
Chapter 2:Meet Oden

After packing all my clothes,money and warp it under bigger kimono,i walk out of my hut and see all this years i stay here to train.

Goodbye my hut and it was lonely to stay here alone all this time and i slowly headed to the sea.

After walking for 3 hour i slowly see a beach ahead,as i make my way toward it i see the sea full view and i make me calm.I start looking for place to stay tonight and start building a tempotary hut and campfire near the sea.

After 2 hour gathering all wood and leaf,i start building a hut it take 1 hour to finish all this.After that i gonna catch some fish for dinner tonight,as i slowly closer to the sea i see my reflectio,A boy around 13 years old with long black hair with ponytail and red eyes,there still a baby fat around the cheek but my body is muscline like swimmer and handsome face with calm look,maybe because of my perk serene mind my look also look calm like shiba tatsuya in anime but with red eyes and long black hair.As i done with my look i go catch the fish and got 2 big one.

I slowly go back to my hut and start cook the fish,i make 1 of the fish to soup and 1 more grill it with the seasoning i buy at market.After i finish eat all the fish it already evening.

Lets practice sword before the night coming,after that i go to sleep in the hut.

In early morning,I slowly wake up and wash my face with my fresh water and got to morning practice,I start with martial art as my martial art already engraved in my body it was easy and same for the routine of swordmanship i now trying to master breath of all thing and my ryu swordmanship.

I stop my training as it already afternoon and go to bath at the sea and trying to find fish to eat.After finish eating my lunch i already start going to train again but my observation haki caught a lifeform nearby and it was a human.

I look at the direction and someone coming at me with long black green hair,orange kimino and sandal.As he came closer he look at me and i look at him as i sense his emotion and look it was dissapoint.Well there no way a people with kimono come from outside,

it looks like i meet oden faster than expected.

Kid what are you doing here alone,ask oden as he look at me.

Well i just bored and want to find challenge,i think the sea has lot stronger monster than the forest,i said with nonchalant.

Oden look at me as if he found new toy,

hahaha,that right this island is boring and i found it the same too.

My name is kozuki oden and i want to see the big world,said oden with confident.

Big world?sound enteresting,my is asahi ken an orphan and i want to find challange to become the strongest swordman,i said with confident look and smile.

Hahahaha,what good dream,how old are you?ask oden to my age.

This year i am 7 years old,i said with smile.

Oden look suprise and ask again about my age,are you really 7 years old?

Yes,last 2 month ago is my birthday.I born with strong body and my mother died because of it,i said with sad look.

Oh sorry about that,i thought you were 13 or 14 years old,said oden with sympathy look.

It okay,i already get over with it,i said with a smile and i look at his two sword.If its okay with you oden san can we spar?i said with battle intent.

Oden look at me curiosity,oh..okay i also dont have anything to do,said oden

As we in battle positions,i sheathed my sword,this sword i buy in market with cheap price.Oden also sheathed his two sword and we rush to each other,i coated my sword with armament as i dont want my sword break.Oden also coat his sword with armament or ryou in this wano country,as we slash each of us dont back down we continue fight that almost 30 minutes passed as we clash.we look at each other understand this is last clash we got into position,

Oden nittoryu:paradise waterfall,said oden as he rush to me

Ryu style chapter 6:flying dragon slash,i said as the image of dragon come alive as my sword goes.

As the clash happen about 30 second i got pushed down and was send flying,his sword and his rib bones got broken.

Hahahaha,i laugh as i got up and look at oden as he also laugh,It my first time i lose but i happy because the i can get stronger.I look at oden and said to him,oden san can we spar again later?

Oden look at me and laugh,hahaha its okay,you can challange me next time.

I look at oden and smile while at it i ask,oden san where can i get good sword,my sword just now was cheap sword i buy from market.

Oden got thinking for a while and said to me,

Well you a talented swordman so i will introducing you to good blacksmith.

Do you live here?said oden.

Well i just wandering looking for place to stay,i said to him.

So you dont have place to stay?came with let go to kuri,said oden walking away.

As we going to kuri we talked about lot thing about,well lot of it how to go to sea to see the world.as we arrive at the kuri lot of people greeting him as he said he was daimyo in kuri,i also meet with all 9 red scabbard.