Transferring into the body of a slave in the world of one piece isn't something anyone would wish. Watch(or read) how August goes through many trials and hardships in his quest to take down the world government.
"Hello...Thayne" I said with a thick tone of disgusted, disdain and anger. I was shivering, but not out of anxiety but from rage. All this forced out the natural anxiety my body felt seeing its abuser, it was time for payback.
"Son..." Was his reply.
"You call me your son? After all you did to him? To me?" I replied through gritted teeth. I wanted to just jump on him right now and rip his neck out with my teeth, but revenge like this should be prolonged, and I managed to force down the rage at the promise of this prolonged suffering.
"I'm sorry for what I did s-August, and I understand your anger, but i'm sorry," He said sincerely, and my face scrunched up in anger as the veins formed on my forehead.
"SORRY!? AFTER ALL THIS YOU SAY SORRY? YOU BEAT HIM EVERYDAY, AND MADE HIS LIFE A LIVING HELL, ALL TO SELL HIM AWAY LIKE A BROKEN TOY" The emotions slowly started seeping out my skin. My eye was twitching uncontrollably at this point, I couldn't hold it in anymore. I was going to kill this fucker 10, no 100 times over.
At once, all the pent up emotions were released, coming in the form of an indescribable pressure escaping my body. The massive burst of energy left my body, followed by a mighty
The house itself started shaking at the pressure, vases were knocked down, glass was cracked and the walls around the house creaked due to the power of the massive burst of energy that travelled throughout the house, indiscriminately damaging everything in its path.
"Huff...Huff...Huff...Conqueror's Haki" Thayne whimpered timidly as he scrambled away trying to get away from the source of it, me.
"I feel much better now...Thank you" I said to him sincerely. My mind felt so clear, it was almost euphoric this feeling, my mind was clear, free of all those pent up emotions clouding my judgement. I felt like I could think properly, and my body was tense but relaxed at the same time. I still felt the desire for revenge, but it was like everything became so much easier to see, I didn't see red anymore.
I walked closer to him, my menacing figure towering over his broken down form. If he wasn't a D, my newly awakened conqueror's haki would have knocked him unconscious, but he stayed conscious by the skin of his teeth.
He desperately tried to get away, but the fear kept his knees buckled, just like my knees when I arrived in this broken down body. Even in this situation I still had the mind to laugh, it was Irony at its cruellest, or should I say best?
Instead of making his way to the backdoor, he instead looked towards the box that fell on the floor during my outburst, and in one last desperate push of strength, made his way to it.
I raised my foot, slamming it down into the back of his head, making his head hit the floor with a crack. It momentarily incapacitated him, in that time I stepped over him, reaching for the box before looking inside.
It was...A devil fruit.
The fruit was grey in colour, and instead of the usual twirls or curls as patterns on the devil fruit, the shape of the pattern was something akin to damaged glass. [A/N: not the Tremor Tremor, read ahead]
I looked towards Thayne, who's bloody head looked up and his arm reached out desperately to try and get the fruit.
"Please..." He pleaded, but his words were wind as I completely ignored him.
"Thayne, what is this fruit?" I asked, inspecting the fruit.
"...It is a devil fruit"
I gave him a kick to the side, shattering a few of his ribs, making him grunt in pain.
"I know that retard, what is the specific name of the fruit?" I asked in an irritated tone, demanding an answer.
" the Shatter Shatter fruit" He said reluctantly, like it was a secret I shouldn't have known.
"Shatter?" I questioned, the words lingering on my lips. It was certainly one I had never heard of, but the word felt right, it gave me a good feeling.
He somehow managed to nod weakly at my question, "It allows the user to shatter things, I don't know much about it...but it seemed like a strong devil fruit"
"And why did you have a strong devil fruit? Did you find it by chance?" I inquired with a raised eyebrow
"No...I bought it"
"HAHA, now why would someone as pathetic as yourself by a devil fruit, don't tell me your planning on using it." I asked, and his silence was the answer I needed.
I knelt down next to him and violently dragged his hair upwards, making him face me.
"Why would you ever eat a devil fruit? You're weak, a drunk who took out their failures on their innocent child." I practically spat at him/
"I'm not that man anymore...It's not me. I wanted a devil fruit to be strong, to get revenge on the celestial dragons for killing your mother." He explained.
My eyes widened slightly, but not enough to be visible to him. This was new, I never knew how his mother died. In the grand scheme of things it was just another sin of the world nobles that they needed to be punished or.
"So let me get this straight, the celestials dragons took your wife, and you fell into sorrow, becoming a drunk and taking your anger out on your son, beating him daily until you sold him at a slave auction, something that is a trademark for the CELESTIAL DRAGONS. After this, you slowly got out of your drunken habits and began working to take down the celestial dragons?" I asked, and he nodded in affirmation, and by the look on his face I guess I made him realise how stupid how was.
"You truly are an idiot, A man never changes his nature. Once you fail to even scratch the world nobles with your pathetic strength, you will go back to your disgusting habit, and I can't let that happen. You are a vermin who needs to be exterminated from this world and be put in hell. But don't worry, soon the world nobles will join you where you can both fantasize about beating little kids before being punished for your sins."
"No, No! I have changed, I am a new man!" He denied, tears flowing out his eyes as his hands frantically flailed about, trying to grab the fruit.
"Pathetic..." Was all I said, then I took a bite into the fruit.
I swallowed down the piece of fruit, trying not to gag at the awful taste and swallowing. I placed the rest of the fruit on the ground and looked towards Thayne, whose desperate plea seemed like his last. A couple seconds later, and I felt the change in my body, I felt the power of the Shatter Shatter fruit waiting to be released for the first time.
It was hungry, and it wanted blood, and who was I to deny such a right?
"Does it work on humans?" I wondered. I looked at Thayne whose broken crumbled form was on the floor, covered in tears and blood now that the fruit was eaten. He was truly helpless, a fitting way to die.
"Let's try it out" I said as my hand reached forwards towards his face.
I left the house shortly after my shower, after all I didn't want to stand out being covered in blood and risk the Marines getting involved. My fruit was strong, but I hadn't developed it nearly enough for it to be considered a top tier fruit. I discovered my fruit worked on humans, however it was currently only strong enough to work on the muscles and skin of the victim. So while I caused Thayne a great deal of pain, twisting and tearing his muscles, it didn't kill him. That left me to finish him off with my bare hands, hence all the blood I had to clean.
At first glance, the fruit was good, it complimented my fighting style and if I developed it enough it had the potential to become one of the best. I wasn't stupid, despite only having the power for less than 1 hour I realised the potential it. If I developed this enough, one touch to a normal person would be enough to completely shatter their body and remove them from existence. Maybe I could shatter abstract things like space and time when I developed it to its fullest extent, the thought of it made me shudder.
I also awakened conqueror's haki, which was good and something Dragon would be glad about. I could make others bend to my will, and that's what I would do to anyone who tries to harm the innocent, celestial dragon be damned.
I felt satisfied with my revenge, but not as much as I thought it would be. Maybe if my father was still the same man he used to be I wouldn't take much more pleasure in it, he didn't even fight back and just grovelled in fear. He was delusional, believing he really changed despite all the atrocities he committed. Human nature cant be changed, let alone in the short span of a couple of years. He just distracted all of his flaws and problems with the silly dream he could get revenge on the world nobles. Once he realised his dream would never be achieved, he would fall back down into the pit of despair he was in and start his bad habits again.
I took one look back at the house, its appearance slightly dishevelled due to my powerful display earlier.
"Hope you're watching kid" I said in a melancholic tone.
I placed my palm on the ground, pushing my powers forwards as the ground broke and cracked. The cracks spread forward in a zigzag pattern ,and like a predator slowly creeped forwards to the house. The cracks then slowly enveloped the house, chunks of the building falling down one by one like dominos until it was nothing but a pile of rubble, forever to be forgotten by time.
"It's been a long day..."
So theres the devil fruit, hope you like it! The fruit wont nessacerily make him op straight away, the creativity of August is what will make the fruit shine, and with the mind of August the fruit will be strong, really strong in the future.