
Lion,Cat and Marines.

* Nojiko and Genzo Pov*

We were in our house and I was telling Genzo about when nami come back 2 years ago what she said, what were the plans and more importantly about the boy who was gone help us with Arlong.

Hearing this I was stunned and just keep looking at her.

After some time, processing all information.

" Nojiko will that boy really able to help us"

" I don't know but I trust my sister if she said he has the power to help than he must have the power to do so" I was not quite sure but I decided to put my faith in the boy who i have never meet or seen.

Only heard about him from my sister.

Hearing this I was shocked and asked " what if Arlong kill him than what do you think happen to nami ha"

" Genzo don't talk nonsense and try to believe in Nami she is not a child anymore and she has seen more than us the outside world"

" But " I wanted to argue.

" She knows what is she doing and what will happen if this does not go according to her plan so don't worry so much"

I claimed down and asked " so when they are coming we only have 2 months now"

Hearing this I shoke my head and said " she said she will come back after 2 years, not exactly when"

" Then how did you said 2 months to those fish man " I was now sweeting.

"I have a feeling that she will be back in those two months, that's why I said 2 months"

" Your feeling ha" what's going on with this sisters.

What will happen if something goes wrong i can't let nami or nojiko or even an villagers get hurt.

' we need weapons' thinking about this.

" Ok I will start gathering weapons to use"

" Weapons for what"

" Ofcourse to fight the fish man if something goes wrong we will fight together"

" Fight together ha"

" Yes if we live we will live together and if we all die we will all die together"

Hearing this I was stunned in place shocked.

" Yes I will also help but don't tell any villagers about this"

" Yes I understand don't worry"

After taking some more things we decided to go visit village doctor Nako to see how those two villagers were doing.

' Nami where are you' i thought looking towards sea.

*Third person Pov*

On sea some unknown area.

One small boat and one ship can be seen facing each other.

Ship has a pirate flag on top.

And from time to time lound noice of fighting and gun fire can be heard.

One girl with a cat mask on her face wearing white full shirt and jeans, showing her perfect body can be seen dodging bullets before they could even reach here.

The pirates were stunned and started shouting.

" What's going on"

" We can't hit her "

"How is she dodging bullets without getting hit"

"Captain help"

The captain of the ship looked ugly seeing this scene.

We were just going when this small boat was spotted we became greedy and started thinking about robbing the boat and when I saw the girls body I wanted her for myself to play with than give her to my younger brothers to play.

But one thing was odd about them they were wearing a lion mask and cat mask.

Seeing this I seem to have heard something about a lion and cat, but I can't remember.

So I don't give it much attention and order to go towards them.

When we were close to each other before I could say anything I saw the boy and the girl jumped and now they were on our ship stirring at us.

When I feel their eyes i thought ' Are we begin hunted instead of them'

Before I can say anything the pirates started speaking while laughing.

" Ha look at her perfect figure"

" I just want to fuck her"

"I can't stand I want to hold her in my arms"

This idiots.

The boy who was wearing a lion mask on face and wearing a jacket like shirt to hide his scar on his chest and long pants.

Looked angry when this pirates started speaking, he pointed his finger towards their shoulders and fired in continuous motion towards them.

I was confused first but after looking at the pirates.

" What the haha help"

" What's going on my shoulder"

"Who did this to us captain"

They were holding their shoulders and screaming like they were hit my some bullets looking shocked i looked towards the boy ' that action he did with his hand was like a gun could it be him' before I come to any conclusion I heard the girl speak.

" Thank you darling 💞"

" I don't like what they said about them if possible I wanted to kill them, but life is precious so I don't do it"

" Its ok 😊 I am very happy"

Hearing their conversation I know ' we Fucked up'

" Hey boy what did you do to them"

" Yes boy answer us "

" Or we will kill with of you hear"

Seeing them not talking the pirates pointed their gun towards both and started firing.

I wanted to stop them but it was to late.

And now at present where the girl has dodged all the pirates bullets and the pirates were stunned.

The girl moved again, moving very fast.

Coming to each pirate giving them some time punches in stomach or kicks on their balls.

Some pirates started aiming at her to shoot but she was fast.

The boy just stood there didn't do anything just watched the girl fight from the side.

Seeing this I was even more shocked than first time.

After some time all the younger brothers were knocked out only i was standing.

Seeing this I put my both hands in the air and said " I surrender plz don't beat me up"

Hearing this both of them looked towards me.

I was very scared.

" Are you the captain of this ship" the cat girl asked.

" Yes madam" I said quickly as not to get her upset with me.

" Lucky for you that you didn't say anything that you shouldn't say otherwise you will have ended up like them"

Hearing this now I was glad that the younger brothers didn't give me chance to speak.

' thanks brothers I will always remember you all'

" Yes madam we are very sorry " I said while bowing my head.

Seeing this the girl just entered by cabin and others rooms and our ship treasures house.

The boy just looked at me and warned by saying" Don't do human trafficking, don't kill innocent people and don't do something bad or if I hear or saw your deeds I will find you and end you"

I shivered when I heard this I keep nodding my head like chicken 🐔.

After some time the girl come out with our all treasure that we had on ship and asked.

" You didn't have problem of we take this back with us"

Hearing this I said "ofcourse not all is yours"

Hearing this two, one lion and one cat jumped off the ship.

Keeping the treasure chest on their boat they started going away.

Looking at the boat who was sailing away " I survived no we all survived" I said while looking at others who were still knocked out cold.

Lion and cat ha now I remember them.

"The rumour started 1 month ago, if you see a boat and found out there is one girl with cat mask looking sexy and one boy wearing lion mask who looks handsome you should run away from them as far as possible if you can't run just give them all your money and treasures and don't say bad things about them if you say the girl will fight and beat you black and white"

'I am glad I don't say anything to them' i thought and started waking up the younger brothers.

Who are these two

One cat and one lion who are attacking pirates and looting their treasures for last one month.


The Marines are the seaborne military forces of the World Government, tasked with maritime law enforcement and naval warfare operations. They maintain a presence on all of the world's known seas, through countless branch offices; however, the vast majority of their forces are focused on the Grand Line, in which resides their base of operations, Marine Headquarters. Collectively, they stand as one of the Three Great Powers, alongside the Four Emperors and the Seven Warlords of the Sea, who were later replaced by the SSG.

Due to their actions and role, they are one of the major antagonist groups of the series overall.

The exact process of joining the Marines is unclear. It appears that one simply needs to ask to join and a ranking officer. Presumably, the base commander simply needs to approve the enlistment.

There are no enlistment restrictions regarding gender, while a majority of Marines are seen to be male, there is also a number of female Marines, including Tsuru, Gion, Hototogisu, Doll, Bluegrass, Hina, Kujaku, Tashigi, Hibari, Isuka and Bell-mère. There also seems to be no restriction based on nationality, one can even enlist if the base they are enlisting at is outside their homeland, as seen when Koby enlisted at the base in Shells Town. Regarding race, the vast majority of Marines are human, however they are known to also employ giants and members of the Longarm Tribe. After enlisting, all Marines are assigned a unit, post, Marine code, and photo ID.

Not all people who join the Marines do so willingly; Mother Carmel was a human trafficker who sold children from her orphanage to the government to be trained as Marines. Another example is Kaidou; the king of his homeland enlisted him in the Marines so that their kingdom could have a place at the Levely and because the kingdom itself could not handle him.

It is currently unknown if there is minimum age requirement for joining the Marines. Canonically, the youngest known person to enlist in the Marines is Koby, who joined at the age of sixteen. Non-canonically, the youngest known person to enlist is Zephyr, who joined at the age of fourteen. Notably, the orphans that Caramel had been planning to sell to the government all appeared to be under the age of ten.

The Marines try to make sure that no pirates infiltrate their ranks. The Marines at the 153rd Branch in Shells Town had initially wanted to perform a background check on Koby.However, some pirates, such as Vergo, manage to join without the Marines realizing.A former pirate may join the Marines if they undergo a trial and are pardoned for past crimes, such was the case for Jango. It is also possible for a pirate to become a Marine if they have the recommendation of a Marine officer.

The duty of the Marines is to maintain a law and order throughout the world and impose the will and might of the World Government. The main purpose of the Marines is bringing any criminal to justice, with a particular focus on capturing pirates and enforcing the law. Marines constantly patrol the seas and uphold the peace.

Amongst their duties is awarding bounty hunters the bounties for the head of a criminal. They tolerate bounty hunters as a method of making their jobs easier, but are known to go out bounty hunting themselves. Apprehended criminals who are brought in alive are handed over to be made an example of. The Marines are left to ensure the transportation of these criminals to prison and/or to their execution.

Higher ranking Marines (Admirals and the Fleet Admiral) are expected to be on call to lead the Marine forces into war. This may take the form of apprehending many criminals at once, protecting the World Nobles, or calling a Buster Call to tackle a situation. Vice Admirals are the ones who serve on the ships that the Admirals call out, and are tasked with carrying out the admirals' orders exactly.

Some high-ranking Marines are also involved in infiltrating notorious and/or dangerous pirate crews. The goals for infiltration may vary, from attempting to stop the intake of recruits to monitoring their activities. Also, high-ranking Marines may even be involved in the apprehension of notorious pirates and/or other criminals, to the extent that even an Admiral can be tasked to do the job, as seen when Admiral Fujitora was dispatched by Fleet Admiral Sakazuki to arrest Monkey D. Luffy and Trafalgar D. Water Law.

Only Rear Admirals and above are allowed to be in the presence of the Five Elders. Should a Five Elder use their transformation ability, commodores and Marines of lower rank are not allowed to look at them. The punishment for defying such an order is death.

The system of military rank in place for the Marines is fairly straightforward, where each rank is clearly outlined. The Marines can be divided into two basic categories: Officers and Enlisted. The officers hold a position of leadership while the enlisted carry out the officers' orders. A Marine force will usually consist of one or two officers and multiple enlisted soldiers.

Commanding Marines often work in pairs, with one superior officer and a second-in-command, or a subordinate who is of a lower rank. These partnerships may remain even during promotions, with both Marines advancing in rank together. In the pair, the higher ranked officer will give the orders to those under their command, while the other acts as an advisor or information gatherer while ensuring their partner's command is undertaken by the subordinates.

Higher ranking Marines are noticeably stronger than lower ranked ones; the Admirals in particular are known as the World Government's Ultimate Powerhouses. Officers and recruits stationed at Marine Headquarters are considered "super-elites". All ranks present from "Lieutenant" above are usually trained here, exceptions being those in command of other Marine bases, which includes Axe-Hand Morgan and Nezumi.

It appears that higher ranked Marine Officers have the authority to poach subordinates from Marine Officers of a lower rank, as seen when Vice Admiral Garp transferred Koby and Helmeppo to his command from Commander Ripper.

The ranks within the Marines from highest to lowest are as follows

Fleet Admiral.


Vice Admiral.

Rear Admiral.




Lieutenant Commander.


Lieutenant Junior grade.


Enlisted and Non Commissioned Officers.

Warrant Officer.

Master Chief Petty Officer.

Chief Petty Officer.

Petty Officer.

Seaman First Class.

Seaman Apprentice.

Seaman Recruit.

Chore Boy.

Special Ranks.

Inspector General.


The main problem within the Marines is their approach to Justice. There is little worry from the higher-ranked Marines as to how the Justice is carried out, so long as it is, leading those who truly support absolute justice to take questionable actions in carrying out their duties, in some cases, even causing more damage than the pirates they were trying to stop would have, sometimes deliberately. Examples include the destruction of Ohara and the decimation of Flevance.

As the main military force of the World Government, they are considered the key strategic development force in the World Government and are expected to obey orders from the upper echelon. Sometimes these orders are questionable; however, they are expected to carry them out no matter what, even if it means sacrificing allied Marines. Those who do not obey said orders will be punished with death.

The Marines were also aided by the Seven Warlords of the Sea, seven powerful pirates who had been pardoned by the government in exchange for their impressive combat prowess being at their beck and call. This is a severe act of hypocrisy, as the main practice of the Marines is to capture pirates. Several Marines, such as Aokiji, Akainu, Smoker, Sengoku, Kizaru, and Fujitora think of the Seven Warlords of the Sea as no more than pirates. In turn, the Seven Warlords of the Sea have no obligations to obey the Marines unless under the direct orders of the World Government itself. The Warlords also continue their pirate activities, with the Marines being unable to do anything about it.

One of the most questionable parts of their "Justice" is when it comes to slavery. Despite the practice supposedly being abolished years before, it is often shown that they just look the other way, especially when it comes to supporting the tyranny of the World Nobles, in which case it is even seen as a crime to free their slaves, even if the person is merely a child. Often, they are tasked in finding and retrieving the person to be a slave once again. The Marines have even purchased promising children from slave traders to be recruited and trained into soldiers.

Another part of the hypocrisy of the Marines is when it comes to their treatment of islands that are not affiliated with the World Government. By law, Marines are not allowed to aid unaffiliated islands, meaning they're not allowed take any actions against pirates present there. However, whenever any Marine sets foot on an island that is not affiliated with the World Government, they are no longer bound by usual laws. Therefore, they are basically allowed to do whatever they please and treat anyone on the island anyway they like, including murdering them should they feel like it. They even support the Celestial Dragons's atrocious Native Hunting Competition, where the World Nobles are free to massacre entire populations of people for sport, with the Marines preventing any possible survivors from escaping. In worse cases, corrupted Marines would sometimes invade unaffiliated islands for personal interests and attack defenseless citizens in a similar manner to pirates. Strangely, Marines can still arrest pirates on unaffiliated islands if they want to, as Admiral Ryokugyu had arrested Edward Weevil on Sphinx. However, as the Marines lack jurisdiction on unaffiliated islands, they could face resistance from the warriors on the island, more so if the pirates in question are liked by the populations.

*Captain Nezumi*

Captain Nezumi is a Marine captain of the 16th Branch in the East Blue.Highly corrupt, he covered up the vast majority of Arlong's actions in the Conomi Islands in exchange for bribe money.

For a time, Nezumi and his unit deliberately ignored the Arlong Pirates' tyranny over the Conomi Islands in exchange for monthly cash bribes. While Arlong took great pride in the arrangement and considered the Marines "honored guests" (even volunteering Hatchan as a private ferry for them), Nezumi always kept his time at Arlong Park to a careful minimum, partly because he found the Fish-Men unsettling.

*Nezumi Pov*

I was seting on the chair and on my desk was a file named lion and cat who are active and looting and beating pirates in last 1 month.

" What are these two brats trying to do"

As I picked up the file and started reading they were looting pirates I was angry 😡.

' they are taking my money'

But when I started reading I also find out that have the strength to bear pirates and loot from them.

I started sweeting.

' it's not good if they were only looting i can find them and ask for the tresures but if they have strength it is whole different thing.'

From grand line captain and from east sea captain there is different strength.

The grand line captain will have more strength than the east sea captain.

While I was thinking I heard knock on the door.

" Come in"

I saw Ensign coming in and saluting " captain Nezumi"

" Yes what is it"

" Captain its been one month we have to go to Arlong park to collect money 💰 🤑"

Hearing this I remember and smiled " it already been one month ha" I than looked at the Ensign " thx for the reminder I will increase your salary"

The Ensign was stunned first but smiled and said thank you captain "

What I am gonna do about this cat and lion.

' well they will not come in my area even if they come I can tell Arlong that fish man to handle them'

Thinking about the fish man I frowned.

' I have to tolerate that disgusting looking Animals again ha'

I keep the lion and cat file inside my desk drawer and while I was standing up I said to Ensign " let's go prepare a ship and take 20 soldiers and collect this month money"

" Yes captain"

' I hope I didn't meet this cat and lion person who ever they are'

I was thinking while walking towards the port.

*Nami and Atharva Pov*

Well the journey was not boring mainly because of pirates.

When we meet we will put our masks and either fight them or loot their tresures and give warning and again start going towards conomi island.

Mainly nami will fight the pirates and I will some time only fire some finger gun at pirates.

Otherwise I will only watch as nami fights them with here graceful moves and legs.

Just like this one month has passed while we keep looting pirates and nami fighting them.

We have collected many gold jewellery and money from various pirates.

After we looted another ship and beat some pirates and giving a warning,we were back on our two persons boat.

Looking at sea I asked nami " when we will get to conomi island"

I was keeping all treasure box in kitchen.

When I heard this I looked at map and said "In 10 days we will reach conomi island"

Due to the fighting with pirates and looting them we are back 10 days.

We should have reached by now.

" Ok Darling let speed up and see we can reach early"

Hearing this my heart was warm.

" Ok darling 💞 I will see we can get wind direction so our speed will increase"

" And remind me when we are 2 days away from conomi island"

I was confuse and asked " why"

" Will we need to make some plans" if i want to avoid bounty on my head I need to wear mask and decided on some plan.

Hearing this I understand and said "ok darling 💞"

Looking at claim sea my mood was nice.


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