
Devil Fruit

In the soft morning light, the homies arrived, bearing a message from their mistress. "Master Venom and Pudding, your mother is calling for you," they announced. Quickly donning their attire, Venom and Pudding made their way to their mother's chambers, where a table adorned with devil fruits awaited them.

With a glance at her assembled children, Big Mom's voice boomed out, commanding attention. "I have gathered all these devil fruits for you. Each of you, choose one that you desire," she declared, her eyes scanning the eager faces of her offspring.

As the other children clamored and fought over the familiar devil fruits, Venom's gaze swept the table, his Insight Eye guiding him unerringly to two fruits tucked away in a corner—the Memory Fruit and the Void Shadow Fruit.

With a decisive motion, Venom swiftly claimed both fruits, his mind already racing with the possibilities they offered. While the others hesitated, wary of the unknown, Venom wasted no time in taking action.

Turning to his sister, he handed her the Memory Fruit with a reassuring smile. "Eat this," he urged, his voice brimming with confidence. And without hesitation, he consumed the Void Shadow Fruit himself, feeling its dark power course through his veins.

**Name:** Void-Shadow Fruit

**Ability:** The Void-Shadow Fruit grants its user mastery over stealth and death, allowing them to merge with the shadows and become entities of darkness. Its powers include:

1. **Phantom Phase:** The user can seamlessly shift between the physical and incorporeal realms, rendering themselves intangible. They can pass through solid objects and evade physical attacks with ease, making infiltration and escape effortless.

2. **Invisibility:** With a mere thought, the user can vanish from sight, sound, and all forms of detection, becoming completely undetectable. They move through the world unseen, leaving no trace behind as they navigate with unparalleled stealth.

3. **Silent Requiem:** Every movement made by the user is shrouded in eerie silence, foreboding doom for their foes. They glide through the shadows, striking with lethal precision from the depths of obscurity. Their adversaries remain unaware until it's too late, as the Void-Shadow claims its victims without a sound.


**Name:** Memory-Memory Fruit

**Ability:** The Memory-Memory Fruit grants its user dominion over memories, allowing them to manipulate, read, and project thoughts and experiences. Charlotte Pudding wields this power with finesse, utilizing it for:

1. **Memory Alteration:** Pudding can edit, erase, or implant memories in herself or others. This enables her to reshape perceptions, personalities, and past experiences, manipulating individuals to suit her desires.

2. **Memory Reading:** By touching others, Pudding can delve into their memories, gaining insight into their thoughts, emotions, and hidden truths. This ability grants her access to valuable information and allows her to uncover secrets buried within the minds of her targets.

3. **Memory Projection:** Pudding can project memories onto physical objects or create illusions based on past experiences. This allows her to recreate events or deceive others by implanting false memories into their minds.

4. **Memory Manipulation:** Pudding can control the flow of memories, accelerating or slowing down the rate at which individuals remember or forget. This power can induce temporary amnesia or restore lost memories, depending on her intentions.

Upon learning of Venom and Pudding's choice of devil fruits, Big Mom's expression softened, a hint of surprise flickering in her eyes. "The Void-Shadow Fruit and the Memory-Memory Fruit," she mused, her voice laced with intrigue. "I wasn't expecting such exceptional abilities from these unknown fruits."

Inwardly, Big Mom noted the potential these two children possessed, recognizing the significance of their newfound powers. "These two are worth paying attention to," she reflected silently, her thoughts turning towards the future and the role these siblings might play in the Charlotte Family's legacy.

Internally acknowledging the potential displayed by her offspring, Big Mom's mind whirred with newfound interest. "Good," she declared aloud, her tone carrying a hint of satisfaction. "Now, you two may go."

As Pudding bounded joyfully back towards the library, her heart filled with newfound happiness at the interaction with her brother, she collided with Daifuku's leg. Startled, she looked up at him with wide eyes, only to be met with a stern glare. "Watch where you're going," Daifuku admonished, his voice tinged with annoyance.

Before Pudding could apologize, Oven, who accompanied Daifuku, intervened. "Leave it, Daifuku. They're just children," he remarked, attempting to diffuse the situation.

Pudding, "Sorry brother"

But Daifuku's temper flared, his frustration directed towards Pudding. "Don't call me brother, you ugly three-eyed girl," he spat, his words cutting deep into Pudding's fragile emotions.

Tears welled up in Pudding's eyes as she fled towards Venom for solace. Anger surged within Venom at the sight of his sister in distress. "In my opinion, you're the ugly one," he retorted, his voice dripping with disdain. "Look at your physique—stick-like legs and hands, and your head is too small for your chest. I bet you've never been proposed to by a girl."

Daifuku, stung by Venom's words, lashed out in a fit of rage, his fist hurtling towards the young boy. Oven, alarmed by the sudden escalation, admonished Daifuku, "Are you crazy, Daifuku? You're attacking a child!"

But it was too late. As Daifuku's fist made contact, Venom instinctively reached out and pulled Pudding close to him. In a miraculous turn of events, Daifuku's fist passed harmlessly through both of them, leaving the siblings unscathed.

As the realization of Venom's powers sank in, Daifuku and Oven exchanged stunned glances, their shock evident. Daifuku, begrudgingly acknowledging Venom's strength, muttered through clenched teeth, "Brat, looks like you've got a good devil fruit."

However, before Daifuku could escalate the situation further, he infused his hand with Haki, preparing to strike. Oven, sensing the danger, reacted swiftly, leaping towards Daifuku and restraining him. "Are you crazy, Daifuku?" he exclaimed, his voice edged with urgency and concern.

Turning his attention to Venom and Pudding, Oven's demeanor softened. "Go," he urged them gently. "I'll handle this."

Reluctantly, Venom and Pudding nodded, their trust placed in Oven's ability to diffuse the tension. With a final glance back at their siblings, they hurried away, leaving Oven to confront Daifuku and resolve the aftermath of the confrontation.