
One Piece: Pink Dragon

An earthling dies and is reincarnated as Tanzo, a young marine, who was being held as a slave by human traffickers. Tanzo hears the leader of this human trafficking gang say that they are heading towards Punk Hazard. Through some series of events, he managed to get to the laboratory and find Vegapunk's artificial devil fruit. With his past as a marine, Tanzo wanted to return to the Navy, only to find out that he was labelled as a deserter and his family comitted suicide from all the humiliation. Since Tanzo's body was possessed by the earthling, he promised to take revenge for Tanzo.

komega · Anime und Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 18

Morgans said "The fact that you are willing to listen tells a lot about your intelligence. Why don't we go inside my office and talk about this.

Tanzo was convinced and he followed Morgans back to his office. When Tanzo entered the office, everyone working there was both shocked and scared to see Tanzo in their office. He did become famous due to his devil fruit and his bounty, but that wasn't the only reason.

Morgans then took Tanzo to his personal office, which provided them some privacy. Tanzo sat down on a chair and said "Now tell me everything you know about that incident. If I catch you lying at any moment, your newspaper company will have to select a new president."

Morgans smiled hesitantly and said "This all started with my newly joined journalist who went behind my back to investigate about you. She found out about your capture and Bunzio framing you. She then wanted to learn more about you and started digging about your family. That's where things became weird. The world government sent Cipher Pol to stop her investigation.

Since I am also a journalist, I became interested in this and the more I looked into it, the more holes started appearing in the information we had. Your parents were maines, who came to the headquarters from a marine base in East Blue, but there is no information on your father before he arrived at the base. It was as if he just appeared out of thin hair.

We dug more into your father and after a long investigation, we found out that he was from Water 7. We also believe that he knew something he shouldn't and we believe that it is the reason behind him going missing. We also believe that it is the reason behind your mother and sister's death."

Tanzo thought about what Morgans just said and this justified a lot of things that happened in the past. Tanzo asked "What makes you think my mother and sister died due to some secret my father knew?"

Morgans replied "We are returning from the Marine headquarters after visiting your home. Usually, when someone dies in a house, no one tends to live there for a while, but it was occupied by a family. You also know that, to live in the headquarters, you should have a lot of achievements, but they were not famous at all.

I believe they are Cipher Pol agents doing something in your house. I think your mother and sister's death also had something to do with these agents."

Tanzo said in his head 'This makes a lot of sense. Mom isn't someone who would kill herself from humiliation. She didn't give rat shit about what anyone thought of her. As for my sister, she is just 17 and isn't brave enough to kill herself.

My father knew he was about to die, before he even left to investigate the missing ships. He might have noticed that someone was after his life. Also, I was framed by Bon Clay, an important member of Baroque works. Crocodile must have ordered him to do so, which might be an order from the world government.

Since he said my father was from Water 7, it might have something to do with Pluton. That is the only thing which is capable of making the world government get involved.'

Tanzo still didn't completely trust Morgans, because people tell a lot of things to save their lives in front of death. He now knew that he had to investigate their death and their past.

Tanzo then asked Morgans "This information is something that can get you killed. Why are you telling me all this? You could have just said something stupid to save your life."

Morgans replied "I am not doing this for free. As a journalist, I want to publish this news to everyone, but it isn't complete. You will obviously get to the bottom of this. At that time, I would like you to give the news to us so that the whole world will learn about you and your family."

Tanzo said "I want you to continue your investigation and inform me when you find something new. In return, when I get to the end of this incident, I will give you another news that will make the world government chase you like a mad dog. I don't want you writing anything else about me."

Morgans obviously didn't look like he liked the idea, but has to accept it because he knew that if he refused or tried to negotiate, Tanzo would kill him.

Tanzo then left the newspaper company headquarters and went to Shabondy Archipelago. When he arrived there, Hancock and Reiju were sitting on bicycles made of bubbles and were roaming around.

Tanzo went to them and Reiju asked "Why did it take so long? It should be over in seconds with your power."

Tanzo replied "We talked a little about something and I just found another goal to reach. Enough about that, what did you do till now?"

Tanzo, Reiju and Hancock had a blast in the amusement park on Shabondy Archipelago. It was Hancock's first time in an amusement park and she tried everything there, from rides to all the food.

They stayed back the night and went back to Amazon Lily the next morning. When they returned to Amazon Lily, Tanzo continued wearing the sea prism stone necklace and trained. He made sure to take it out when he was near Hancock, because she is also a devil fruit user.

The whole idea of training with a sea prism stone to get used to the weakening due to the sea prism stone. Tanzo had another reason for using it. He wanted to grow stronger and he believed that if you grow stronger in your weakened state, you will definitely see an increase in power in your normal state.

Tanzo didn't do much the whole day, spent his time with Reiju, and Hancock if she was there on the island, train, eat and have sex. This pretty much sums up his six months on Amazon Lily.

*After 6 months*

Tanzo, Reiju and Hancock, along with her kuja pirates, were standing on Rusukaina. Reiju and Hancock both shouted "Tanzo, however you look at this, it is still the stupidest thing anyone would do."

Hancock this time sided with Reiju and said "Yes, I know you are strong, but if you do this you will end up dying. Please think about this again."

They are worried because Tanzo decided it would be a good idea to enter the dangerous forest of Rusukaina with sea prism handcuffs. He wanted to train properly to increase his haki and resistance to the sea prism stone.

"See, this is what I meant by recklessness. You wouldn't do this if you still had your fear of death." Reiju said.

"Reiju, I have made up my mind and I will not be talked out of this. As for my safety, these handcuffs are not locked. I can get rid of them easily and escape. So, you don't have to be worried. I might be reckless, but not stupid." Tanzo reassured her and Reiju still wasn't convinced.

Reiju knew that she wouldn't be able to change his mind, so she gave up. Reiju walked to Tanzo, hugged him and looked into his eyes.

Reiju said "Do whatever you want, but remember that there are two people who are waiting for you to return. So, come back safely."

Tanzo nodded and kissed his wives goodbye. He waited for them to leave and when the ship was far enough from the island, he immediately fell to the ground. 'This is going to be more difficult than I thought.' Tanzo thought.

He was struggling to even stand on his feet due to the handcuffs. "I can't even make my body move. It feels like I was starved for a week and was wearing 100tons of weight." Tanzo said.

It took a while, but Tanzo somehow managed to stand up. His handcuffs had chains attached to them. The chains weren't connected to each other and were free at one end. He could swing his chains around and also use them as weapons.

He then took off the handcuffs because he still wasn't in his weakest form. Since he shrunk from a giant to a human size, his human size form is actually a stronger form of his giant form. So, he wanted to be in his weakest form before entering the forest.

He grew back to his giant form and wrapped the chains around his hands, locking them around his hands so that they don't fall off while fighting. He wanted bigger handcuffs, but they weren't available in the black market. So, he asked Marigold to get him handcuffs with even the chains made of sea prism stone. Usually, only the handcuffs are made of sea prism stone while the chain connecting them is normal metal.

His reason for turning back into his giant form isn't just to be in his weakest state. He has to maintain his human form every time, which also requires energy. With the sea prism stone weakening, he was scared that he would turn into a giant with the small handcuffs around his wrists. If that happened, he might lose his fists.

So, now in his giant form and sea prism stone chains around his hands, he walked towards the forest. It took all his energy just to move. His legs were wobbling and he looked like even wind was enough to push him down. He somehow managed to enter the forest.

This is where Luffy trained during the two year time skip. It is filled with huge animals that can easily kill an adult. Tanzo wore the handcuffs with confidence because of his exoskeleton. Sanji's exoskeleton was able to take a blow from Queen's weapon and not get a single scratch. He was confident that he wouldn't die immediately when fighting any animal.

He slowly headed towards a huge tree in the middle. Hancock mentioned that the tree was a safe spot and it will keep a lot of animals away. Tanzo had to constantly take the support of trees to walk.

"I am still not used to this. If I meet any strong animals now, I might die." Tanzo said.

As if God hated him, he heard a gorilla screaming. "Shit. A gorilla is going to be bad news in my current state." Tanzo said.

He looked around to find the source of the scream and found a huge gorilla to his right, staring at him. It was taller than Tanzo, who is 900 cm now. The size eliminated all plans of escaping without alerting it.

Tanzo had no other option, except to run, but that is also a difficult task now. He still tried running, which was at a walking pace. The gorilla obviously caught up to him and punched him in the back.

A normal sized gorilla itself can lift 800kgs. A giant gorilla in the world of One Piece was able to easily send Tanzo flying. He went crashing through many trees before he stopped after crashing into a boulder.

There was pain all over his body and it was painful to even move his hand, but the pain slowly started disappearing.

"Thanks King Kong. I now know that even the regeneration trait I genetically engineered is working." Tanzo said.

The ground trembled and he could feel the gorilla getting closer to him. He slowly got up and looked at the gorilla. Now that he got a proper look at the gorilla, he noticed that it had many scars on its body, one even on its face.

Seeing Tanzo get up, the gorilla immediately rushed at him and smashed his head into the boulder. Tanzo fell down again and the gorilla punched him multiple times everywhere.

'I should have listened when Reiju and Hancock were telling me this was a bad idea. Now I can't even move my arms to take out the handcuffs.' Tanzo said in his head.

The gorilla then raised both of its fists and hammered Tanzo in his gut. This causes the most damage. His insides were also injured, he lost his breath and spat out blood.

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