attacker and kick him in the face, smashing his face in and sending him into another man. The two flew back into the wall behind them and blood splattered all over the wall they hit full force.

The two slumped to the ground, lifeless as Alex shot the gun he had caught at another man. The man Alex shot smiled as the bullets bounced right off of him and he returned fire. Alex shifted his body from side to side to dodge the bullets with his haki. Meanwhile, two girls who were standing in tight red dresses that sparkled like glitter also pulled out guns and began to shoot at Alex.

Alex made the split second decision to change targets and started firing at the girls while dodging bullets from three different guns. The girls both smiled at the same time as the bullets veered off course and stuck to the ceiling above them. Alex suddenly felt a tug on his hand as if the gun was being yanked from him. He tried to hold steady but it was enough to mess up his aim, so he chose to release the gun, knowing that his bare hands would be more useful at this point.

The moment his fingers unclenched, the gun flew through the hall and stuck to the ceiling above him, alongside the bullets he shot and the guns that the enemy was holding as well.

Alex chuckled to himself as he looked towards his weaponless opponents. "A magnet won't stop me. I don't need a weapon to kick your ass."

One of the girls standing next to the man giggled while the other sighed and rolled her eyes. The man who was standing in between the two with a black tophat, and suit on his body smiled. He took out a cigar from his blazer pocket and gripped it between his teeth. The girl who was giggling instantly lit the end for him and he exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Kid, you wouldn't be saying that if you knew who you were up against." The man said.

Alex pretended like he was about to respond before using soru to close the distance between the two men instantly. His fist connected with the man's chest at full force and Alex was sure that he had the power to kill the man with that strike.

However, in a strange turn of events, a loud clang echoed in the hall as the metal parts of Alex's gloves made contact with the man's chest.

A menacing smile formed on the man's face. "That tickled." He wound up his arm and the skin on his hands turned into metal gauntlets.

Alex couldn't react in time as the punch connected with his face and he smashed into the ground at the man's feet. The man's shoe morphed into a medieval style knights armour boot and kicked Alex in the side.

Alex coughed up a large amount of blood and it piled up on the floor around him. He gasped for air, struggling to breath and the man laughed. "This is why you shouldn't mess with Lucky Luciano. What did you think was going to happen if you messed with this island's Godfather?"

Alex pushed his palm off the tile surface below him as he stood up. Another kick came flying at his head as Lucky gave him no time to react. Alex ducked under it before grabbing Lucky's heel and clenching down. His hands turned into vice grips that clamped down on Lucky's legs. Alex swung his arms out and lifted Lucky off the ground for a moment. He tried to tighten his grips on Lucky's legs to break his shins, but it felt like he was trying to crush pure steel.