
One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Amazing cover made by Lord Valmar, who has somehow managed to make a great cover for all the books of mine that he's read :))) Huge thanks to him and his pp is humongous~! ___________________________________ Alexander Nikolia, is a person of many talents, a genius in the eyes of many. After a bizarre string of events, he ends up getting reincarnated into his favourite anime into the body of one of the most underutilized overpowered villains in the story. The world was bound to change in some way, whether that change is positive or not... That's up for interpretation really.

VeganMaster · Anime und Comics
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303 Chs

A Warlord's Crimes

_________ POV Narration_________

Doflamingo was pissed, to the point where he couldn't even find it within himself to calm down.

He had lost all contact with the Mammoth, and Jack the Draught, he wasn't stupid enough to not notice what had likely happened.

They were all dead, that blasted Rear Admiral had somehow managed to kill them all, not even leaving a trace of their bodies or the ship anywhere on the sea.

The Beast Pirates quickly started contacting him, as they all knew that Jack had been pursuing a bounty he put on someone before he had vanished.

So, Doflamingo was now stuck trying to placate the Beast Pirates, as they now partly blamed him for Jack's death.

It was a stretch for them to blame him, but he knew that the beast pirates didn't give a shit if it was him or someone else that had killed Jack, they wanted blood because one of their core members was killed.

Doflamingo had to pay a HUGE price to calm them down, one that was bound to put him behind a few years on his plans. And that made him angry. BEYOND anything that he had been before.

He had just ended the call with Queen, another one of the three stars of the Beast Pirates.

He and Queen had established the tax so that Doflamingo wasn't going to be attacked by the Beast Pirates and have his entire operation ruined.

Doflamingo even cracked his glasses in anger and he broke the throne inside his palace... Well, it was the palace of the Dressrosa Royal family, but it was being ruled by him now, so he didn't care.

Now, the former celestial dragon needed to blow off some steam. And unfortunately for her, Viola had walked into the room at the worst time possible.

Doflamingo didn't waste any time grabbing her hand and dragging her towards his chambers.

The woman somehow managed to break free, shouting in indignation. But the Warlord got even angrier, slapping her once, sending her to the floor, then grabbing her by the hair and dragging her anyway.

Viola shouted and struggled, some strands of her hair were being ripped out as Doflamingo dragged her across the floor.

Her long heels had been lost somewhere along the way, as she struggled with tears in her eyes.

Many times, she cried herself to sleep. She had lost her father, her older sister... Even her young niece was forced to be a gladiator in the arena to placate Doflamingo's boredom.

Deep down, she was hoping for someone to come, for something to happen, and for the man that had ruined her family to finally meet his end.

But she knew. No one was there to help her, she knew nothing would save her. It wasn't the first time Doflamingo was going to get away with taking advantage of her...

At least that's what she thought...

"Wow... What an odd courting method!" Doflamingo stopped in his tracks as cold sweat filled his back.

In front of the Warlord, the figure of a tall man appeared, swaying slightly as a marine coat flowed behind him. His long earlobes also swayed from side to side, as he used a grey-ish staff like a walking stick.

His hands were adorned by a set of golden gauntlets.

Doflamingo grit his teeth in anger when seeing him... He could recognize that look anywhere in the world... The main cause of all of his recent setbacks and problems.

"Enel..." Doflamingo said as he reflexively let go of Viola's hair. The woman finally was able to look freely at the person that had arrived in the room...

Her eyes widened with joy when she noticed that he was a marine... But a wave of disappointment soon washed over her when noticing that he was a Rear Admiral...

She knew that at least an Admiral was necessary to take someone like Doflamingo down.

'Maybe he can call for backup... I can't lose hope now, maybe he can help us!' She reasoned in her mind as she was about to open her mouth and ask him for help.

But Doflamingo's stare made her close her mouth shut, as she looked at the ground in fear. A person that could help her was here, but she was fearing for her life.

'There was no way a rear admiral will be able to protect me from hi-' Viola didn't even get to finish her thought, as she felt a coat around her shoulders, her eyes widened, as she hadn't even seen Enel move...

Yet he was at her side, and Doflamingo was currently a bit further away, the Warlord had felt a chill on his spine.

Doflamingo jumped away thinking that Enel was attacking him with his staff again, only to see the marine completely ignore him and put his coat around Viola, a princess of Dressrosa...

"You seemed to be shivering a bit... Are you cold?" Enel asked with a relaxed smile on his face. Viola quickly blushed at the sight. She then decided to check something...

She used her devil fruit the power that allowed her to be called an Insight Human to study Enel for a second, and her eyes widened at what she saw.

'This man... He is strong...' She had never seen someone with that much power hidden within them. Enel was by far, the strongest man she had laid her eyes upon. At least, he was capable of the most destruction.

If she was to put it into perspective... Then Doflamingo was a small star that showed itself at night, and Enel was more akin to the sun, completely outshining him in every aspect.

The best part was something else though... Within Enel she could feel a drive, a determination so powerful that it completely outshined Doflamingo's.

His mind was also completely empty of any perverse thoughts, despite her dishevelled appearance. She gulped a bit as a smile was making its way to her lips.

She felt a familiar emotion coming from him... Rage, a rage so grand that it made her shiver a bit. It was akin to a boiling sea of lava. And she could tell that all of it was directed at Doflamingo... And there was no speck of fear, not even the slightest inkling of uncertainty...

That confidence managed to get a rise out of her, as she started feeling something that she hadn't in a very long time... A strange sense of affection.

Enel's mind was a complicated one, that much was plain to tell.

But Viola also realised that there was another issue with this situation...

'Doflamingo is a warlord... Can he even be apprehended by the marines?' The thought made her a bit disheartened, but feeling Enel's rage and confidence made her believe that he'd at least protect her.

And maybe he'd also take her family away from the clutches of that mad Warlord! That would at least give them time to recuperate and hopefully take down Doflamingo eventually...

"What is the meaning of this, Rear Admiral Enel...? I was just about to have some fun with one of my subordinates... I don't see how this is of any concern to you." Doflamingo decided to address Enel formally, knowing that he had the upper hand in the situation due to his status.

"..." Enel didn't say anything, only letting out a small smile.

But Viola could tell, that the smile was merely a way for him to express his rage, it was nothing more than a misleading visage.

"Subordinate you say? Is that right?" Enel didn't bother listening to Doflamingo, instead, he looked at Viola, who was currently still sitting on the ground, with his coat around her.

She clutched the coat as she covered herself with it, hiding her smile underneath it for a second.

Doflamingo was angered by the fact that Enel ignored him, but he was still cautious, he already knew that Enel had a huge advantage in speed and that observation haki was also most likely his speciality.

"I... I'm not a pirate." Viola said as she slowly started standing up, making Doflamingo grit his teeth in anger, Enel could hear them crack at this point.

"I am Viola the second daughter of the Riku Family and one of the princesses of Dressrosa!" She stood up proudly, finally being able to speak out freely in front of the man that had oppressed her for so long.

Enel smiled at that, this time his smile was genuine, as he could feel Viola's confidence in him. He knew of her devil fruit powers, so he also knew that she could likely tell how powerful he was.

"Well... That addresses that!" Enel said as he started slowly spinning his staff.

Doflamingo scoffed at that. "So what if she is a princess?! Her royal family doesn't do anything for the marines, your superiors would never agree to this! They were dethroned 8 years ago and everyone on this island hates them!"

He was quick to try and use his position again... Problem is, he didn't really know the marines as well as he thought he did...

"Really now? Well, I better ask for their opinion then." Enel took a small Transponder Snail out of his pocket, he rang Sengoku's snail directly.

Doflamingo's eyes narrowed into slits as he quickly dashed towards Enel. He wasn't stupid enough to let Enel inform the marines of his crimes.

But his agitated state of mind didn't allow him to sense Enel's next movement.

A blackened staff hit him in the torso and sent him flying through the palace walls at breakneck speeds. Enel had only hit him half-heartedly, using only one arm as the other was still ringing Sengoku.

But he had applied Haki to his weapon, something that he had managed to do for the first time on his way to Dressrosa.

Viola's hair and the coat she was now wearing both flowed violently from the shockwave of that hit.

Her eyes widened as she saw that exchange happen, well she only saw the aftermath, as she couldn't even catch Enel's staff moving, and Doflamingo was seemingly sent flying by a violent gust of wind.

The princess was about to say something, but then she heard another voice.

"Sengoku's office, who is it?..." Someone had finally picked up the transponder snail, as Enel smiled a bit.

"Greetings! Rear Admiral Enel here, I've run into a bit of a situation here in Dressrosa..." Enel said as he twired one of his earlobes.

His observation was spread all across the island, he could feel Doflamingo's forces all gathering towards the palace due to the commotion, and Doflamingo himself seemed to be staring at the sky in confusion a few hundred meters away from the palace.

"Enel! This is Akainu. Glad that you are reporting from time to time, finally taking your duties as a marine seriously I see." Akainu had just happened to be in Sengoku's office when Enel called.

Sengoku himself was off to somewhere else, training in the courtyard with Garp most likely.

Admiral Akainu answered as he knew that only important matters were told to Sengoku, the type that were usually extremely urgent, so he just responded directly, as an Admiral he could at least deal with some matters in Sengoku's absence.

He also still didn't like Enel, but he also couldn't help but respect the Rear Admiral's willingness to face the Big Mom Pirates by himself. No one would have forced him to go on that mission if he had just refused it, yet he did it anyway.

That much warranted some amount of respect, even from someone like Akainu.

"Indeed... This is a rather serious matter, Admiral Akainu." Enel said as he could feel Doflamingo slowly getting up from the rubble, clutching his side as his subordinates all ran to support him.

Alarms rang throughout the city as soon as the palace walls fell.

Viola's eyes widened again as she realised that Enel was indeed speaking to an Admiral. At this point, she was starting to hope that Enel would be able to do more than save some members of her family... Maybe he truly was capable of bringing Doflmingo down.

"..." Akainu immediately noticed the seriousness in Enel's voice, this was the first time Enel had addressed him with his title while speaking in such a serious tone.

"Warlord Doflamingo has enslaved the former royal family of Dressrosa... I was able to catch him in the act, attacking one of the royalty...

As a Rear Admiral of the Marines, I ask for you Admiral Akainu, to expel Doflamingo from the Warlords... But regardless of that, he won't be alive to see today's sunset."

Enel said with a blank gaze. He turned his head to the side, feeling that Doflamingo was already making his way back to the palace with an angry scowl on his face.

At this point, Viola was almost bursting with joy, as she could feel the rage inside Enel rise when he said that last part...

"Enel..." The Rear Admiral smiled a bit when hearing that voice.

From the other side of the transponder snail, Enel could clearly hear the noise of Akainu's teeth clenching, almost cracking in anger, and magma bubbling.

"You are allowed to act... I will deal with any backlash that may come out of this..." Akainu was actually boiling with rage as well, and Enel could feel it.

"I won't make it there in time, that scum will definitely try to run... It's up to you to dispense justice upon him." With that Akainu hung up, as the Admiral shouted for Sengoku with an angry tone.

Enel didn't say anything, he simply turned around to Viola, who was looking at him with starry eyes at this point.

He simply handed her his snail, placing it gently in her palm with a smile spread on his lips.

"I'll be back in a bit... Princess Viola."Enel took a small bow and completely disappeared from the room.

Leaving only the eldest living princess of the Dressrosa kingdom in that room, with happy tears flowing from her eyes.


Hope you liked the chapter! I think I caught some type of flu, I've had a fever for the entire day yesterday :))

I wouldn't have been able to upload if I didn't have a chapter written in advance. Feeling a bit better today tho, so all's good

If u want to support me look up VeganMaster on Patre_on, you'd also get 10 chapters in advance (or 5 depending on tier)