
One Piece: Transmigrated as Rob Lucci

A random soul from Earth is transmigrated in to the body of Rob Lucci after his defeat in Enies Lobby. Armed with a new Devil Fruit and knowledge about what is to come, he is determined to make his way to the top! Watch him as he ascends from a discarded and disgraced agent of W.G. to the seat of an emperor of the sea! Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit - Human Human Fruit Model:Absalom ``the Life God`` (A.K.A. Vampire God) An evolved version of the non-cannon vampire fruit, similar to how magma fruit is for the fire fruit.

Kaydo_XD · Anime und Comics
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25 Chs

Looking for a new crewmate

... After they took flight again...

Not even after a few minutes in the air, Vivi, could not take her mind off the series of events she had witnessed. As much as she wanted to not impose, her curiosity got the better of her, which become rather obvious. So she moved a little closer to the head of the giant bat to question Lucci.

"Umm, excuse me, mister...age-I mean mister Lucci can I ask how did you manage to take out that Devil Fruit. I thought it was not possible to steal someone Devil Fruit, so I..." Vivi din not get the chance to finish her question as Lucci already responded with a harsh voice tone.

"And do you expect me to just share important information about me to someone who's not part of my crew, miss? Did you perhaps change your mind about joining that straw hat brat and want to join Blood Moon pirates instead?" Said Lucci.

Lucci words made her quite ashamed, as she did not realize that she was asking for confidential information from someone she was not affiliated with, the two of them are nothing but travel companions. Not to mention, Blood Moon pirates and Straw Hats are not really in the best of terms, which made it even more inappropriate. She went quiet for a while then quickly apologize and retreated back to her spoon beside Karoo.

The rest of their journey proceed uninterrupted, and so they managed to get to the island of St. Poplar before the night fall and finally meet up with the rest of the Blood Moon pirates.

"Lucci!! You are finally back, I got so bored waiting here, when are we leaving ?" Asked Jabra with a lack of patience.

'Lucci barely got inside the room and the stupid wolf was already asking for them to go, just how bored has he been those few days?' Wandered the crew.

"Not now Jabra, but you don't have to wait too long we'll leave tomorrow, but for now lets all caught up over dinner. We got quite a lot of things this time, so we might as well transform this dinner in to a small banquet to celebrate!" Said Lucci secretly looking for an excuse to hold their first party.

"Before the party, let's finish with the important business first. We would like to report that over the past few days a pirate group did land on this island as you said, and we managed to capture their ship, and also we locked yo their captain. He seems to be a Devil Fruit user from the paramecia type, specialized in making all kinds of candies." Reported Kalifa in a very strict manner.

By this point in the conversation, all the Blood Moon pirates were already standing around the table together while Vivi and Karoo were housed in the room all the way across the hallway, currently both serving their dinner together.

"As expected of you, that fruit will be useful in the future if we need something from the pirate empress Big Mom, I heard she loves food more than even her children! " Said Lucci.

"As for our side, we have successfully completed our goal and even gone beyond it." As he said that, he signaled Blueno to bring the two Devil Fruits.

Blueno opened his backpack and brought out two strange fruits, placing them on the table before all his crewmates.

"Oye, Lucci, what kind of Devil Fruits are those ? " Asked Jabra as he started inspecting them, trying to figure out their abilities.

"Those two are mean for Fukuro and Kumadori, I specially picked them up myself, you two are quite lucky for us to come across such powerful Devil Fruits so come on try them" Said Lucci as he threw the fruits after he picked them up from Jabra.

"Fukuro, Kumadori are you sure you want to be Devil Fruits users, you will become unable to swim if you eat them you know ! " Said Jabra in an attempt to deter them from eating the fruits, not wanting them to suppress him in strength as well.

"Chapapa... Jabra is afraid he will become our weakest member!" Said Fukuro making fun of him.

"Yoyoi!" Exclaimed Kumadori in his weird way.

With a bit of hesitation, the two consumed the fruits whole, but they were soon disgusted by their cursed taste that nearly got them to throw up.

"AHHH! They ate them, dammit!" Complain Jabra.

While the two started to feel the changes in their bodies, Lucci continued his story about their mission, not even paying attention to Jabra little rant as the two other Blood Moons started to try their Devil Fruits in the other side of the room.

"I guess I should also tell you about our mission, our main goal this time was to take over the hidden base of a legendary pirate known as Golden Lion, Shiki and bring him down! Thankfully, since his escape from Impel Down, his strength decreased to the point where we could finish him up. As a result, beside the two Devil Fruits we picked up on our way, we also took over his flying archipelago that holds all of his treasures. His belongings were quite extensive and included tons of gold, a variety of jewels, even his rare special grade swords, a ship constructed with Adam Wood, and most importantly, his Float-Float Fruit, which is now in Kaku's hands. Speaking of Kaku he will be meeting us in a few weeks as he is currently moving the islands to us." Said Lucci with a proud voice, thinking again about all that he got.

"Coo coo!Coo coo!" agreed Hattori, as he landed again on Lucci after so much time.

The news shocked them all, soon happy cheers started to resound in the room from all the Blood Moon pirates. All except for one person, who at the moment was brought to the point of shedding tears by the news of Kaku getting such a good Devil Fruit. Jabra was did not even seem to hear all those good news and zoned in on the fact that Kaku now should be way above him in terms of strength. This made him to look at Lucci impatiently, which he noticed and decide to assure his crewmate by giving him some good news.

"Jabra by the time we'll see him again you and Kalifa will also have changed your fruits, I already have a plan in mind for them, but before we go to get your new fruits we need to make a detour and visit the Warlord Moria inside the Florian Triangle." Said Lucci.

"Is there a reason why we must go there, captain?" Asked Blueno.

"Yes, currently Moria turf has some unexpected guests, namely the Straw Hats pirates, and soon a battle between the two sides would take place." Said Lucci.

"Straw Hats!? Did they go to look for trouble with another Warlord so soon after our battle? They are really a restless bunch!" Said Jarba in indignation, still sore after his loss.

"So, are we going to take revenge against them? Can't wait for it !" Continued, Jabra, with an evil grin.

"No, our goal is to recruit someone from Moria's pirate group after they have been defeated. As for the Straw Hats, I want us to win against them when we are both at full strength, so our revenge will have to wait till we reach the New World, don't you think that beating them to the big treasure they have been aiming for will be a much better way to get back at them !?" Exclaimed Lucci with a wide smile.

"Yoyoi... our captain is so bad, but don't worry, I shall take the blame for his deeds and take it upon myself to receive a fitting retribution in his stead !" Said Kumadori as he brought out a knife, kneeled on the floor and started to perform his usual theatrics, but everyone ignore him.

"A new crewmate !? What kind of person is it ?" Asked Jabra.

"Hmm... She has quite a strange personality, but with her power she should be able to beat all of us except me. She is Moria secret weapon and beating her is quite complicated if you don't have the right conditions." Said Lucci as he thought about Perona, her Devil Fruit and how lucky were the Straw Hats to have a person like Usopp in their crew.

*I see her DF as a complete cheat on a similar level to Sugar and Baccarat.*

"SO STRONG !!!" Replied the astonished crew members.

"Well, she is quite a week girl, but her Devil Fruit is very difficult to handle by a normal person." Clarified Lucci.

The Blood Moons were understandably quite moved about his description, and Jabra even more eager to get his new Devil Fruit. The conversation inside the room shifted to more casual things as a party was starting to take shape, soon after, which got more heated up with the addition of alcohol.

Most of the Blood Moons getting quite hammered up, starting to dance, sing or even battle among each other, all except Lucci and Kalifa. The former being unable to, and the latter not wanting to make a fool of herself in front of her crew. But she did pour her captain quite a few of shots, seemingly taking up once again the role of a secretary for her captain.