
03. Three Tickets

Your prizes….

<Character Card: Nightwing>

<Vehicle: Avenger's Quinjet>

<Character Card: Emma Frost>

Thank you for participating!!! Cost of next lottery ticket: 1 kilo of gold.]


It took me a couple of minutes to recover after I saw my prizes. When the description said that all the prizes would be good, this was clearly not an exaggeration. And I can say with confidence that I got something really very worthwhile...

Okay, it's time to figure out what I got and I think it's worth starting with the simplest, namely vehicle. Quinjet, to be precise. Here is the description of my winnings:

< Avenger's Quinjet >

< Type: Vehicle>

< Origin: Marvel Cinematic Universe (Earth-199999)>

< Description: A jet aircraft designed by the Avengers to be used as a primary vehicle for traveling the world and eliminating threats such as HYDRA. >

< Capabilities: Equipped with VTOL and five turbojet engines powered by two miniature arc reactors installed by Tony Stark. The Quinjet can reach speeds of Mach 2.1 and reach altitudes of up to 12,000 kilometers. It has an autopilot function, a chameleon system camouflage, as well as built-in weapons in the form of two machine guns and two rocket launchers.>

To be honest, it's hard to imagine a more suitable vehicle for my situation. As I said earlier, Sixis Island is surrounded by rough currents, and I cannot leave it on a makeshift raft or boat. There have been attempts.

Therefore, I could only count on prizes from the lottery, and I got something that I did not even count on.

The Quinjet is an incredibly advanced and fast jet aircraft, and for this world, most of which is an endless ocean, where there are still no flying vehicles, and everyone still uses seagoing vessels, this jet is simply the best transport, which gives a huge advantage.

With the Quinjet, I will be able to travel the world much faster than anyone else, I will not be limited by the rules and conventions of navigation, and no one will be able to follow me and predict my future path. Undoubtedly this will still be useful to me.

And given that I don't understand anything about seafaring and navigation, this prize is even more suitable for me, especially for my solo trip. True, I don't know how to fly a jet, but I hope there is an instruction for it.

Unfortunately, the Quinjet itself can also give me problems, as it is too advanced and too different from what can be found in this world, and this may draw unnecessary attention to me from the Government or other powerful individuals like the Yonko.

We'll have to be careful and try to hide the Quinjet from everyone as long as possible. But, in my opinion, this minus is not so significant as to cover all the advantages of the Quinjet.

Moreover, the lottery provides inventory, which stores the prizes received in the wheel of fortune. True, I can't put anything but these prizes there, but the fact that I can always send the same Quinjet back and not have to leave it unattended is a definite plus.

To test how the inventory works, I tried calling my new transport. As soon as I wished it, after a small flash of light, a gray jet with a red pattern and the symbol of the Avengers on the wing appeared on the beach, directly in front of me. I must say, he looks very stylish.

Not noticing any problems, I touched it and sent it back to the lottery inventory again, and proceeded to check the most interesting.

As I understand it, 'Character Card' means that with this prize I get all the abilities, skills and knowledge of this character. That is, a template. In fact, I get everything from him except his personality, emotions and appearance.

When I assimilate a card, I am essentially absorb the essence of the character and become him. True, this also means that I will get not only its advantages, but also its weaknesses, but I think this is a tolerable price for such an opportunity. Especially considering whose cards I got.

< Richard «Dick» Grayson / Nightwing >

< Type: Character Card>

< Origin: DC Comics (Prime Earth)>

< Description: Richard John «Dick» Grayson is the adopted son of Bruce Wayne, better known as the vigilante Batman. Trained by the Dark Knight himself, Grayson eventually became Batman's sidekick, the original Robin. After outgrowing his role as Batman's sidekick, Grayson moved on to the role of Nightwing, an independent hero on par with his mentor.>

< Abilities: Having received personal training from Batman, which meant not only training the body, but also the training of the mind, Dick has the ultimate physical form for a person, masters several martial arts, has many skills to help in his heroic craft, has advanced knowledge in various fields and is one of the most persistent and brilliant crime fighters in the world. >

< Skills:

• Peak Human Condition - Through years of extensive and intense training, Dick has reached the peak of human perfection both mentally and physically;

• Genius level of Intelligence (includes photographic memory, multilingualism, knowledge in various scientific and technical disciplines, etc.);

• Master of Martial Arts - Grayson has mastered several martial arts after training with Batman, Richard Dragon, Wildcat and at the Bludhaven Police Academy. His fighting style emphasizes Aikido and Escrima. He is considered second only to Batman in combat skills;

• Acrobatics;

• Driving almost any land, air and underwater transport;

• Shooting from a firearm - despite his negative attitude towards firearms and unwillingness to use them in the fight against crime, Batman still taught his protégé the skills of firing a firearm. These skills came in handy for Dick when he joined the Bludhaven Police Department;

• Swordsmanship;

• Investigation (includes criminology, forensic science, interrogation and tracking) - Dick is a master detective second only to his mentor in skills;

• Espionage;

• Engineering Skills;

• Computer Hacking;

• Stealth - Dick is able to sneak into very high security locations without being detected. On occasion, he was even able to sneak up on Batman himself;

• Disguise - trained by Alfred Pennyworth, Dick knows the art of disguise and can hide his true identity by disguising himself as almost anyone;

• Throwing - Grayson can throw modified shurikens (Wingdings and Batarangs);

• Escapology (the Art of Escape)

• Intimidation - like his mentor, Dick knows how to cause fear in his enemies and use it to his advantage;

• Tactical Analysis - Dick is a capable tactician, thanks to his training with Batman. He is also able to read the body movements of others, allowing him to anticipate the actions of several armed opponents and even Bruce himself. >

< Equipment:

• Nightwing suit - Nightwing's suit is made from flame retardant Nomex material with a triple weave and Kevlar lining. The result is a strong yet flexible material that not only matches Dick's strength, speed and acrobatics, but is strong enough to withstand pistol shots and knife stabs. For greater security, thin armor plates are sewn into the suit, protecting the most vulnerable parts of the human body;

• Nightwing's Bracers - are an analogue of Batman's universal belt, bracers, in the secret compartments of which a set of Nightwing gadgets is hidden, including a stock of modified Batarangs, binoculars, a rebreather, a bat-claw, smoke capsules, a first-aid kit, stun grenades, master keys and much more;

• Escrima Sticks - Nightwing's personal weapon, which is two metal clubs that can be combined into the Staff of Bo. The sticks are modified and have the ability to emit charges of high voltage electricity.

• The Wingcycle - is an electric motorbike personally customized by Dick, based on the Batcycle.>

And my second purchase:

< Emma Grace Frost / White Queen >

< Type: Character Card >

< Origin : Marvel Comics (Earth - 616) >

< Description: Emma Frost is a powerful telepathic mutant born into a wealthy Boston merchant family. After separating from her family, she founded the financial empire Frost International and became the White Queen of the Hellfire Club. In this position, she also ran the Massachusetts Academy, a preparatory school that clandestinely housed young mutants that Frost trained for her own benefit.

Starting as an enemy of the X-Men and facing the New Mutants and New Warriors, she later had a tragic accident that changed her heart for the better, leading her to form a partnership with Charles Xavier. Putting her love of teaching to good use, but never afraid to cross the line of "morally correct," she became co-principal of the new Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, where she taught the latest generation of mutants, known as Generation X.

As a survivor of the Genosha genocide due to her newfound ability to transform her body into a nearly indestructible diamond, she became a valued member of the X-Men and one of the leaders of the mutant community at large. Currently sitting on the Quiet Council of the mutant nation of Krakoa, Frost also resumed the reign of the newly renamed Hellfire Trading Company, in charge of overseeing commercial transactions between mutants and humans.>

< Opportunities: Emma is a mutant, a representative of the next evolutionary stage of humanity, Homo Superior, each representative of which has different supernatural abilities.

Emma possesses telepathic abilities of the same caliber as Charles Xavier, in which she has an extremely high level of proficiency.

In addition, she is one of the few mutants that possesses a secondary mutation that allows Emma to transform her body into an organic diamond, giving her superhuman physical characteristics and immense durability .>

< Superpowers:

Telepathy - psionic ability to transmit and read thoughts, mind control, change perceptions and memories, projecting aggressive blasts of psionic energy, causing mental pain or loss of consciousness, astral projection, and much more. Emma is one of the most powerful and experienced telepaths in the world.

• Psionic Shield - Emma can place a psionic shield to protect her and other minds, making her immune or highly resistant to any/all psychic intrusions, including psychic or empathic powers, hypnosis, illusions, deception, etc;

• Telepathic and Mind Cloaking - Emma can telepathically mask her presence and the use of her powers from being detected by other people. This protection can also be extended to others. Telepathy cloaking is not perfect, and powerful telepathic mutants can notice and "see" this ability;

• Telepathic Illusions - Emma can create realistic psionic illusions and make people experience events that are not actually happening. These illusions can also be used to help others deal with pain or simply to surround them with a more pleasant environment;

• Absorb Information - Emma can quickly process and store information through mental transfer from another mind;

• Download Information - Emma can place large amounts of information in another's mind;

• Astral Projection - Emma can project her astral form from her body onto the astral or physical planes. On the physical plane, she can travel great distances in astral form;

• Power Inhibition - Emma can place "psychic inhibitors" into the minds of opponents to prevent them from using their superpowers;

• Pain Inducement - Emma can telepathically inflict mental pain on her opponents;

• Trauma Healing - Emma can erase a person's memories and heal psychic trauma with "psychic surgery", the ability to stimulate or weaken the pain and pleasure centers in a person's brain;

• Intuitive Multilingualism - Emma can intuitively translate and understand any language, but this does not apply to writing;

• Mind Control - the ability to control the thoughts and actions of others;

• Mind Link - Emma can develop a mental link with one person or a number of people.;

• Mental Paralysis - Emma can cause temporary mental or physical paralysis;

• Mental Sedation - Emma can telepathically "sedate" one's victims so that, if already rendered unconscious, they remain so for as long as a telepath continues to "sedate" them;

• Mind Alteration - Emma can change the minds of others by willpower, partially or completely changing their personality. It can also be used to implant subconscious thoughts such as an inexplicable aversion to certain words or ideas;

• Mental Amnesia - Emma can cause the loss of certain memories or complete amnesia in another person or group of people;

• Telepathic Detection - Emma can sense the presence of another person, mutant or not, within a two hundred meter radius from herself by perceiving the distinctive mental radiations emitted by such a being;

• Telepathic Tracking - Enhanced psionic senses enable Emma to track other sentient beings by their unique psionic emanations;

• Psionic Blasts - Emma can project Psionic force bolts or blast waves which can do damage on either a physical or mental level and which can affect a victim's mind so as to cause the victim pain or unconsciousness;

• Psionic Lightning - Emma can channel the ambient Psionic energy in the air through a target having a physical effect. >

< Organic Diamond Form - As a result of a secondary mutation, Frost has the ability to transform his body into a flexible organic diamond form. In many ways, this is similar to the shape of Colossus' organic steel.

She must transform all parts of her body, and cannot selectively transform certain areas, but she can remain in this form for a long time. If she passes out, Frost's body will automatically return to normal. This transformation also changes Frost's personality, causing her to become quite heartless and lose empathy for others. Emma does not have access to her telepathy in diamond form.

• Superhuman Physical Strength and Endurance - In diamond form, Frost's physical strength is increased to superhuman levels, and at her peak, she is able to lift roughly 2 tons, suggesting that the diamond form increases Frost's strength by more than ten times.

Also during the transformation, her muscles produce almost no fatigue toxins during physical activity, giving her almost limitless superhuman stamina, or at least until she is forced to return to her normal state;

• Superhuman Durability - Frost's diamond form makes her highly resistant to most forms of physical injury. She is able to withstand great impact force, such as repeated blows of superhuman strength, without injury.

She has withstood the optic blast of a young Cyclops, punches from the Hulk, and blasts from the Dreaming Celestial. Even though the Celestial's explosion broke her arm, it showed Emma's incredibly powerful upper limit of powers, as the Juggernaut-powered Colossus was hit by the same explosion and sent through the city with a hole in its chest.

Her body is also resistant to extreme temperatures, being able to withstand temperatures as low as -390° Fahrenheit or heat as high as approximately 7362° Fahrenheit before her form begins to melt. Frost is also self-sustaining during transformation, requiring neither food nor water;

• Mental Immunity - Emma has shown immunity to other telepathic powers in her diamond form, but in turn, she is unable to use her own telepathic abilities until she transforms back.

< Skills:

• Expert Technician - Emma Frost is highly skilled in engineering theory and electronics, and has learned how to create devices that can amplify psionic energy and use that energy for various effects;

• Financial and Economic Knowledge - Emma ran her own trading company for many years, and was also co-director of a school for mutants. And at the moment they are in charge of the finances of Krakoa, the nation of mutants;

• Self Defense Skills - Emma Frost the athlete is above average and has some training in hand-to-hand combat;

• Mastery of Astral Combat - Emma Frost is trained and excels in astral combat;

• Pilot Skills - Emma Frost has flying skills.>

< Weaknesses:

• While in his diamond form, Frost cannot access his telepathic abilities;

• Family immunity - Emma's telepathic abilities do not work and cannot affect the mind of her sisters and brother.>

To be honest, I am very glad that I got this particular combination. I think these two cards are the best I could get for my first lottery draw.

Nightwing's many skills in different areas will help me survive in this dangerous world and now I don't even need to learn how to fight. I think with Dick's fighting skills alone, I'll out-manage a lot of weak East Blue pirates, and now I won't lose to the first thug I meet.

In turn, Emma's super abilities will give me a very big advantage, especially against weak enemies. Thanks to the organic diamond form, I don't have to worry about my protection. There is hardly anyone in the East Blue who can damage Emma's organic diamond.

And coupled with Nightwing's combat skills, it's just a deadly combination, which will allow me to easily dominate my enemies. At least until I get to the Grand Line.

Although, I still shouldn't be so self-confident. I need to continue to be careful, after all, who knows what kind of monster I might stumble upon. Everything happens in life.

The shape of Emma's Organic Diamond, by the way, is very similar to the power of the Kira Kira no Mi (Twinkle-Twinkle Fruit) Devil Fruit that was eaten by Jozu, commander of the Whitebeard Pirates' third division.

And this makes me think that the form of a diamond is worth submitting, like my Devil Fruit. This ability is too useful and I'm going to abuse it, and I think it's better for everyone to think that I ate a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit called, for example, Daiya Daiya no Mi, which can be translated as Diamond-Diamond Fruit.

Rarely, but there are Devil Fruits, which give similar abilities, and I'll just say that the Kira Kira no Mi and the Daiya Daiya no Mi are exactly the case.

And all this, of course, I will do to hide the fact that I have a powerful telepathy, which will be my main trump card during my entire journey.

There is no point even talking about how useful the ability to manipulate the minds of other people and I will use it, even if I have to give a damn about all my moral principles. If I have to brainwash an overly arrogant Marine, I will do so without a twinge of conscience.

And although I'm almost 100% sure that the powers that be, thanks to the same advanced Haki, will be able to resist Emma's mental abilities, the rest of the majority will not be able to oppose anything to telepathy that came from another world.

True, I'll still try to hold myself back so as not to start relying on telepathy all the time. I promise myself that I will use all of Emma's psionic powers only as a last resort, when my life is on the line. And the rest of the time, telepathy will be just a tool for me, like any other superpower.

It turned out that my journey would be much easier than I thought. Although, now I have the feeling that all my prizes have been rigged to help me leave the island and secure the beginning of my journey. And I don't mind. I can only say thank for such a great fit.

The main thing now is not to relax completely and always remember that I am only a weak person and somewhere there are creatures capable of trampling me in a second.

So I should always be careful, not be impudent and not show anything extra that may attract unnecessary attention. As a last resort, telepathy is always helpful and I can erase the memory of all witnesses.

Well, anyway, my journey starts on a very good note and I am pleased with my prizes.

Okay, enough delaying this moment, it's time to finally use the character cards and get all the abilities, skills, knowledge and experience of the adopted son of Batman and the White Queen of the Hellfire Club.

I've dragged on too long. As soon as I wished to assimilate both cards, they appeared directly from the inventory and hovered in front of my chest, shimmering with rainbow colors. Along with this, a new holographic panel appeared:

[ of prizes….

<Character Card: Richard «Dick» Grayson / Nightwing> ....

<Character Card: Emma Frost / White Queen> …

Beginning of assimilation…




This is the last thing I saw before the darkness engulfed my mind, and I flew off to the land of Morpheus while my body and mind began to change.

That's all for now, the next chapter is likely on Wednesday.

Zeckyll11creators' thoughts