
one piece with infinite points and store system


gamefame_2014 · Anime und Comics
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Dave youra a 23 year old dude you know the drill truck kun kills us reincarnated in one piece with infinite points and store system let's get to story

Dave pov

Ughhhh what happened I was walking then... a... truck hit me damn I stood up and saw I was on an island like raft with huge body's of water all around me I looked around and saw a building I went inside building and saw it was small and empty looking around I saw a manager's office I went in and saw a desk mini fridge filled with food and a computer after going to the computer I logged into it and it said

Computer:welcome you are dead truck kun God of reincarnation,death,and gifts gives you a store system with a free gift package to start with....by the way your in one piece 10 years before luffy set sail could go to other worlds when level required

I'm in one piece and now have a system looking further I saw a bunch of apps










I clicked on Inventory and showed a lot of empty boxes except a gift box clicking on it it opens


Infinite points

3 medium shirts (female)

5 Japanese swordsman manual

1sniper revolver (loaded)

200 berries

I was shocked to say at least next I checked my status

Dave Lvl 1

Strength 12

Defense 10

Will 8

Luck 10

Charm 9

I need to Train to become strong enough to survive this place after a while I decided to stock up some stuff to sell wanting to upgrade the store size I tried to upgrade it when a screen appeared and said "lacking funds" confused I went back to the computer I clicked on bank and it says


Don't think it's that easy while yes you can buy stuff with points but some things like upgrades, evolution, etc etc requires berries

Damn now I need to sell this stuff to earn berries just to upgrade not knowing where I am I decided to buy a mapping skills now I know I'm a few miles away from foosha village meaning I can have my first customer stocking up on food,clothes,and a few devil fruits I made up cause why not I rowed the raft island to the village

Luffy 3rd pov

Luffy the boy who dream of being the pirate king was staring at the sea wondering what adventure he would have with a crew of his own then out in the distant luffy saw a island size raft coming toward the village not knowing what to do luffy just stared at the raft as it closed the distant luffy saw a building on the raft with a sign on it saying (Walmart) till now a group of people showed up seeing the raft then the door opened as a man around 20 years of Age wearing a white shirt with a blue coat over the shirt brown pants with flip-flops the man smiled

Dave pov

After landing I changed my clothes to appear like im from here after that I opened the door and was greeting the people there I walked up with a smile I spread my arms out

3rd pov

Dave:hello my name is Dave youra and this is my store "Walmart" I'm a traveling merchant who sells and buys stuff food,clothes, etc I hope you enjoy (goes in)

a sign on door saying "buy 1 get 1 free" or "10% off" with that people started going inside and was amazed by the looks and items that was being sold soon the place was packed luffy was looking at a huge cooked steak making his mouth drool at the sight then Dave appeared behind him

Dave:you want it

Luffy violently shook his head yes wanting to eat it so bad Dave chuckled looking at him do that

Dave:you're in luck it's a special deal with coupons here (hands him a book of coupon) with this you'll be able to get sweet deals

Luffy: thank you old man

Dave:IM 23 YOU LITTLE TURD....anyway since your the first customer I'll give you something special (pulls out 3 chest they are purple,orange, and green) In these chest contains something called a devil fruit a fruit that will grant you powers with just one bite but you become an enemy of the seas

Dave puts them down and takes out a paper giving it to luffy then pulls out a key

Dave:you can only eat one since eating 2 or more will kill you now on to the fruits they are 3 types zoan,logia,and paramecia Zoan turning you to a hybrid or full on animals,logia creating, controlling, turning into a specific element,paramecia getting a ability

Luffy:do you know what kind they are old man

Dave: yes the purple one is a mythical zoan called the hito hito no mi model dislyte which allows the eater to turn into different types of gods and Goddesses ,the orange one is a special logia called the environment environment no mi which allows user to change the environment around them and themselves like turning something into wood,food,gold ect,and the last one is a special paramecia type called the sun sun no mi which allows user to create control and turn themselves into the sun it self with one ability to have which one would you have

Luffy:I'll have the .... .

.Cliff hanger which one will luffy choose

Environment environment no mi:turns surrounding area and themselves into random things like mochi,lava,water,etc etc

Hito hito no mi model dislyte: if you play it you should know but only use 1 at a time

Sun sun no mi: Google escanor