
Chapter 18

• 2 Years Later

{ Cain's POV }

"Oi Cain, what are you gonna do in the future?"

Taken back, I glanced back at him and there he is. As usual, he do what he do best. Skinning animals off while they're still alive.

I shook my head at this scene. This apparently began when he fought a Gorilla in the cage as a punishment. This habit of him was disgusting and evil.

Not that I care but I don't appreciate the noise and seeing it disgusts me.

"Don't worry about that but you're definitely not coming with me if you keep this up. It's disturbing."

Silver instantly stopped what he was doing and dropped a monkey as he looked at me with betrayal on his face. "What do you mean I'm not coming?"

I shook my head in disappointment, dismissing his question. After all, he knows what I said and why.

It's been two years and half since that blonde fucker had arrived and despite not liking him, I respected him as a fighter. He was a strong one alright.

Enzo has been training Silver while Raian and I fought against the beasts and Sea Kings alike by ourselves which isn't fair if I think about it. But then again, it isn't fair for Silver either.

After all, who likes getting beaten and send to cage whenever they anger or disappoint Enzo.

I chuckled in reminiscence that my brother used to go in the cage so many times proving that Enzo wasn't happy with him. It was probably because of that habit of his.

Enzo had once told me that while they fought, that crazy guy tried to stab his eyes multiples of times with his sharp nails. I wish I was there to see it.

Snapping back to reality, I ponder once again about my future after I beat Raian in the duel. Clearly confident of my victory so much that I didn't really need to think much on it as it would be few more months ahead.

'I wonder if I'm the strongest contestant at the moment or is there anyone stronger than me? I can't wait to meet them.'

I already made up my mind when I was a baby. I still plan to make a large group and get above the top. Everyone will know how to fight in my crew. No room for weaklings or burden in our group!

Though I struggle for our group name. It should not be simple or weak. It must strike the fear to anyone that hears it and sound ominously.

The Warriors? The Doom?

I'll get to it once I gathered a crew. I need to find a suitable member that is captain material. I will make him or her a vice captain. After all, ain't no way Silver and Raian are suitable for it. They're unreliable little shit.


Suddenly, with my sharpened senses, I hear some loud and slow footsteps coming toward this area, I turned around and smirk toward Enzo.

No matter how many times I fought this man, I still couldn't beat him. However, I'm satisfied with injuring him. Deserved it. I don't care if I'm too petty.

"There isn't really much we can do here. When are we heading to Kure Clan?"

Raian has told me many things about his clan and how they fight. I couldn't help but be interested as I've seen first hand of his technique. I want to learn it!

Though I'm not interested in joining their family unless they have strong kunoichi my age or older. After all, I want a family this time.

"We go tomorrow. Pack up your stuff. By the way, Chisato are staying with me. Apparently, I possessed something strong and she didn't want to leave," He smiled perversely and tap his bicep proudly.

"Good to know. However, we're not keeping her." Seeing my serious face, he nodded as he understood that we have no room for weaklings.

"Why are you so heartless though? Thought you would feel for her being with her since you were a baby."

"What about you? Aren't you heartless?" I questioned back.

"Nah, don't even try to change the subject. But whatever. I guess I am heartless. It is what it is, right?" he faced toward the sky as he laughed out loud.

I once again shook my head. I'm starting to think I'm the only one that is normal in this family.

Enzo with his kidnapping habit and he talks too much .

Silver with his sadistic behavior habit and innocents act.

Raian with his provocative attitude and rebellious acts.

Oh God, I am the normal one!


[ General POV ]

Enzo stopped laughing as he looked toward Silver who has finished skinning the dead animal. Just like Cain, he shook his head as he already knew what happened.

"Silver, go get Raian. We're going to his home," ordered Enzo. Silver raised his hand and showed a thump up with blood on it. He then quickly rushed past Enzo to do what he was ordered to do.

Enzo had fought Silver, Raian and Cain the past two years. Out of all of them, Silver was the weakest one but it didn't mean he was weak compared to them.

Not anymore. His [Devil Fruit] advanced so much to the point he can dodge attacks even when he was sleeping. Despite being weaker, Cain and Raian didn't take him lightly as they barely got hits in and lost couple times in a fight.

However, his [Armament Haki] was appalling and he obviously didn't have [Conqueror Haki] which was a disappointment to Enzo. Actually apart from Enzo, none of them has [Conqueror Haki].

Though it was too early to tell. It didn't matter if they had it or not. After all, there is many people that were strong without it.

Cain and Raian were almost equal. He fought both of them and couldn't tell who would win in the duel. After all, they didn't go all out. However, if there was a moon at that time, it's obvious Raian were gonna lose.

He could still remember the fight he had with Cain in [Sulong] state and he gained many injuries in that battle. He wasn't happy and it wasn't because of the injuries but because he didn't improve much compared to two years ago.

It was definitely because of fucking with Chisato and only training the kids. Made him forget to train himself. However, he didn't think much on it. He would train after his son fight in the duel.


Silver finally arrived to the small shimmering lake and didn't stop to look at it as he couldn't see. He sensed a person his age coming out of the lake and walked toward him not caring if he was naked.

After all, he could not see!

"Yo, we're finally going to your homeland!"

Raian made a annoyed expression as he grunts. He didn't care if Silver couldn't see. It was still annoying and weird.

"Piss off! I'm fucking changing." Raian shouted angrily at Silver as he picked up his short.

"Change then. I can't see anyway," Silver replied in calm tone as he titled his head and pointed his finger to his eyes.

"It doesn't matter. Fuck off!"

Raian suddenly punched at Silver's head to which he dodged right and stared at his arm but didn't fight back.

"Calm down. No need to go wild. That's not your specialty. It's Cain~."

Any recommadations for pirate name. Also, I know this chapter is awful at the moment. I will fix it soon. It's been a while. I will not drop this fanfic. Any help would be aappreciated though.

Nightmare_Monarchcreators' thoughts