
Dorry and Brogy

While they were traveling through the jungle, they encountered a lot of dinosaurs and plants that were supposed to be extinct already. "It seems that this island has a climate that mirrored the climate a long time ago. I think that's why there are dinosaurs and old plants that can exist here," said Alex as he looked at the plants that were growing on the island. "This damn island is pissing me off! It's so hot and there are a lot of insects!" Braga shouted as he kept kicking the air as there were a lot of insects. As they were discussing what they think is happening on the island, they felt the ground shaking and heard something coming towards them. When they saw what it was, they immediately ran away since the creature was a Tyrannosaurus Rex. "Oy oy oy, why is there a dinosaur chasing us." asked Braga and Robin replied calmly "Maybe it will eat us after tearing our bodies apart." Braga replied shouting "Oy Robin! Why are you so calm while saying that?!"

Alex was now tired of running and decided to attack and kill the beast using his assassination techniques and his two swords. "You damn beast! I will kill you right now!" as jumped from tree to tree while slicing the dinosaur from every direction. The group was amazed at their captain and decided to help him. Robin restrained the dinosaur's movements with her Devil Fruit powers while Franco spun his scythe and threw it at the dinosaur and it spun and sliced the dinosaur and like a boomerang, it went back to Franco's hand. "Oy Franco! When did you learn that? That was cool!" asked Alex as he saw what Franco did with his scythe and Franco replied, "A few days ago while I was practicing I thought that I could throw it hard enough and it would come back to me." Alex was amazed at his best friend's new skill and continued to fight the dinosaur. While Law and Braga were fighting the animals who were attracted by their noise and fighting. "Braga, can you stall them for a moment. I will prepare something to deal with them now." said Law as he prepared his attack while Braga nodded and continued attacking the beasts. Law then says "ROOM" as the familiar dome covered him, Braga, and the animals. Law told Braga to get out of the dome as he unsheathes his sword and slices the air and starts to move his hands and says "SHAMBLES" as the beasts' body parts were being mixed with the other beasts. After the beasts' were spinning, they were all knocked out and Law sheathed his sword, and Braga was annoyed as he said "Tch, damn fruit users always having it easy." Law smugly replied, "Well why don't you get one for yourself if you want one." then left Braga while he was shouting "Oy you bastard! Just wait when I get one I'll beat your ass with it." then followed Law who was walking towards their captain.

While they took care of the beasts, Alex and his group were just finishing up the Tyrannosaurus Rex as he, Robin, and Franco kept on attacking the dinosaur and also kept dodging the tail as it was very dangerous because the tail hits like a big rock. A few moments later, the dinosaur finally fell and the group slumped down tired as the fight with the dinosaur took a lot from their stamina. "Damn, good thing the dinosaurs only exist here. If there were any in our island, we would've been dead the day we went in the forest." said Alex as he laid down on the ground after the tiring fight. "I agree with you Captain, these dinosaurs are too strong for anyone in the East Blue. Good thing that they are in the Grandline." Robin agreed with them since she has not encountered these kinds of beasts in her travels.

As they were talking, Law and Braga met up with them and they started to talk about their experiences during their fights against the beasts. "Damn captain, these beasts are not normal! It was tiring to deal with them. I almo-OOF" said Braga as he was also laying down on the floor but was cut off by Law sitting on his stomach as he said, "Yeah yeah, we get you so shut up we are all tired." and they all relaxed for a moment but felt the ground shaking again and Braga said in a tired voice "Again, man we just took care of those beasts and another one comes again. We might not be able to deal with this." Alex said "Don't worry it's not a beast. It's just a giant." the group's eyes widened as Braga shouted "A giant?! Captain are you serious?! We are all gonna die!" then started to run away while Alex was holding his clothes while Braga was shouting "Let go of me! I don't want to die yet!" but Alex just told him "Calm down Braga, I think they are friendly." Braga froze in the air and turned around slowly to look at the giants who were staring at them. Braga then fainted due to the shock and the group and the giants laughed at him fainting. "Good day to you both, my name is Alex and these are my crew members Franco, Robin, Braga, and Law. May I know what your names are?" the giants were surprised at Alex's calmness while facing them as some people were could not take the pressure that is being emitted by giants. "Well little human, my name is Dorry the Blue Ogre and this is Brogy the Red Ogre and we are giants from Elbaf!" said Dorry as he introduced them both to Alex and his group. "Why are you both here Dorry?" asked Alex and Dorry replied "Well, we are having a duel for about ninety already and we actually don't know what we're dueling about GEGYAGYAGYAGYAGYAGYA!" Alex and his group were amazed at both of the giants as they were fighting for almost ninety years already and they were still going at it.

My novel will still follow the canon timeline, but since my OCs would be added there are more things that would change in the One Piece World. This novel is just a product of my ideas that I got while I was reading about One Piece.

Thank you for reading my novel. Please tell me what you think of the novel and what I can do to improve it.


If I made some mistakes you can put it in the comments below. Thank you again and enjoy!

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