
One Piece: The Utopian Fantasy

After Dying Mc Wakes Up Somewhere In One Piece World And Starts His Journey To Find the truth....

OtakuReverence · Anime und Comics
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1 Chs

1: The Start...

(Not Edited....)

The divine fruit, a fruit that originally came from the divine goddess and her people. But was destroyed and split apart across the universe after their death.

after this fact, there isn't anything else known about the fruit aside from its terrifying abilities… how did this fruit come to be? Who were the anomalies? What were their objectives? Why did they do it? So many questions… very little answers which is why one fateful night a young man set out on a journey to search for these answers… but sadly as soon as his adventure started… it ended as he was killed by some random mafia that for some reason had a grudge on him.

Somewhere in a endless void you can hear a sound of a man complaining about shouting out suit without caring

"I Fucking hate the damn world, I mean wtf did I do to get killed like wtf, just cause I kicked their boss in the balls doesn't mean they have to get all grudge or anything! In fact they should be happy to be kicked by thy lord, damn mortals don't even know how to respect the god of handsomeness!" With a snort the man narcissistically goes on a rant feeling disrespected

"Haiz… but anyways this place is depressing… ima go to sleep… maybe then I could make this better for myself.." and with a smile he slowly closes his eyes thinking and going over his life slowly reflecting on it

And with that he slept for a few years until he felt he felt a shine on his eyes, disrupted by the sudden light he quickly woke up but fell down instantly after as he felt an intolerable amount of pain throughout his whole body mainly stomach because of this with his natural instinct even with this amount of pain he with extreme struggle crawled towards the nearest Food he could find…

1minute Passed… 10minutes passed… 1hr passed…

after an hour He was exhausted in a near death state, as he couldn't handle the pain anymore… his body was there on the ground as insects and other impurities went inside his mouth but he couldn't do anything as his body was in a paralyzed Dead state until suddenly he felt something on his Hand, it was round, and had a mysterious feel around it, somehow Regaining his energy The mc Without hesitation Ate the fruit whole and swallowed it.

For a Moment He Felt Euphoric But that was only for a moment as right after that he started Throwing up black liquid… the black liquid slowly enveloped the area as it gave off a very disgusting smell the taste that was left in the mcs mouth was even worse as because of that he threw up even… this was a good thing and a bad thing for the mc.. good thing was all the bad things in his body was expelled but the bad thing was everything was kinda traumatizing for him…

The mc wanted to fall into a deep slumber but he couldn't as even though his mind was already very tired his body kept on destroying itself and repairing itself constantly the mc screamed in pain for his dear life but it fell on deaf ears as no one was around… after a few hours of screaming his voice let out and he stayed there getting pretty much tortured for the next few days… until finally it stopped…

The mc was happy, relieved and most of all mentally drained so he fell into a deep slumber for the next few Weeks...


3weeks later…

Opening my eyes I look around my surroundings trying my best to figure out where I was at… but as you might've guessed I didn't figure it out.

The surrounding area around me is what looked to be a rain forest mixed with a river stream.. strange… the air felt way more refreshing to breathe in and out, the trees were much bigger, the river was much more clear and The water inside it Tasted Great! The overall scenery looked like paradise… Except...One thing, On The area where I was unconscious there was a huge puddle of Disgusting black Liquid That smelled absolutely Sickening, Which made me wanna throw up even looking.

Anyways Right Now I'm hunting For Food Doing My Best to Find Edible Animals And Plants.

*Sniff Sniff*

After Waking Up My body Became Much more stronger and sensitive to things allowing to do many things.

*Fooo… shooo...*

Closing My eyes and taking in the Surrounding Air I find my First Target which is a deer and rush towards it


Launching at it I scare the deer making it try Flee but to no avail as I'm way faster than it

"Hehehehe… Come to papa!"

With that I get near the dear Putting up a grappling motion And Twist its Head Apart Causing lots of blood to flood out of it.

I then Take away the Deer Into My hideout while along the way acquire many spices to flavor my deer.


After getting to his Hideout Kaiser Starts with Chopping Down The Deer meat He then seasons it Then Started to Roast it…

After Eating Kaiser Started to train…

*Fooo… Shooo…*

"The air is so damn nice here… it always gives me such a refreshing feeling… The Quality of the meat is also wonderful… Anyways… Nice Things always come to an end… so before that Can Happen… I guess I'll train.." and with that he starts training ruthlessly

In the process of training He noticed how high his healing Factor was seeing as his Healing factor was high Kaiser Started to abuse it, Doing An Amount of training Any Normal Person Of that world wouldn't even be able to dream of.

After a Session Of Masochi- Ahem Training Kaiser Went to the surrounding area killing all the things that could be even the slightest problem to him, and so after double checking one more time he goes back to his hideout and falls into a deep rest/slumber.


The next day

After waking up Kaiser felt a strange pulse of energy go through his body

Deciding to test it out Kaiser goes to the nearest flat land area.


He propelled himself to the location of the flat land area

Getting their Kaiser closed his eyes trying to find the weird energy he felt when he first woke up..

*Fooo... Shoooo....*

Breathing in and out He finally Felt the energy Rushing In every fraction of his being and as if instinctual Kaiser Drew the energy out of his Body not being able to control properly unintentionally released an extreme amount of pressure on the Surroundings causing deep cracks on the surfaces of the ground.

This is not The only thing that happened as the clouds started to surface in the sky and hurricane like winds started to tear the trees apart.

Kaiser as now is having a difficult time trying to control the inner turmoil of energy inside his body, his mind was going at lightning pace until finally... he thought of the best solution to his problem..

Kaiser POV

After waking up from my sleep I felt an energy surging throughout my body.

Wanting to know what it was I went to the nearest area to test it now.

Fortunately I was able to bring out the power but unfortunately I wasn't able to control it...

I tried to find a solution from my problem as I could feel the amount of damage to the environment this was causing

So with no choice I decided to gather all the built up energy inside me and release it all at once.

Slowly opening my eyes I could see the cloudy sky with with rain and thunder as it strikes downward towards the sea and land, the surface of the ground cracking from pressure... and the violent winds as it destroys the tree and uses the destroyed trees as projectiles destroying the natural environment.

Breathing in and out.. I focused all my energy in my hands bringing them together and decided to do something I always wanted to do in my childhood.

"KA! ME! HA! ME! HAA!!"

POV end

Chapters still not edited... but theirs more words so... yeah...