
One Piece: The Rising Tide

No Harem, No System, No Op Protagonist Caspian Maverick lived his entire life bound to a wheelchair, but he didn’t let that stop him from sailing the world, or from getting a masters degree in engineering. He never resented his lot in life and did his best to make the most of his circumstances. After dying in a violent storm while at sea he was lucky enough to be granted an audience with an Elder God. This is where Caspian was given the opportunity of a lifetime; a second chance at life in another world. Not only was he given his legs back, but he was given abilities beyond his wildest dreams and the chance to explore a world 10 times the size of earth. With his knowledge of the future and the gifts he was bestowed, Caspian may just take the world of One Piece by Storm. The MC will grow to be quite powerful as the story progresses, but he’ll never be able to one shot an Emperor, or curb stomp an Admiral. This isn’t that kind of story. His power may give him an edge against most Devil Fruit users, but it’s not like he can strait up cancel their abilities. And as stated recently in the One Piece Manga by Kaido, powers alone can’t help one conquer the sea. In other words, I’ll do my best to make his abilities fit into the world of One Piece without messing up the power balance. He also won’t be following Luffy, Ace or Sabo. He will form his own crew and be an adventurer. I do not own the cover photo. I found it at Http://amarevia.deviant art.com If the creator would like me to take it down I will.

Professor_Zzyzx · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Garbage Day part 1

Connected to the entrance of my underwater cave, situated beneath the bedrock of the island itself, is a system of tunnel's I created. It's something I started when I first arrived in this world. But back then it was merely my way of training underwater.

I spent time learning to better control the waves around me until it felt like second nature. While underwater I would launch attacks against the bedrock beneath the island. Practicing my power and speed as well as my control. I'd even strike at the stone with my bare hands and feet.

That's how I learned how brittle a certain area beneath the island was. With a single punch I ended up with a hole three times the size of my body. That's when I had an idea. Inspired by one Andy Dufresne from the Shaw Shank Redemption. I was going to create a tunnel. Only instead of tunnelling out of prison, I was going to tunnel under the Goa Kingdom.

Carefully. Methodically. Using supports where necessary and retreating when needed. I planned every step of the way and over the last six months, whenever I had free time, that's what I was doing. Thankfully the Grey terminal was full of material I could use to form the support beams and keep it from collapsing.

It took time and lots of effort. But I wasn't lacking in either. I used the sea itself to carve away at the rock, slowly tunnelling below the Kingdom itself. Creating a single large tunnel that leads directly under the Royal Palace.

I couldn't help but laugh as I thought about it all. In fact it made me want to rhyme.

"Twas the morn of departure and all through the town, not a noble was stirring, not even the crown." I sang out joyously as I sat within the shade of a rather posh looking mansion. The shadows perfectly obscuring the hole in the ground next to me.

With everyone gone down to greet the world nobles the capital is practically empty. Just inside the walls behind me is the royal palace of the Goa Kingom. A place supposedly known as the most beautiful in all the East Blue, renowned for possessing not even a spec of dirt. I shook my head at the mere thought of such a blatant lie.

"Life is like a sewer. You get back what you put in. Now I think it's time you realized that." I said menacingly, thinking about the reason I came here.

Sitting just behind me, right next to the hole connecting to my underground tunnel system, is a large leather sack containing gold, jewels and anything else of value that caught my eye.

'I can't believe how lax things are in here. The guards all patrol outside city limits and on the walls to prevent people from coming in. But there's hardly a single guard actually in the capital. I literally robbed them blind.' I thought with a snide laugh.

Maybe they have guards inside in the royal palace, but I dug beneath it so It makes sense I wouldn't come across them. All the noble houses were similarly easy pickings as well. I slipped in like the Grinch and took everything that wasn't bolted down or nailed to a wall. With so few people around it was like taking candy from a sleeping baby on halloween.

Of course I didn't go looking for secret safes or hidden stashes. I simply didn't care to. Besides all these houses smell terrible. They fill the halls of their homes with perfume and scented candles to such an overwhelming degree it should be illegal. Even now I can smell it on my clothes. The damn scent's clinging to me even after I soaked myself in water trying to wash it off. Then again I stole these clothes from some Nobles wardrobe, so it's my own fault.

They look pretty good on me though. Blue has always been my colour. Turning my mind away from useless thoughts, I refocused my attention to the water rising up from beneath the ground and flowing through the underground network.

I brought all this with me on my way here. Dragging it all the way from the sea. The only issue was flooding my workshop. But I moved everything of value so it's no big loss. Even now I can feel the waters coursing through the earth, beneath my feet heading towards me at this very moment.

If it was only a large amount of water it wouldn't be a problem at all. But it's so much more than that. A malicious grin spread across my face as I placed my hands on the ground and closed my eyes to better control the flow of water beneath me.

"You reap what you sow! Now, time to make it rain!" I said resolutely, my eyes rolling back in my head as my consciousness merged with the waters below. Last night, when I realized I couldn't sleep, I decided to summoned a large wave and sweep it through the remains of the Grey terminal. Clearing out all the truly foul smelling garbage and putting it as close to the capital as I could. I used the massive flood to collect all the left over burnt garbage from the fire.

Now here is where my plan comes in. Just before I swam into the tunnel I created. I had gathered an even larger wave and dragged all the burnt trash into the sea. Throwing it right in front of the tunnels opening. Then I did what any sane man would do in my situation.

I gathered up that sea of trash, cleaning the surrounding ocean entirely before sending stuffing every last scrap into the underground network and sending that river of filth straight towards the cleanest of the so called cleanest place in the East Blue.

Now that all the garbage has pooled itself beneath the city I'm ready for the final step. Leaping up I cleared thirty feet with ease, even without the use of my wings. Landing on a rather posh looking mansion next to the royal palace I guaranteed myself the best seat in the house. From here I can see all the holes in the ground I created in specific locations by smashing through to the aqua ducts built beneath the city. Once my tunnel had connected to their sewer system I was ready for the next step.

After placing all my stolen loot in a safe spot behind me I returned my focus to the sea and the waters coursing beneath the kingdoms capital. Then I waited.

I only needed to wait a few minutes before the entourage of the Celestial Dragons arrived with the Royal Family of the Goa Kingdom walking behind them with their heads held down and fear in their eyes.

'They're not what you expected huh? They look at you the way you look at the people you tried to burn. Besides, I bet it's hard to make a good impression when your city smells like burning trash heap.' I thought snidely before readying myself. It's time to put on a show.

Closing my eyes I raised my arms high into the air as if conducting an orchestra.

"It is to madame justice that I dedicate this concerto, In honour of the holiday she seems to have taken from these parts. And in recognition of the imposture that stands in her stead." I stated resolutely, quoting an Idea while focussing on the sea of trash flowing towards me from below.

With a clench of my fists and a wave of my hands it began.

Summoning all my power, I called forth a torrent of more than 10,000 gallons of water. It coursed through the tunnel and pulled with it a mountain of garbage. I channeled all that liquid trash into the capitals sewer system from the connection point I made.

Within moments the water had spread through the entire Goa Kingdom. Without warning a massive water spout formed, spraying brunt debris across the city. Then another and another. Soon geysers of burt garbage and other refuse exploded from every one the holes I placed throughout the capital, leaving a permanent stain on the once white city. This is why I connected it to the sewer.

The disgusting water was far from clear, taking on a vile greyish-brown colour. The smell of it was even worse. It was impossible to see the bottom through all the miscellaneous debris. The force it took for me to launch all that trash into the air at once was a lot less than I expected. Allowing me added energy to manipulate the oncoming flood of sludge.

Twisting my hips and moving my hands to the right, I controlled the rising geysers to flow along the streets and into the houses. Screams arose from all over the capital, but the most glorious screams of all belong to the World Nobles and Goa Kingdoms royalty as they were swept up in the sea of trash.

As the raging flood began to slow I gathered the remaining water below the capital to create a bottle cap effect. Building up the pressure from the oncoming surge before forcing it to erupt in a forceful fountain that rose nearly a kilometre into the air, causing it to rain filth all over the entire city.

"That's what I'm talking about! Let's paint this whole town with trash!" I howled maniacally, pure joy radiating from the depths of my eyes.

The tsunami of filth continued as I put more and more focus into controlling its flow. Smashing it into buildings and dragging it through the streets. If anyone saw me they would think I was dancing. With every move of my body the water would move along with it.

Like a water bender I bent and shifted my body in tune with the flow of the waves. I ensured that every street corner and mansion was completely covered in it. Creating a literal tidal wave filled with more than 10 years worth of waste that drenched the once pristine town in a flood of endless fifth.

"Damn… that is potent ass smell… maybe connecting my tunnel to the sewers wasn't the best idea. It's making my eyes water, but it's so worth it." With my enhanced senses the smell was even worse. The collective stench of more than a thousand people built up and wafted through the air, creating an odour so foul even flies kept away.

I stood back to marvel at my handiwork as more than 5000 gallons of shit smelling foulness soaked it's way into every nook and cranny of the so called "high town".

Not bad for a days work.