
Breakout in the North!

" Alright, you fools it's time to move out!" Terris exclaimed.

Having finally finished his preparations, Terris decided now was the time to take the Frost Kingdom.

" Alright, bout time!" Vyper exclaimed, he hopped up to his feet and jumped into the air and landed on his ship. For someone so frail looking, he certainly did have agility. " Come on boys! It's time to party baby!!!"

" Yeah!"

Long Horn rose from his seat. " They're a lively bunch. Guess, it's to be expected. After all, I'm feeling pretty excited myself." He said.

" Exactly." Terris stated. " That's the right attitude to have. If you aren't at least a little excited about the prospect of what we're about to do, then you're not a real pirate."

Long Horn grunted and walked onto his ship, and then, along with his crew, he set out.

" And what about you, Goenma? Are you not going to come?" Terris asked the man.

" No. I think I'll stay and watch our base."

" Very well. Beggers can't be choosers. Make sure to keep things safe, while we're away. We probably won't be back for awhile. And one more thing, when If things do go sideways, be ready to respond." Terris told the man.

" Of course." Goenma responded.

That stoic expression of Goenma's certainly did irritate Terris, but he would tolerate it. Again, for now. " Alright, then. Let's go everyone. We have a kingdom to conquer." Terris exclaimed.

And just like that the three pirate ships set out into the great waters of the North. Their destination? The Frozen mountainous island of the Frost Kingdom.

The ship's sailed for a total of three days of sailing to reach the Frost Kingdom's boundaries. Once there, they were immediately spotted by Jinshi and his crew, who had still been stationed far out from the Island. Simply waiting for the others to arrive.

" Jinshi! What are you doing out here?" Terris asked the man.

" Waiting. Isn't that pretty obvious?" Jinshi replied aggressively.

" Okay, waiting for what?" Terris specified.

" For all of you to get here. That's what. You've certainly been taking your sweet ass time. Meanwhile, I've been busy watching the island to make sure, no extra forces come in or out." Jinshi explained.

" I see, that's good. Are you planning on joining us then?" Terris asked once more.

" Sure. I'll lend you a helping hand. But only because, there's someone on this island that has piqued my interest."

" I see. Very well then. Let's allow our friend to go ahead and handle the first part of the plan." Terris stated.

" I doubt that'll be a good idea, Terris." Jinshi said to the man, making him look at him curiously.

" What did you do, Jinshi?" Terris asked. Knowing full well that Jinshi would not have said that unless he did something.

" Nothing, Terris. Just did a little scouting ahead of time by myself is all. And the people on this island, their guards, their protectors, they're ready for almost anything. Almost." Jinshi explained. " Besides, I prefer a more direct approach." He explained.

" So, I'm not gonna poison them?" Vyper asked.

" You are, and Jinshi you will not throw these plans off for anything. Do you understand?"

" What I understand is, that after I'm done with them, you're next." Jinshi had enough of Terris trying to order him around. He glared at the man, his bloodlust practically oozing off of him in droves.

" Fine. If you want to die so badly, I'll be more than happy to oblige." Terris told the man. " Vyper, go."

" Alright! it's party time baby!!!" Vyper shouted. He dropped down onto a small rowboat along with a few of his crew members and started making his way to towards the island.

The plan was simple Vyper, being a master of infiltration, would sneak onto the island with his crew and quickly poison the food and water supplies of the king's soldiers, along with the Marines who were stationed on the island at the time. A simple and easy concept.

Once they were done, Terris and the others would swoop in and systematically wipeout every last member of the enemy forces. With their combined might, it shouldn't take more than an hour to completely destroy all combative non-friendlies.

However, there was only one problem with that. As soon as Vyper began to draw close to the island his small ship suddenly came under cannon fire.

" What the hell?" Terris shouted. Terris' Den-Den Mushi started going off. He quickly reached into his pocket and answered it. It was Vyper.

" Terris, I'm being shot at!" Vyper shouted. " I don't know how! But they know I'm here! I need help now!"

" Damnit, Jinshi! What did you do?!" Terris turned and asked the man.

Jinshi looked at Terris and broke out into a maniacal laughter. He was pleased to see Terris practically seething. " Looks like we got no choice but to attack them now." Jinshi stated.

" Ugh! You bastard! Long Horn, go! Everyone go! Storm the island, destroy everything in your way if you have to. I don't care how, just make sure you we take this island!" Terris exclaimed. He turned beat red in the face and if it were not for the fact that he needed to prepare for the Marines, then Terris would certainly have tried to kill Jinshi. " You!" Terris spoke as he looked at Jinshi. " We will deal with this later. You better hope we don't lose this kingdom. Because if we do, I swear I am going to kill you."

Jinshi grinned. " Heh! You'll die trying." Jinshi told the man.

" Grrrrgh!" Terris growled. he turned and jumped from his ship. He needed to make it to the shore as fast as possible.

" Fire!" The Marines shouted from their stations on the island.

The Marine base on the island was placed right at the entrance to the island, meaning that they were the first line of defense. Normally this would spell doom for any pirate ship trying to approach, this time however, things were different.

" Captain! We have a problem sir." One of the Marines shouted to the captain of the base.

" What is it?"

" Sir, the pirates are attacking!'

" We know, soldier."

" No sir, you don't understand!"


" AGHHHHH!' The Marine was quickly crushed by a giant rock landing on him and the station.

The captain, luckily, managed to avoid getting hit by the giant boulder.

" Wha? What was that?" The captain asked. He grabbed the now deceased private's binoculars and looked out at the sea and then... He dropped them in shock.

" What... What is it sir?" Another Marine asked.

" Soldier, get on the Den-Den Mushi and transmit to all Marine's in the North, the Frost Kingdom is under attack by pirates."

" What, pirates sir?"

" The Mambas, the Raging Lions, the charging Rhino's, and the Terra Firma Pirates led by Island Smasher-Terris. Hurry!" The captain explained to the men.

" Right away, sir!" The Marine exclaimed. He jumped up from the ground and ran to get the Den-Den Mushi, while the remaining Marines started to gather their weapons.

" If you believe in a god, say your prayers men. Because tonight we go to meet him." The captain told the men. He was being honest. He did not see any way for all of them to escape with their lives. " To battle men! YAAAAAAAAAAH!"


Looking at the Marines on the shore, Terris growled like a mad man. Knowing full well, that there were now, more Marines on their way. Meaning that the amount of enemies they had to compete with had just gone up significantly. " I swear, I am going to tear him to bloody pieces!" Terris held out his hand and the ground on the beach started shaking violently and shortly after large boulders began forming from the earth.

The eater of the Earth-Earth Logia Fruit- Island Smasher Terris Firma. Captain of the Terra Firma pirates.

And there's the last chapter of the night. The Plans to take the North seemed to have been sped up, by an unruly member of the Pirate alliance. How will this turn out for the citizens of the Frost Kingdom? And will Markus and the rest of the Marines make it in time? Also, let me know how you feel about the Devil Fruits of the Pirate captains. The Horse Horse fruit- Model Rhinoceros, The Cat-Cat fruit- Model Mythical Black Lion. And the now the Earth-Earth Fruit. Let me know what you think about all that in the Comments below!!!!

TIll next time!