
17. Black Cat Pirates


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Iwas so engrossed in my new prize that I stayed up all night. I analyzed all of Nightwing's equipment and created at least two copies of the most useful items, like a rebreather and binoculars, and I created several hundred consumable gadgets, like smoke capsules in reserve.

When I decided that I would have enough for the near future, I put all these emergency items in inventory, and then decided to do something more interesting.

I tried to analyze my Element Guns and the fabricator even managed to find out their composition, but he does not have the necessary materials in stock, and I do not think that this world has them, so I will have to do without a spare pair.

Although, based on the received design, I was able to create an analogue of this weapon, with similar functionality, however, so far only in the form of a drawing. According to the plan, these weapons will not be as powerful as my pistols, and will only be able to fire one type of attack based on the energy from the Arc Reactor.

There will be a battery in the handle that will store energy for about ten attacks, very similar to shots from Iron Man's repulsors. And after the energy runs out, will have to load the weapon again. Fortunately, I have three Mini Arc Reactors at my disposal, so this is not such a problem.

It's not a lethal weapon, but rather a disabling one, although it all depends on the settings and the power of the shot, but I think it will be perfect for Bobby. This is far better than all the flint weapons from this world.

Although, I decided not to rush into it and for now, that he put aside the creation of this particular weapon in order to practice working with the fabricator. Such weapons can be extremely dangerous in the wrong hands, and with no experience in making such things, I could accidentally create a very dangerous bomb that would certainly not hurt me.

Plus, to be honest, I'm a bit apprehensive about building such high-tech weapons, as they could easily fall into the wrong hands. Unlike my guns, which cannot be stolen. This is the protective function of the lottery.

It's not in a hurry now, and there's no need to create such weapons, so I decided to create something simpler than Bobby can use now, without drawing too much attention and which, again, will be better than flintlocks. And my choice fell on the Glock 18.

This is an Austrian automatic pistol with a caliber of 9 mm, which is ubiquitous in the military and police around the world and this is the pistol used by Dick when he studied at the police academy and worked in the police, so he is very familiar to me.

Dick took it apart and cleaned it so many times during his studies that he perfectly memorized the size, weight and shape of each part of the gun, and since this can also be considered a skill, I gained this knowledge and was able to recreate the drawing of the gun on the fabricator's holographic projector.

Of course, it didn't work out the first time or even the tenth, but thanks to Dick's reflexes and the ease of use of the fabricator itself, I was still able to create the perfect blueprint for the Glock 18 C with a 33-round magazine. I thought that 17 rounds would not be enough, and since Bobby is an android, the increased weight of the gun will not interfere with her.

I had to suffer over the creation of small details and the muzzle, but if the Fabricator's testing system is to be believed, a pistol made to this design will function properly and should not explode in the hands. Fortunately….

After I confirmed the design, I turned on the fabricator print function and a couple of police pistols began to slowly appear. True, I could see the finished result only after sixteen hours.

And not because the Fabricator took so long to do his job, but because Bobby ordered me to go to bed.

Of course, I opposed this, because I wanted to once again observe the printing process, and I had other ideas, but no one began to listen to me. Bobby just picked me up and threw me into a cabin that the Oracle had blocked off. And when they just managed to cooperate...

Of course, I could break the door, but I didn't want to break my Quinjet, besides, I was really tired, so I went to sleep. And not because I was ordered to, okay? I just decided that it would be more rational if I sleep. And there is.

I woke up the next morning and after my first use of the Quinjet's shower and toilet (which turned out to be surprisingly comfortable, although there was little water left and I would have to fill the reservoir later), I was greeted by Bobby, who presented me with her first culinary masterpiece, in the form of an ordinary scrambled egg.

Not without concern, I still ate this dish, and it turned out to be quite tasty. There was a bit too much salt for my taste and I prefer it when the yolk is a little raw, but it's much better than anything I expected from a terminator. Now, I respect Skynet even more...

Obviously pleased with my praise, Bobbie went on to experiment with cooking, and I put on looser clothes (I still don't have to walk around in a Nightwing costume), returned to the fabricator, where two completely black pistols with long magazines were already ready.

Having quickly printed a dozen bullets, since Bobby had bought enough gunpowder, I asked the Oracle to slow down the flight and open the gangway.

After loading pistols, I stood on the edge and started firing into the air, remembering to activate the diamond form. Just in case...

Fortunately, no excesses happened, and the pistols worked properly. It turned out that they are even more powerful than those used by the police, but this is most likely due to the fact that I used better and much more expensive materials to create guns than usual. I still don't have mass production and I don't need to save ....

- Bobby. Come here, you can practice. There are no goals, but at least you can get used to your new weapon... - Although, you can shoot birds. - I said loudly calling an android girl.

- But the birds didn't do anything to me… Besides, I feel sorry for them. - Bobby said with an icy face as she picked up the pistols and a few more rounds of cartridges that the fabricator had managed to print.

- Well, if it's a pity, you can not shoot them. Either way, keep practicing. - I said, not even knowing how to react to such behavior from the terminator. If John Connor saw this, he would definitely have a heart attack...

The Glock is nice, it gives Bobby the ability to attack from a distance, which she can't achieve with her liquid metal abilities (unless she wants to lose a part of her body, of course), but this is not a very lethal weapon, especially in this world.

Ordinary extras may not be able to defend themselves against such weapons, but the same Tekkai will become an insurmountable barrier to nine-millimeter bullets. What can we say about Armament Haki and Devil Fruit Eaters who have mastered Haki.

As long as we're in the East Blue, this isn't much of a problem, but I figured it'd be a good idea to get ready to meet people like that right away so that Bobby has an extra trump card. Especially since I have something that will solve this problem...

Opening the Fabricator's siphon, I put the kairoseki shackles I received from Nelson inside. The inhabitants of this world with great difficulty can process this unusual metal, and only thanks to Vegapunk, new ways of using it appeared.

But my high-tech 3D printer can use this material just as easily as any other metals. Do not forget who created this machine.

The analyzer was even able to find out the composition of the sea stone, which turned out to be a natural alloy. Most of it is titanium. fused with obsidian (rapidly cooled lava) and several other metals.

Most likely, the obsidian was cooled with sea water, which is why kairoseki have such an effect on fruit eaters. The seastone also contains an unknown component which I believe is called Pyrobloin. If I'm not mistaken, it's used to create Island Clouds or Sea of ​​Clouds.

Deciding to check if the fabricator would do everything right, I put my Eskrima stick in the analyzer and, having received its blueprint, activated the printing of a copy completely created from kairosek. When everything was ready, I carefully examined it and did not notice any problems. At least it didn't fall apart in my hands.

Externally, the new stick differed only in a different color (the original is completely black, and dark gray from kairoseki) and the weight was much greater.

Also, the sea Escrima stick was clearly much stronger than the original. What's amazing is that the fabricator was able to replicate the electric shock built into the stick and the copy works exactly like the original.

Well, now I have a weapon against the fruiters. True, it will be necessary to check whether my new stick really affects them...

Unfortunately, kairoseki is not enough for a second stick, but I was able to create two full magazines (66 bullets) for Bobby's Glock, which was my original goal.

I saved material as I don't have any more, and only the core of the bullet is made of kairoseki, but I think this is enough to hurt the fruit eaters very much. I hope.

When I first used the siphon to fill the cartridge of the kairoseki fabricator, it dawned on me that this feature could be extremely useful to me. Taking out all the jewelry I had left, I threw them into the siphon, and the fabricator automatically divided everything into materials, and filled the appropriate cartridges.

Now I don't have to manually do this work. In addition, the fabricator does everything much better by completely disassembling jewelry into its component parts. I even received about three hundred grams of gold, which I could not mine on my own.

Having made a small ingot of gold at the fabricator, I immediately replenished my account in the lottery. I also decided not to waste all the remaining valuable materials and tried to restore them to their original state, without the use of gold, replacing them with silver, which was already in the fabricator (and, of course, as luck would have it, there was no gold in the fabricator's reserves, although even platinum was).

I'm certainly not a jeweler, but I think I managed to create some nice designs of simple jewelry that the fabricator printed quite quickly using all the precious materials that I recently added to it.

As a result, I got about thirty silver rings with precious stones, the same number of bracelets and several necklaces with large stones.

Thanks to the excellent print quality, despite the rather simple design, I think I can sell them for a decent price. Obviously better than selling the squalor that I leave after I pick out all the gold. Now, there will be no waste and everything will go to work to bring me more income. Recycling is awesome!

To be honest, I didn't think the Fabricator would be so useful. Since receiving it, the rules of the game have completely changed and my journey will be different. Still, the gold lottery knows how to choose prizes for me.

It remains to get something that can remove the curse of the devil fruit (so that I can eat the fruit without worrying about getting such a fatal weakness) and something that will help repair my items received from the lottery. Because if something serious happens to the Quinjet and I can't fix it (although thanks to the fabricator it will be easier than before), then it will be a real disaster for me. Well, Let's hope for the best...

But, it's still a pity that the fabricator can't create something large or magical in origin. I could use a second interdimensional ring. Although, I think I can try to disassemble the Wingcycle in parts and create a second one for Bobby.

When I finished toying with the Fabricator, finally creating a faux leather holster for Bobby's new pistols, the Oracle spoke: - [Captain, a small island has appeared on the horizon, to which a pirate ship is moored.]

- Judging by the flag, this is the ship of the Black Cat Pirates. - Bobby said as she examined the small flag two kilometers away with her robotic eyes.

- Black Cat? And what are they doing here? - I muttered, looking at the ship in the distance with my binoculars to make sure Bobbie was right.

- Wait a minute, how far to the Gecko Islands? - I asked, realized something.

- About one hundred and fifty kilometers. - Bobby answered, identifying the Oracle.

'Yeah, just like I thought. Given that it's only been a couple of months since Kuro's 'execution', he most likely only recently infiltrated the Kaya family. Apparently, just in case something went wrong and his true identity was revealed, he ordered his crew to be nearby so there would always be an escape route.' - I thought to myself.

- What are we going to do, Captain? - Bobby asked.

- Attack, of course. If I'm not mistaken, at least two members of this team, not counting Kuro, have a reward. It would be foolish to miss such an opportunity. - Shrugging, I said.

'Honestly, I didn't think that I could meet a team here, but a few million are not superfluous. Besides, I can give them all to Nelson. Although, and will have to wait until he gets to the island.' - I thought again, and then looked at my first mate.

- Bobby, it's time for you to show what you can do. This time, I won't interfere. You will fight alone. - Thinking for a bit, I said.

- That's right, Captain. - said Bobby, who really wanted to show herself.

- There should be about thirty people in the team, but they are all outright weaklings. Only the current captain Django can do something, and then only because of their hypnotic skills, which are unlikely to work for you, and two cat brothers, whose names I don't remember. - I said as I started briefing Bobby.

- You can use your new pistols on them, just don't waste your kairosek bullets. It is not necessary to kill them, but they must be disabled so that the Marines can retrieve them. - I ordered.

- I got it. & Bobby nodded seriously.

- Just as soon as you're done, search the ship and take whatever you find of value. - I finally said, just as we reached the ship and hovered right above it.

- Everything will be in the best possible way. Don't worry, captain. - Bobby said with anticipation as she pulled on her new pistol holster.

- Well, good luck. - I said with anticipation, wanting to see how the T-1000 would show itself in battle.

Nodding her head, Bobby, like me, jumped down onto the ship with the unsuspecting pirates now lounging on the deck.

One of the guys was especially unlucky, on whom Bobby did not land successfully, and right in the forbidden place. Rest in peace, dude...

Panic quickly set in on the ship and a crowd of men fell on Bobby, with whom the girl dealt with pretty quickly, knocked them out with shots in the legs. One bullet was enough for one person, as these guys immediately became incapacitated when they felt pain from a foreign object entering their body.

Soon Jango ran up to the noise, who tried to hypnotize Bobby, but as I thought, because of her robo-brain, hypnosis did not affect her in any way, which cannot be said about Jango himself, who immediately fell asleep. What an idiot... Now I understand Kuro's desire to get rid of these guys...

When Bobby neutralized all the extras, the brothers Sham and Buchi finally appeared (they introduced themselves loudly, so I remembered their names and even found out that they were both given a reward in 7'000'000), two ugly men who look like warrior cats and are the guards of the team's ship.

Appearing and seeing the deplorable state of their team, they began to break a comedy and pretend to be weak cowards who do not want to fight. This is their way of blunting the vigilance of a strong opponent. True, Bobby did not care about their performance and they deservedly received a bullet, when he tried to get close to her to cut her with his claws.

Bobby already thought that this was the end, but suddenly Jango woke up, who again used his hypnosis, but this time on his comrades. Awakening in them the instincts of a berserker, because of which the pirates gained enormous strength and completely forgot about the pain, Jango ordered to attack Bobby in a crowd, and he himself tried to escape.

Clearly surprised by this turn of events, Bobby managed to maintain her composure (as expected of a terminator) and, holstering her pistols, charged into close combat, turning her hands into blades.

Ignoring the bullets fired at her by the flint locks of the Black Cat Pirates, which could not do anything to her due to her special body, Bobby began her death dance, clearly inaccessible to the average person, which quickly put an end to all the pirates.

Of course they survived, but they all fainted from blood loss. Finally, Bobby caught up with Jango and simply beat him up when he tried to hypnotize him again.

- It was…weird, but cool. It's like I watched an anime series… - I muttered aloud, making an assessment of the battle that had taken place.

When Bobby was convinced that no one else was in a position to fight, she headed to the wardroom to collect all the valuables of the Black Cat Pirates, while the Oracle landed the Quinjet on the beach.

'It's good to be a captain. You can sit back while others do all the work…' - I thought with a smile as I relaxed in my chair, waiting for Bobby to finish the job so we could move on, after the former captain of these pirates.