
24. Koushirou


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- I think we should split up again. - I said to Bobby when we got to Shiki Island and landed right in the middle of it, where there was only an endless field and not a single living soul.

Shiki Island is the largest island I have visited in this world, and has a total area equal to Denmark, which is really a lot for this world. Although, paradoxically, this skeleton is practically uninhabited and a little more than half a million people live here, scattered across two dozen villages and five large cities, which are controlled by some random royal family.

And although I have a map of this island, it is not particularly accurate, and I know the location of settlements only approximately.

All of the above will make the search for Eldoraggo Crew really difficult and long. Even my telepathy won't help much here, unless I'm lucky enough to accidentally run into someone who knows Eldoraggo's hideout.

It would be possible to use Shadowkhan, but since they do not know how to speak and even write (I checked), there will be little sense from them.

All that remains is the old and tried and true method of searching, and Bobby and I will have to personally visit all the villages and cities of the island to find at least some clues or rumors.

I don't really want to do it, but I don't have a choice. Either that, or do nothing and just wait for my luck to bring Eldoraggo to me. But since I want to finish this pirate as soon as possible, will have to be proactive.

- Okay, I understand. That way we can explore the island twice as fast as if we stayed together. - Bobby said with a sigh, not wanting to leave me again. Wow, how quickly she became attached to me...

- Then you go west with the Oracle, and explore the villages and cities on the other side of the island, and I will ride the Wingcycle to the east. At the same time, I will visit Shimotsuki Village. - I said as I left the Quinjet.

- Am I supposed to fly with her again? - Bobby asked indignantly, when an equally displeased and arrogant *HMPF* clearly agreed with Bobby was heard from the dashboard.

- Yes, and this is not discussed. - I said with a smile, starting to enjoy their squabbles little by little.

- Shall I take the Wingcycle? - Bobby pleaded.

- Not. You need to mend your relationship so get used to it that you will spend a lot of time alone. - I said with a grin.

- Grrr… - Bobby could only growl helplessly in anger, knowing she couldn't convince me.

Giving me a nasty look, Bobbie lifted the gangplank and went into the Quinjet, which soon took off into the air and headed for the nearest village, leaving me standing alone in the clearing.

- Oh, and why is it so difficult with them.... - muttered shaking my head, taking out my motorcycle.

Since the road was straight and more or less level, I could ride the Wingcycle normally with only the off-road wheels activated, while still developing a very decent speed, thanks to which I reached the nearest village in a matter of minutes.

It was a small village of only fifty houses, which looked a lot like Syrup Village. Even the architectural style was almost identical, which, as I understand it, very typical of the East Blue.

Since I did not want to waste time talking, I quickly checked the minds of all the inhabitants and, finding nothing about Eldoraggo and his team, went to the next village, which was hundreds of kilometers to the east.

After a few more hours and four villages where I couldn't find anything, I finally arrived at the east coast of Shiki Island, where Shimotsuki Village was located, which was truly one of a kind.

Unlike all the villages I visited today, Shimotsuki was built using Asian architecture, specifically Japanese, and even the atmosphere here was different from what I felt before. Well, I can only say what was expected, considering who created this village and the background of that person.

By the way, about this man. As I approached the outskirts of the village, a lone tree standing in front of which there were four gravestones carved with Shimotsuki Kozaburo, Shimotsuki Kana, Shimotsuki Miya, and Shimotsuki Kuina, respectively, caught my attention.

- Father, mother, wife and daughter, right? Koushirou has a cruel fate, can't say anything... - I involuntarily said, nevertheless visiting the grave of Koshiro's relatives.

Kozaburo was originally from the Wano Country and was an excellent blacksmith who created two swords of the Great Grade Meito class, Wado Ichimonji and Enma, ​​which is really worthy of respect, considering that there are only twenty one such swords in the world.

50 years ago, Kozaburo escaped from Wano, for reasons known to him alone, and life brought him to East Blue, to this island that he saved (obviously from pirates, there is no other way in this world) and settled in this place, where he founded a village named after his clan.

Judging by the gravestone, he met a girl named Kana, who became the mother of Koushirou. She died a long time ago, while Kozaburo died himself was only a few years ago, shortly before Kuina.

- Oh, just a few years too late. It's a shame. I would like to meet such a master... - I lamented, praying for the peace of this family. Unfortunately, it is not in my power to speak with the dead or bring them back to life… Until…

Next, I called the Wingcycle away and walked to the village, as I was really interested in visiting it, unlike the others. Walking past wooden Japanese houses, I noticed that almost all the residents are now lounging and relaxing, while children dressed in black tracksuits run around. Apparently the dojo students are in training.

After buying some fresh vegetables for Bobby from a nice old woman, and finding nothing else of interest, I went to the dojo, which was located on a small hill, a little away from the village itself.

As I approached the fence that surrounded the dojo, an eight-year-old boy jumped out in front of me and called out in a slightly hostile tone: - Who are you? What do you need in our dojo?

- I'm looking for Shimotsuki Koushirou. - I said calmly, looking at the boy, who seemed to be clearly much stronger than children of his age should be. They seem to be well trained here.

- Sensei? So you came to study? - the boy asked more friendly.

- You can say that. - I answered with a smile.

- Then I will take you to him. He must be in his house. - said the guy and led me inside, already without any alertness.

Passing by a long building, which housed the main dojo, where the children were now training to swing the sword, having recently returned from a run, we approached a small house in which, apparently, Koushirou lived alone.

- Sensei, I brought a guy who asked to meet with you. - the boy shouted loudly as he pushed open the shoji, the Japanese doors.

- Don't shout like that, Oko, I can hear you perfectly. Thanks, you can go. - calmly said a forty-six-year-old man, dressed in kimonos and wearing bicycle goggles. With them, he was strikingly reminiscent of an older version of Kuro…

- Okay, sensei. Till. - said Oko, and after saying goodbye to me, he ran away about his business.

- Sit down, young man. - Koushirou said, pointing to a seat in front of her at a very low table.

-Thanks. By the way, my name is Nemo. - I said and took off my boots, lifted me into the room and put my legs under me, sat down in a traditional Japanese pose. I think I will soon overdose on everything Japanese.

- As you already know, I'm Koshiro. So, for what reason did you want to see me? Did you come to study or challenge my dojo? - Koushirou asked as he poured out some tea for me.

- Studying, although rather, I came for advice. - I answered honestly, feeling disappointed inside.

As soon as Koushirou was in my telepathic detection zone, I immediately realized that he was not as strong as I thought. Yes, he is a master swordsman who has devoted his whole life to this, but this does not make him truly strong.

To use a comparison, he is an indoor flower who has spent his entire life in the dojo, swinging his sword and learning the way of the swordsman. He is more of a theorist than a practitioner, no matter how absurd it may sound.

Koushirou has never fought someone on the verge of life and death, overcoming his limits in order to surpass his opponent. Of course, Koushirou has experience in battle, but it will never cope with what the same Zoro went through to become stronger.

As a result, despite his vast knowledge and experience, Koshiro is not that strong, though he's the strongest person I've ever met, given that we're in the East Blue, that's not particularly impressive.

Also, Koushirou can't use Haki, so I immediately got into his mind and got all his knowledge. It appears that Kozaburo never revealed his origins and only taught Koushirou the basics of the Shimotsuki style of swordsmanship used by everyone in his clan.

Perhaps due to the fact that Koushirou himself is not particularly purposeful, and he was never interested in the world around him, Kozaburo decided not to let him in on his secrets and the secrets of this world, which in the end played a cruel joke on Kuina.

Koushirou truly believes that women can never become as strong as men just because he has never met truly strong women. He's just a frog at the bottom of a well, sad to say. Because of this, he fooled his daughter's head, who eventually committed suicide out of desperation. The fact that she fell down the stairs is just an excuse to protect Zoro.

To be honest, all the respect I had for this man evaporated almost instantly, although I can't help but acknowledge the tenacity with which he mastered the sword. Maybe I now have his knowledge, but this is nothing without experience, which must be gained by blood and sweat. And this is the experience I want to get from Koushirou. Even if in words.

- Advice? Interesting. I didn't think someone so strong needed this old man's advice. - Koushirou said with a smile, who was on his guard as he knew that he would not be able to defeat me in a pinch.

- Just because I'm strong doesn't mean I know everything. There are things I don't understand and it's not shameful to ask for help from someone who has more extensive experience. - I said with a smile, trying to show I don't have any bad intentions.

- Very wise words for someone your age. - Koushirou said with a kind smile as he drank some tea.

- Recently, I met a green-haired bounty hunter who told me about the sword master who taught him. - I lied to gain more confidence.

- Zoro? So he became a bounty hunter. I'm glad he's all right. I was worried when he suddenly disappeared. Koushirou said with relief.

- As far as I understand, he accidentally boarded a fishing boat, which took him to another island and he could not find his way back. Since then, he has been hunting for a living. - I told what I knew.

- Hahaha, yes, it looks like him. In that case, since you're Zoro's friend, I don't mind helping you. What advice did you need? - asked Koshiro sincerely, leaving your anxiety.

Still, when a strong person comes to you without an invitation, from whom you don't know what to expect, it's hard not to be wary.

- Recently, I found one sword. It appears to be an ancient relic, possibly from the Void Age. - Lying again, I took out the hilt of the Dark Saber, and handed it over to Koushirou, who figured it out himself and activated the light blade without prompting.

- Yes, I feel it. This sword has seen many battles and has been used in great warriors. This is a magnificent weapon, although it is undoubtedly dangerous. You are lucky to find him. - Koushirou said with a smile, exactly what I wanted to hear from the swordsman.

Not possessing Haki, Koshiro has something that is not understood by mere mortals, something that can be achieved by people who have devoted their whole lives to only one occupation, in this case the path of the sword. Sounds like as if from some Chinese novel, but there is no other way to explain the ability of an ordinary person to cut an entire mountain with his sword.

- Yes, I understand that very well. But I think you understand my problem. - I said, accepting the sword from Koshiro.

- For such a weapon, you need a special swordsmanship that will help you fully wield it. - Koushirou said calmly, nodding his head.

- Right. And just like that, with the form of combat for this sword, I had a problem. I myself have some experience in swordsmanship, but I am far from a real master and my knowledge and skills are not enough to solve this problem. I tried to fix it, but so far I have no progress and if it were not for my peculiarity, I would have already killed myself on this sword. - I said regretfully, showing my diamond form for a second.

- I understand. And you're asking for my help. Koushirou said, who is clearly not averse to taking on this problem.

- Right. I know that your specialty is katana, but I think with your experience, you can help me create at least the initial kata, which will help me get comfortable with the sword and feel more confident with it. Then I manage on my own, the main thing is that you will greatly simplify the initial stage for me. - I said honestly.

- Well, I don't mind helping you. It's an interesting task, and my swordsman pride won't stand if I can't do it. - Koushirou said enthusiastically.

- Thanks. As a thank you for your help, you can ask for anything. I'll do everything. - I said sincerely, knowing full well that Koshiro's help would shorten my lightsaber mastery by many months.

- Not worth it. But if you meet Zoro and he is in danger, I will be glad if you help him. - Koushiro said with a smile.

- No problem. - I said instantly, now a little remorseful for having thought badly of this man. Still, being a father is difficult and it's not for me to judge a person who has not coped with this role....

- In that case, let's go to the dojo. Show me what you can achieve with this sword, and then I will guide you. I already have a couple of ideas for your future style. - Quickly getting to his feet, said Koushirou.

'Looks like I came here for a reason...' - I thought as I followed my new sensei, who, figuratively speaking, was on fire with enthusiasm.